*FBI is No Good*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Certainly the top level of the FBI at the end of the Obama Administration was corrupt. Whether that can be presumed to flow down into the rank & file is speculative.

When [the fuck] is that Durham guy going to come up with the goods? Massive examples of criminality are already in the public domain. Known felons are prancing around spending millions and millions in book money, based largely on lying about their criminal escapades.
The CIA, DEA, FDA, EPA and any other alphabet agency you care to name are no good either. They are bloated and corrupt with too much power and not enough oversight.
:thankusmile: You took the words right out of my mouth, the FBI was always corrupt,look who was the founder,he was an evil monster,all those three letter alphabet n agency’s.are evil agencys:lmao:
You disagree with my assertion that the FBI is exactly like it was in the 1950’s. So let’s look at it shall we?

In 1964 Fred Cook wrote a book. It was called The FBI nobody knows. He exposed wiretaps that were illegal. Breaking and entering called Black Bag Jobs. Theft of material that the FBI wanted out of public hands. Planting of evidence.

How is that different than today?

We know the FBI collected blackmail information on prominent citizens and officials.

Yet today the FBI is way worse than their honorable past. Or something.

When the abuses were exposed. The FBI swore it would never happen again. The term Black Bag Jobs was purged. They were called FBI specials. The exact same abuses. The same illegal activities. The same criminals with badges. But with new terms.

When the FBI specials were exposed. The Congress decided these valiant agents needed legal cover and the FISA court was created.

The abuses we see today are not new. They are the same old thing that has been going on since Hoover created the FBI. The lies aren’t new. They are updated. But they are the same old crap.

It isn’t the leadership. It isn’t a handful of supervisors. It is the entire agency. The IG examined two dozen FISA warrant applications and found every one had serious problems. Lies and obfuscation were the least in every single one.

These were from more than one field office. So it isn’t even limited to one batch. It is the routine and daily misbehavior of the agents. All of them. Just as it was in the 1950’s.

Read Fred Cooks book. Or read some history. Or keep pretending that they used to be awesome and honorable. But don’t get angry that someone knows the truth.

Personally. I wouldn’t trust a cop if he said night was dark and day was light without proof.
You disagree with my assertion that the FBI is exactly like it was in the 1950’s. So let’s look at it shall we?

In 1964 Fred Cook wrote a book. It was called The FBI nobody knows. He exposed wiretaps that were illegal. Breaking and entering called Black Bag Jobs. Theft of material that the FBI wanted out of public hands. Planting of evidence.

How is that different than today?

We know the FBI collected blackmail information on prominent citizens and officials.

Yet today the FBI is way worse than their honorable past. Or something.

When the abuses were exposed. The FBI swore it would never happen again. The term Black Bag Jobs was purged. They were called FBI specials. The exact same abuses. The same illegal activities. The same criminals with badges. But with new terms.

When the FBI specials were exposed. The Congress decided these valiant agents needed legal cover and the FISA court was created.

The abuses we see today are not new. They are the same old thing that has been going on since Hoover created the FBI. The lies aren’t new. They are updated. But they are the same old crap.

It isn’t the leadership. It isn’t a handful of supervisors. It is the entire agency. The IG examined two dozen FISA warrant applications and found every one had serious problems. Lies and obfuscation were the least in every single one.

These were from more than one field office. So it isn’t even limited to one batch. It is the routine and daily misbehavior of the agents. All of them. Just as it was in the 1950’s.

Read Fred Cooks book. Or read some history. Or keep pretending that they used to be awesome and honorable. But don’t get angry that someone knows the truth.

Personally. I wouldn’t trust a cop if he said night was dark and day was light without proof.
I agree with most of your post, although, when you say "cop", do you mean agent? Regular police are quite different from the FBI.

Some police departments are undoubtedly corrupt, but a lot of them aren't.
You disagree with my assertion that the FBI is exactly like it was in the 1950’s. So let’s look at it shall we?

In 1964 Fred Cook wrote a book. It was called The FBI nobody knows. He exposed wiretaps that were illegal. Breaking and entering called Black Bag Jobs. Theft of material that the FBI wanted out of public hands. Planting of evidence.

How is that different than today?

We know the FBI collected blackmail information on prominent citizens and officials.

Yet today the FBI is way worse than their honorable past. Or something.

When the abuses were exposed. The FBI swore it would never happen again. The term Black Bag Jobs was purged. They were called FBI specials. The exact same abuses. The same illegal activities. The same criminals with badges. But with new terms.

When the FBI specials were exposed. The Congress decided these valiant agents needed legal cover and the FISA court was created.

The abuses we see today are not new. They are the same old thing that has been going on since Hoover created the FBI. The lies aren’t new. They are updated. But they are the same old crap.

It isn’t the leadership. It isn’t a handful of supervisors. It is the entire agency. The IG examined two dozen FISA warrant applications and found every one had serious problems. Lies and obfuscation were the least in every single one.

These were from more than one field office. So it isn’t even limited to one batch. It is the routine and daily misbehavior of the agents. All of them. Just as it was in the 1950’s.

Read Fred Cooks book. Or read some history. Or keep pretending that they used to be awesome and honorable. But don’t get angry that someone knows the truth.

Personally. I wouldn’t trust a cop if he said night was dark and day was light without proof.
I agree with most of your post, although, when you say "cop", do you mean agent? Regular police are quite different from the FBI.

Some police departments are undoubtedly corrupt, but a lot of them aren't.

Preposterous. Every department is corrupt. The cops lie all the time. From planting evidence to lying about justifications for a search. It happens all the time. Only we want to believe that they are good around us. If we live in the cities, we pretend it is a problem out there. Of course small town cops are corrupt. The handful of deputies follow the corrupt sheriff. If you are rural, of course those big city cops are crooks. It is always a problem for them, never us.

From the smallest department to the largest. Ritual or state. Federal agents and locals. Trust them at your own peril.
I agree with most of your post, although, when you say "cop", do you mean agent? Regular police are quite different from the FBI.

Some police departments are undoubtedly corrupt, but a lot of them aren't.

Preposterous. Every department is corrupt. The cops lie all the time. From planting evidence to lying about justifications for a search. It happens all the time. Only we want to believe that they are good around us. If we live in the cities, we pretend it is a problem out there. Of course small town cops are corrupt. The handful of deputies follow the corrupt sheriff. If you are rural, of course those big city cops are crooks. It is always a problem for them, never us.

From the smallest department to the largest. Ritual or state. Federal agents and locals. Trust them at your own peril.
You had a strong argument regarding the FBI. This one... not so much.
I agree with most of your post, although, when you say "cop", do you mean agent? Regular police are quite different from the FBI.

Some police departments are undoubtedly corrupt, but a lot of them aren't.

Preposterous. Every department is corrupt. The cops lie all the time. From planting evidence to lying about justifications for a search. It happens all the time. Only we want to believe that they are good around us. If we live in the cities, we pretend it is a problem out there. Of course small town cops are corrupt. The handful of deputies follow the corrupt sheriff. If you are rural, of course those big city cops are crooks. It is always a problem for them, never us.

From the smallest department to the largest. Ritual or state. Federal agents and locals. Trust them at your own peril.
You had a strong argument regarding the FBI. This one... not so much.

Nonsense. The same truth is applied equally. Help me out here. The cop caught planting evidence. He does so in front of other cops. If he is busted, a big if, the others who wrote reports backing him are never busted with him are they?

It doesn’t happen in a vacuum. It happens in full view of others. So let’s pretend it is five percent of the cops who are doing this. Wouldn’t they live in mortal fear of the 95% finding out? Wouldn’t that fear prevent them?

Republican Orange County California. A hundred cops were caught lying on evidence forms. Two were busted. Why were the other 98 given a pass. Their excuse? Nobody told them they were not supposed to lie on these reports.

It isn’t a Democrat problem. It isn’t a Republican problem. It isn’t a problem here or there. It is our problem. A problem we have. And we want to believe it isn’t a problem in our community. We have relatives, neighbors, friends, or just acquaintances who are cops. We don’t want to believe they are doing this. And even if they do, it is because they know the guy is bad. The ends justify the means.

We want to believe our cops wouldn’t do that.
This may explain a few things:

The FBI’s shameful recruitment of Nazi war criminals

A trove of recently declassified documents leads to several inescapable conclusions about the FBI’s role in protecting both proven and alleged Nazi war criminals in America. First, there can be no doubt that J. Edgar Hoover collected Nazis and Nazi collaborators like pennies from heaven. Unlike the military and its highly structured Operation Paperclip — with its specific targets, systematic falsification of visa applications, and creation of bogus biographies — Hoover had no organized program to find, vet, and recruit alleged Nazis and Nazi collaborators as confidential sources, informants, and unofficial spies in émigré communities around the country. America’s No. 1 crime buster was guided only by opportunism and moral indifference.

Each Nazi collaborator that his agents stumbled upon, or learned about from the CIA, was both a potential spy and a potential anticommunist leader. Once they were discovered, Hoover sought them out, used them, and protected them.

However shocking and reprehensible, Hoover’s use of alleged Nazis and Nazi collaborators is just a small part of the FBI story. To focus only on that dimension diverts attention away from a more important issue. In choosing to take the low moral ground, Hoover and the FBI betrayed the trust of Americans, living and dead. And in perpetrating a 50-year conspiracy of silence, the FBI shamed Americans and made them unwitting hypocrites in the eyes of the world. Most Americans find morally repugnant — if not criminal — the behavior of European citizens who cheered or merely stood by in silence while Nazis and Nazi collaborators dragged away their neighbors, looted their homes, shot them in the forest, or crammed them into boxcars heading east. How then must Americans judge the cadre of unelected, powerful men who welcomed some of those same murderers to America and helped them escape punishment in the name of national security?

Read more:

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The CIA, DEA, FDA, EPA and any other alphabet agency you care to name are no good either. They are bloated and corrupt with too much power and not enough oversight.

Biden is cleaning house of Dotard's corrupt regime, it does take a while.

You may want to lay off the smoke, if you believe that. :auiqs.jpg:

Sure, a guy that has been their for 47 years is cleaning house. What planet are you on?
Sorry bout that,

1. But the FBI isn't what it was of the 1950's.
2. Their path is not American, not even there to support American's.
3. They are doing more bad things all the time.
4. Are they too big to be shut down?
5. They need to have their plug totally pulled.
6. Then the house burnt down just to make sure.

They Have Betrayed the Constitution - Overwhelming Evidence of FBI Corruption (thegatewaypundit.com)


Want to do something about the blatent double standard? Report the FBI one sided politically biased labeling and prosecution of
"domestic terrorist" to Offices of Inspector General; law enforcement agencies internal affairs of the FBI. They refused to round up Resist and moveon org instigators that harrassed/terrorized and injured politicians and their families, outted their addresses with instructions to terrorize and organized and incited terrorist activities. They never arrested the head of Resist Ashley Kroetsch (former Obama activist), nor did they label them domestic terrorist, thus protecting Obama's activists and terror orgs.=political bias and corruption is internal affairs job to reign in.
The CIA, DEA, FDA, EPA and any other alphabet agency you care to name are no good either. They are bloated and corrupt with too much power and not enough oversight.

Biden is cleaning house of Dotard's corrupt regime, it does take a while.

You may want to lay off the smoke, if you believe that. :auiqs.jpg:

Sure, a guy that has been their for 47 years is cleaning house. What planet are you on?

Yes, Dotard has A LOT of swamp creatures still in the alphabet agencies, their corruption was deep.
The CIA, DEA, FDA, EPA and any other alphabet agency you care to name are no good either. They are bloated and corrupt with too much power and not enough oversight.

Biden is cleaning house of Dotard's corrupt regime, it does take a while.

You may want to lay off the smoke, if you believe that. :auiqs.jpg:

Sure, a guy that has been their for 47 years is cleaning house. What planet are you on?
Not from this planet that’s for sure.lol :abgg2q.jpg: :lmao: :laughing0301:

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