FDA declares war on tylenol.


Gold Member
Nov 26, 2013
The agency says it soon will withdraw approval for any of those medications containing more than 325 mg of acetaminophen. It also said that it is planning new regulatory action on over-the-counter acetaminophen, but did not give details.

Nowhere does there seem to be any mention of any new research that would lead anyone to believe that it's more dangerous than previously thought. I also have a big problem with their saying "no additional benefit that outweighs the added risks ." What makes them the arbiters of what outweighs what?

FDA warns against high-dose prescription acetaminophen
No, rather somebody sued the pharmaceutical company for their liver failure after digesting more than 4 g of acetaminophen per day.
well, to be actually fair, first and foremost the over the board tort reform is needed and then maybe FDA is not going to be required to issue this idiocy on the drugs which have been around more than 60 yeats ( it is not the first warning on a good, old, CHEAP and reliable drug)
Tylenol sucks. Doesn't work. I miss my advils, but no can do any more. Now, it is heating pads, hot showers and half a vicodin if it gets really bad.

The FDA tried to put a ban on...are ya ready for it?....TUMERIC. Why? Because they wanted to own it since it is good for many medicinal purposes. However, they failed. I don't remember where I heard this...just read it on the net when I was first exploring natural remedies for my RA.
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No, rather somebody sued the pharmaceutical company for their liver failure after digesting more than 4 g of acetaminophen per day.

Some idiots don't know the term MODERATION.

it is written on EVERY box and everybody even the neighbors dog know by nowadays that 4g of tylenol will cause liver failure.

It has been known for decades.
No, rather somebody sued the pharmaceutical company for their liver failure after digesting more than 4 g of acetaminophen per day.

Some idiots don't know the term MODERATION.

it is written on EVERY box and everybody even the neighbors dog know by nowadays that 4g of tylenol will cause liver failure.

It has been known for decades.
Yep. Personally? I don't use it.
acetaminophen is not a good ANALGESIC.

but it is great antiinflamatory agent and a perfect drug to get you going if you are having a cold and all those muscle pains and you need to go to work.

Obviously it is better to stay in bed, but it is not always possible.
acetaminophen is not a good ANALGESIC.

but it is great antiinflamatory agent and a perfect drug to get you going if you are having a cold and all those muscle pains and you need to go to work.

Obviously it is better to stay in bed, but it is not always possible.
I just deal with it and press on.

when I was a resident I would not be able to survive without a teraflu hot.

Now I can have a luxury of just taking a sick day when I am sick and stay in bed and drink tea with raspberry jam and lemon.

Raspberry ( with seeds) is a great anti-inflammatory folk medicine.

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