FBI Director says no evidence ANTIFA was at Capitol riot

If my country had a fraudulent election to the scale of November 2020, and the Nation's Intel agencyy refused to investigate, and the media ignored it, and people who peacefull protested were censored and attacked....
I'd see it as a coup and would probably be attacking my Parliament as well
Exactly, it was foreseeable, which makes Trump and his puppets lies about the election fraud so much worse. It wasn't political hyperbole, it was incitement to violence which is what it lead to. He made false claims many of which can be directly disproven and the others he was never able to verify, yet he keeps saying them, his idiot followers believe them, and the nutters are acting on them.

I did not see it coming. Generally conservatives are pretty mild. I expected the demonstration to just stand there and make some noise and be forgotten.

I was surprised when the riot broke out.
I wasn't... I literally called my family while Trump was giving his speech and told them to tune in because shit was about to go down. I told them Trump just threw Pence under the bus and there is a mob of angry people that are about to go mess things up. It was clear and obvious what Trump was doing and what was about to happen. If you couldn't see that then you have blinders on. But you support Trump so I guess the blinders are a given

My expectation of a peaceful demonstration was based on decades of observation of demonstration conservatives who, even when pissed off, almost always obeyed the law and demonstrated peacefully and then went home.

What was yours based on?
Mine was based on common sense. You can’t use historical precedent when you have a president that breaks all the norms. My observations were correct. I called my family before the riot to tell them there was about to be a riot. How did I know?! Because it was obvious. The real question you should be asking yourself is why you were surprised and why you couldn’t see it coming when it was so easy to see what Trump was doing.

Trump did not break all the norms.

His style was odd. He was disagreeable and vulgar. But his policies and actions were measured and restrained.

So, you were right, but for the wrong reasons. That happens. Like the way I was initially attracted to my wife because of her, well, never mind.
I was right for the right reasons. Because I can see the effects that a con man has on his followers. The question is why couldn’t you see it coming?

I asked what you based your conclusion on, and the reasons you gave were not true.

THus, you were right for the wrong reasons.

Hey, better than being wrong for the right reasons.

YOur spin is dismissed.
Well this is coming from somebody who was wrong and blindsided so perhaps what you think im wrong about isn’t really wrong.

No one is prefect. Being wrong once does not mean that my judgement is valueless.

YOur stated reasons were not true. Thus you were right for the wrong reasons.
My stated reasons weren’t true yet I was right. So I must have seen something that you didn’t see. Your Perceived reality was wrong and left you blindsided. That should tell you something

People can be right though blind stupid luck. You have to know that. So your pretense that being right is proof of being more perceptive, is you lying.

If I found that I was consistently wrong, then your point that I should reexamine my perceptions would be correct.

BUt so far, this was a one off.
What do you think I lied about. What I observed was obvious and predictable... yet it surprised you. Gee, let’s think about that for a sec

People can be right though blind stupid luck. You have to know that. So your pretense that being right is proof of being more perceptive, is you lying.
You admitted that you were surprised at the riot. I said it was obvious and easy to see coming. I’m not lying about that, If you think I’m lying then why don’t you tell me what really happened. What am I getting wrong?

I fully explained what you were lying about. YOur pretense of confusion is you lying again.

Your need to avoid being honest about what I say, how can that not be a red flag for you?
Wow, that was a lot of words for a non answer. What a waste of space. Want to try again?
If my country had a fraudulent election to the scale of November 2020, and the Nation's Intel agencyy refused to investigate, and the media ignored it, and people who peacefull protested were censored and attacked....
I'd see it as a coup and would probably be attacking my Parliament as well
Exactly, it was foreseeable, which makes Trump and his puppets lies about the election fraud so much worse. It wasn't political hyperbole, it was incitement to violence which is what it lead to. He made false claims many of which can be directly disproven and the others he was never able to verify, yet he keeps saying them, his idiot followers believe them, and the nutters are acting on them.

I did not see it coming. Generally conservatives are pretty mild. I expected the demonstration to just stand there and make some noise and be forgotten.

I was surprised when the riot broke out.
I wasn't... I literally called my family while Trump was giving his speech and told them to tune in because shit was about to go down. I told them Trump just threw Pence under the bus and there is a mob of angry people that are about to go mess things up. It was clear and obvious what Trump was doing and what was about to happen. If you couldn't see that then you have blinders on. But you support Trump so I guess the blinders are a given

My expectation of a peaceful demonstration was based on decades of observation of demonstration conservatives who, even when pissed off, almost always obeyed the law and demonstrated peacefully and then went home.

What was yours based on?
Mine was based on common sense. You can’t use historical precedent when you have a president that breaks all the norms. My observations were correct. I called my family before the riot to tell them there was about to be a riot. How did I know?! Because it was obvious. The real question you should be asking yourself is why you were surprised and why you couldn’t see it coming when it was so easy to see what Trump was doing.

Trump did not break all the norms.

His style was odd. He was disagreeable and vulgar. But his policies and actions were measured and restrained.

So, you were right, but for the wrong reasons. That happens. Like the way I was initially attracted to my wife because of her, well, never mind.
I was right for the right reasons. Because I can see the effects that a con man has on his followers. The question is why couldn’t you see it coming?

I asked what you based your conclusion on, and the reasons you gave were not true.

THus, you were right for the wrong reasons.

Hey, better than being wrong for the right reasons.

YOur spin is dismissed.
Well this is coming from somebody who was wrong and blindsided so perhaps what you think im wrong about isn’t really wrong.

No one is prefect. Being wrong once does not mean that my judgement is valueless.

YOur stated reasons were not true. Thus you were right for the wrong reasons.
My stated reasons weren’t true yet I was right. So I must have seen something that you didn’t see. Your Perceived reality was wrong and left you blindsided. That should tell you something

People can be right though blind stupid luck. You have to know that. So your pretense that being right is proof of being more perceptive, is you lying.

If I found that I was consistently wrong, then your point that I should reexamine my perceptions would be correct.

BUt so far, this was a one off.
What do you think I lied about. What I observed was obvious and predictable... yet it surprised you. Gee, let’s think about that for a sec

People can be right though blind stupid luck. You have to know that. So your pretense that being right is proof of being more perceptive, is you lying.
You admitted that you were surprised at the riot. I said it was obvious and easy to see coming. I’m not lying about that, If you think I’m lying then why don’t you tell me what really happened. What am I getting wrong?

I fully explained what you were lying about. YOur pretense of confusion is you lying again.

Your need to avoid being honest about what I say, how can that not be a red flag for you?
Wow, that was a lot of words for a non answer. What a waste of space. Want to try again?

Nope. Your tactic of pretending to misunderstand a clear statement to then ask stupid questions, is an odd game, but one I am willing to play.

Pretend to be too retarded to understand a simple sentence again, and I will call you on your lying again.

I'm not sure of the point, but I am sure that I am kidding your ass.

So....just shut up with the lies about anyone other than trump cult members attacking the Capitol on January 6th. The trump mob is still out there gauging when they can cause more destruction.

Did you even read on how little he said about it?

“We have not to date seen any evidence of anarchist violent extremists or people subscribed to antifa in connection with the sixth,”

That is it from your link, no mention of a department study or a directive to investigate it mentioned at all.

The Director is full of shit!

FBI Director Chris Wray Tells Congress Antifa Not Involved in Capitol Hill Riots, After FBI Literally Arrests Antifa Leader, John Sullivan, for Participating in Capitol Hill Riots
When the Left Attacked the Capitol
Fifty years ago, extremists bombed the seat of American democracy to end a war and start a revolution. It did neither, but it may have helped bring down a president.
When the Left Attacked the Capitol - POLITICO

n the winter of 1971, you could still find vestiges of an age of innocence in Washington. The previous decade had been one of the most unstable in the country’s history, rocked by political assassinations, racial violence and explosions at public buildings. But at the U.S. Capitol, it was still easy to stroll through without having to empty your pockets or show a driver’s license. No metal detectors or security cameras. You didn’t need to join a tour. Which is why two young people who melted into the crowd of sightseers were free to scour the building for a safe spot to set their bomb.
They were members of the Weather Underground. Since 1969, the radical left group had already bombed several police targets, banks and courthouses around the country, acts they hoped would instigate an uprising against the government. Now two of these self-described revolutionaries wandered the halls with sticks of dynamite strapped under their clothing. They slipped into an unmarked marble-lined men’s bathroom one floor below the Senate chamber. They hooked up a fuse attached to a stopwatch and stuffed the device behind a 5-foot-high wall.
Fifty years on, it seems remarkable how fast the 1971 attack faded from collective memory, even as it exercised a profound effect on the end of an era of political activism that would be unrivaled until the Black Lives Matter protests of 2020. The bombing supercharged Nixon’s paranoia, leading the president and his aides to ramp up their crackdown on the New Left. They ordered the biggest, and most unconstitutional, mass arrests in U.S. history during the Mayday protests, rounding up more than 12,000 people.

So....just shut up with the lies about anyone other than trump cult members attacking the Capitol on January 6th. The trump mob is still out there gauging when they can cause more destruction.
ok ..... but remember commie summer is coming ! and thats insurrection and riot season for the left ... are you going to condemn the burning looting assault on the rule of law and police when antifa and blm get back to doing what they do ? are you going to demand that the violent ones get arrested ? are you going to criticize politicians and celebrities that bail them out ?
If my country had a fraudulent election to the scale of November 2020, and the Nation's Intel agencyy refused to investigate, and the media ignored it, and people who peacefull protested were censored and attacked....
I'd see it as a coup and would probably be attacking my Parliament as well
Exactly, it was foreseeable, which makes Trump and his puppets lies about the election fraud so much worse. It wasn't political hyperbole, it was incitement to violence which is what it lead to. He made false claims many of which can be directly disproven and the others he was never able to verify, yet he keeps saying them, his idiot followers believe them, and the nutters are acting on them.

I did not see it coming. Generally conservatives are pretty mild. I expected the demonstration to just stand there and make some noise and be forgotten.

I was surprised when the riot broke out.
I wasn't... I literally called my family while Trump was giving his speech and told them to tune in because shit was about to go down. I told them Trump just threw Pence under the bus and there is a mob of angry people that are about to go mess things up. It was clear and obvious what Trump was doing and what was about to happen. If you couldn't see that then you have blinders on. But you support Trump so I guess the blinders are a given

My expectation of a peaceful demonstration was based on decades of observation of demonstration conservatives who, even when pissed off, almost always obeyed the law and demonstrated peacefully and then went home.

What was yours based on?
Mine was based on common sense. You can’t use historical precedent when you have a president that breaks all the norms. My observations were correct. I called my family before the riot to tell them there was about to be a riot. How did I know?! Because it was obvious. The real question you should be asking yourself is why you were surprised and why you couldn’t see it coming when it was so easy to see what Trump was doing.

Trump did not break all the norms.

His style was odd. He was disagreeable and vulgar. But his policies and actions were measured and restrained.

So, you were right, but for the wrong reasons. That happens. Like the way I was initially attracted to my wife because of her, well, never mind.
I was right for the right reasons. Because I can see the effects that a con man has on his followers. The question is why couldn’t you see it coming?

I asked what you based your conclusion on, and the reasons you gave were not true.

THus, you were right for the wrong reasons.

Hey, better than being wrong for the right reasons.

YOur spin is dismissed.
Well this is coming from somebody who was wrong and blindsided so perhaps what you think im wrong about isn’t really wrong.

No one is prefect. Being wrong once does not mean that my judgement is valueless.

YOur stated reasons were not true. Thus you were right for the wrong reasons.
My stated reasons weren’t true yet I was right. So I must have seen something that you didn’t see. Your Perceived reality was wrong and left you blindsided. That should tell you something

People can be right though blind stupid luck. You have to know that. So your pretense that being right is proof of being more perceptive, is you lying.

If I found that I was consistently wrong, then your point that I should reexamine my perceptions would be correct.

BUt so far, this was a one off.
What do you think I lied about. What I observed was obvious and predictable... yet it surprised you. Gee, let’s think about that for a sec

People can be right though blind stupid luck. You have to know that. So your pretense that being right is proof of being more perceptive, is you lying.
You admitted that you were surprised at the riot. I said it was obvious and easy to see coming. I’m not lying about that, If you think I’m lying then why don’t you tell me what really happened. What am I getting wrong?

I fully explained what you were lying about. YOur pretense of confusion is you lying again.

Your need to avoid being honest about what I say, how can that not be a red flag for you?
Wow, that was a lot of words for a non answer. What a waste of space. Want to try again?

Nope. Your tactic of pretending to misunderstand a clear statement to then ask stupid questions, is an odd game, but one I am willing to play.

Pretend to be too retarded to understand a simple sentence again, and I will call you on your lying again.

I'm not sure of the point, but I am sure that I am kidding your ass.
Where in that statement was a clear sentence stating what the hell you’re talking about?! Nowhere!!! If you’ve been so clear then just copy and paste it. I honestly have no clue what you’re talking about. I think you got schooled and are just trying to confuse things to distract from the fact you lack a solid argument.
You're claiming that you're more credible than the FBI and calling me silly. LoL
Millions of people are more credible than the FBI.
Can you point to one case that you think could have proved massive fraud that was dismissed? Let’s look at it and why it was dismissed. Be specific
I, like the courts, have not seen the evidence. Therefore I am just as ignorant as the judges and you are. You haven't seen the evidence either.
You're flailing. I'll take the FBI's word over yours.
Then it could be you that is the fool.
You lose.
No. You lose!
You think I'm lying when I say that the FBI is more credible than you.
You very well could be. The FBI has lied and withheld information to get the results they want or to cover up things they don't want exposed.

You are naive to accept everything the FBI says as the gospel truth. Jim Comey is a lying son-of-a-bitch also. So is John Brennan. So is James Clapper.

Being high up in the intelligence community or the DoJ does not conflate to being honest.

Our government is replete with liars.
The president has the biggest megaphone in the world, he has appointed more judges than any modern president, he has the SCOTUS heavily in his side and you honestly think he couldn’t get proof out there?! That’s just retarded, I’m sorry. There isnt proof. It’s a media game he is playing. One he set up before the election even happened. How can you be so gullible
Read the news, goofy! The Supreme Court refused to hear the cases.

Even the minority dissenters on the SCOTUS were perplexed that Roberts and the majority refused to hear the cases.

The evidence must be presented to the courts by lawyers after the courts agree TO HEAR THE CASES IN THE COURTROOM. They do not make decisions based of what the media claims or what the litigants say outside of the courtroom. You are a naive, uneducated, dumbass twit.

Do a little research before you attempt to appear knowledgeable. You don't know jack shit about how the courts work.
Last edited:
If my country had a fraudulent election to the scale of November 2020, and the Nation's Intel agencyy refused to investigate, and the media ignored it, and people who peacefull protested were censored and attacked....
I'd see it as a coup and would probably be attacking my Parliament as well
Exactly, it was foreseeable, which makes Trump and his puppets lies about the election fraud so much worse. It wasn't political hyperbole, it was incitement to violence which is what it lead to. He made false claims many of which can be directly disproven and the others he was never able to verify, yet he keeps saying them, his idiot followers believe them, and the nutters are acting on them.

I did not see it coming. Generally conservatives are pretty mild. I expected the demonstration to just stand there and make some noise and be forgotten.

I was surprised when the riot broke out.
I wasn't... I literally called my family while Trump was giving his speech and told them to tune in because shit was about to go down. I told them Trump just threw Pence under the bus and there is a mob of angry people that are about to go mess things up. It was clear and obvious what Trump was doing and what was about to happen. If you couldn't see that then you have blinders on. But you support Trump so I guess the blinders are a given

My expectation of a peaceful demonstration was based on decades of observation of demonstration conservatives who, even when pissed off, almost always obeyed the law and demonstrated peacefully and then went home.

What was yours based on?
Mine was based on common sense. You can’t use historical precedent when you have a president that breaks all the norms. My observations were correct. I called my family before the riot to tell them there was about to be a riot. How did I know?! Because it was obvious. The real question you should be asking yourself is why you were surprised and why you couldn’t see it coming when it was so easy to see what Trump was doing.

Trump did not break all the norms.

His style was odd. He was disagreeable and vulgar. But his policies and actions were measured and restrained.

So, you were right, but for the wrong reasons. That happens. Like the way I was initially attracted to my wife because of her, well, never mind.
I was right for the right reasons. Because I can see the effects that a con man has on his followers. The question is why couldn’t you see it coming?

I asked what you based your conclusion on, and the reasons you gave were not true.

THus, you were right for the wrong reasons.

Hey, better than being wrong for the right reasons.

YOur spin is dismissed.
Well this is coming from somebody who was wrong and blindsided so perhaps what you think im wrong about isn’t really wrong.

No one is prefect. Being wrong once does not mean that my judgement is valueless.

YOur stated reasons were not true. Thus you were right for the wrong reasons.
My stated reasons weren’t true yet I was right. So I must have seen something that you didn’t see. Your Perceived reality was wrong and left you blindsided. That should tell you something

People can be right though blind stupid luck. You have to know that. So your pretense that being right is proof of being more perceptive, is you lying.

If I found that I was consistently wrong, then your point that I should reexamine my perceptions would be correct.

BUt so far, this was a one off.
What do you think I lied about. What I observed was obvious and predictable... yet it surprised you. Gee, let’s think about that for a sec

People can be right though blind stupid luck. You have to know that. So your pretense that being right is proof of being more perceptive, is you lying.
You admitted that you were surprised at the riot. I said it was obvious and easy to see coming. I’m not lying about that, If you think I’m lying then why don’t you tell me what really happened. What am I getting wrong?

I fully explained what you were lying about. YOur pretense of confusion is you lying again.

Your need to avoid being honest about what I say, how can that not be a red flag for you?
Wow, that was a lot of words for a non answer. What a waste of space. Want to try again?

Nope. Your tactic of pretending to misunderstand a clear statement to then ask stupid questions, is an odd game, but one I am willing to play.

Pretend to be too retarded to understand a simple sentence again, and I will call you on your lying again.

I'm not sure of the point, but I am sure that I am kidding your ass.
Where in that statement was a clear sentence stating what the hell you’re talking about?! Nowhere!!! If you’ve been so clear then just copy and paste it. I honestly have no clue what you’re talking about. I think you got schooled and are just trying to confuse things to distract from the fact you lack a solid argument.

I don't believe that you are so retarded that you did not understand it initially.

I am willing to consider that you might be stupid enough to have forgotten since it has been several posts so here it is again.

People can be right though blind stupid luck. You have to know that. So your pretense that being right is proof of being more perceptive, is you lying.
You're claiming that you're more credible than the FBI and calling me silly. LoL
Millions of people are more credible than the FBI.
Can you point to one case that you think could have proved massive fraud that was dismissed? Let’s look at it and why it was dismissed. Be specific
I, like the courts, have not seen the evidence. Therefore I am just as ignorant as the judges and you are. You haven't seen the evidence either.
You're flailing. I'll take the FBI's word over yours.
Then it could be you that is the fool.
You lose.
No. You lose!
You think I'm lying when I say that the FBI is more credible than you.
You very well could be. The FBI has lied and withheld information to get the results they want or to cover up things they don't want exposed.

You are naive to accept everything the FBI says as the gospel truth. Jim Comey is a lying son-of-a-bitch also. So is John Brennan. So is James Clapper.

Being high up in the intelligence community or the DoJ does not conflate to being honest.

Our government is replete with liars.
The president has the biggest megaphone in the world, he has appointed more judges than any modern president, he has the SCOTUS heavily in his side and you honestly think he couldn’t get proof out there?! That’s just retarded, I’m sorry. There isnt proof. It’s a media game he is playing. One he set up before the election even happened. How can you be so gullible
Read the news, goofy! The Supreme Court refused to hear the cases.

Even the minority dissenters on the SCOTUS were perplexed that Roberts and the majority refused to hear the cases.

The evidence must be presented to the courts by lawyers after the courts agree TO HEAR THE CASES IN THE COURTROOM. They do not make decisions based of what the media claims or what the litigants say outside of the courtroom. You are a naive, uneducated, dumbass twit.

Do a little research before you attempt to appear knowledgeable. You don't know jack shit about how the courts work.
The cases were dismissed because they didn’t have merit. They didn’t have merit because they didn’t have evidence or legal standing to back them up.. It’s pretty simple. Evidence isn’t only presented in court it is proven in court. Trumps BS claims couldn’t even get through the front door because they were baseless
If my country had a fraudulent election to the scale of November 2020, and the Nation's Intel agencyy refused to investigate, and the media ignored it, and people who peacefull protested were censored and attacked....
I'd see it as a coup and would probably be attacking my Parliament as well
Exactly, it was foreseeable, which makes Trump and his puppets lies about the election fraud so much worse. It wasn't political hyperbole, it was incitement to violence which is what it lead to. He made false claims many of which can be directly disproven and the others he was never able to verify, yet he keeps saying them, his idiot followers believe them, and the nutters are acting on them.

I did not see it coming. Generally conservatives are pretty mild. I expected the demonstration to just stand there and make some noise and be forgotten.

I was surprised when the riot broke out.
I wasn't... I literally called my family while Trump was giving his speech and told them to tune in because shit was about to go down. I told them Trump just threw Pence under the bus and there is a mob of angry people that are about to go mess things up. It was clear and obvious what Trump was doing and what was about to happen. If you couldn't see that then you have blinders on. But you support Trump so I guess the blinders are a given

My expectation of a peaceful demonstration was based on decades of observation of demonstration conservatives who, even when pissed off, almost always obeyed the law and demonstrated peacefully and then went home.

What was yours based on?
Mine was based on common sense. You can’t use historical precedent when you have a president that breaks all the norms. My observations were correct. I called my family before the riot to tell them there was about to be a riot. How did I know?! Because it was obvious. The real question you should be asking yourself is why you were surprised and why you couldn’t see it coming when it was so easy to see what Trump was doing.

Trump did not break all the norms.

His style was odd. He was disagreeable and vulgar. But his policies and actions were measured and restrained.

So, you were right, but for the wrong reasons. That happens. Like the way I was initially attracted to my wife because of her, well, never mind.
I was right for the right reasons. Because I can see the effects that a con man has on his followers. The question is why couldn’t you see it coming?

I asked what you based your conclusion on, and the reasons you gave were not true.

THus, you were right for the wrong reasons.

Hey, better than being wrong for the right reasons.

YOur spin is dismissed.
Well this is coming from somebody who was wrong and blindsided so perhaps what you think im wrong about isn’t really wrong.

No one is prefect. Being wrong once does not mean that my judgement is valueless.

YOur stated reasons were not true. Thus you were right for the wrong reasons.
My stated reasons weren’t true yet I was right. So I must have seen something that you didn’t see. Your Perceived reality was wrong and left you blindsided. That should tell you something

People can be right though blind stupid luck. You have to know that. So your pretense that being right is proof of being more perceptive, is you lying.

If I found that I was consistently wrong, then your point that I should reexamine my perceptions would be correct.

BUt so far, this was a one off.
What do you think I lied about. What I observed was obvious and predictable... yet it surprised you. Gee, let’s think about that for a sec

People can be right though blind stupid luck. You have to know that. So your pretense that being right is proof of being more perceptive, is you lying.
You admitted that you were surprised at the riot. I said it was obvious and easy to see coming. I’m not lying about that, If you think I’m lying then why don’t you tell me what really happened. What am I getting wrong?

I fully explained what you were lying about. YOur pretense of confusion is you lying again.

Your need to avoid being honest about what I say, how can that not be a red flag for you?
Wow, that was a lot of words for a non answer. What a waste of space. Want to try again?

Nope. Your tactic of pretending to misunderstand a clear statement to then ask stupid questions, is an odd game, but one I am willing to play.

Pretend to be too retarded to understand a simple sentence again, and I will call you on your lying again.

I'm not sure of the point, but I am sure that I am kidding your ass.
Where in that statement was a clear sentence stating what the hell you’re talking about?! Nowhere!!! If you’ve been so clear then just copy and paste it. I honestly have no clue what you’re talking about. I think you got schooled and are just trying to confuse things to distract from the fact you lack a solid argument.

I don't believe that you are so retarded that you did not understand it initially.

I am willing to consider that you might be stupid enough to have forgotten since it has been several posts so here it is again.

People can be right though blind stupid luck. You have to know that. So your pretense that being right is proof of being more perceptive, is you lying.
Oh ok, well I agree that people can be correct through luck. I don’t think that’s the case here, I just think I was more perceptive because what Trump was doing had a painfully obvious effect which I could see coming from a mile away.... you on the other hand were cause blindsided so you obviously didn’t see it.

now you are able to look at things in hindsight. If you think what I’ve said was wrong then state why... see this is how normal debate works. It shouldn’t take pages and me explaining it like to a third grader.
If my country had a fraudulent election to the scale of November 2020, and the Nation's Intel agencyy refused to investigate, and the media ignored it, and people who peacefull protested were censored and attacked....
I'd see it as a coup and would probably be attacking my Parliament as well
Exactly, it was foreseeable, which makes Trump and his puppets lies about the election fraud so much worse. It wasn't political hyperbole, it was incitement to violence which is what it lead to. He made false claims many of which can be directly disproven and the others he was never able to verify, yet he keeps saying them, his idiot followers believe them, and the nutters are acting on them.

I did not see it coming. Generally conservatives are pretty mild. I expected the demonstration to just stand there and make some noise and be forgotten.

I was surprised when the riot broke out.
I wasn't... I literally called my family while Trump was giving his speech and told them to tune in because shit was about to go down. I told them Trump just threw Pence under the bus and there is a mob of angry people that are about to go mess things up. It was clear and obvious what Trump was doing and what was about to happen. If you couldn't see that then you have blinders on. But you support Trump so I guess the blinders are a given

My expectation of a peaceful demonstration was based on decades of observation of demonstration conservatives who, even when pissed off, almost always obeyed the law and demonstrated peacefully and then went home.

What was yours based on?
Mine was based on common sense. You can’t use historical precedent when you have a president that breaks all the norms. My observations were correct. I called my family before the riot to tell them there was about to be a riot. How did I know?! Because it was obvious. The real question you should be asking yourself is why you were surprised and why you couldn’t see it coming when it was so easy to see what Trump was doing.

Trump did not break all the norms.

His style was odd. He was disagreeable and vulgar. But his policies and actions were measured and restrained.

So, you were right, but for the wrong reasons. That happens. Like the way I was initially attracted to my wife because of her, well, never mind.
I was right for the right reasons. Because I can see the effects that a con man has on his followers. The question is why couldn’t you see it coming?

I asked what you based your conclusion on, and the reasons you gave were not true.

THus, you were right for the wrong reasons.

Hey, better than being wrong for the right reasons.

YOur spin is dismissed.
Well this is coming from somebody who was wrong and blindsided so perhaps what you think im wrong about isn’t really wrong.

No one is prefect. Being wrong once does not mean that my judgement is valueless.

YOur stated reasons were not true. Thus you were right for the wrong reasons.
My stated reasons weren’t true yet I was right. So I must have seen something that you didn’t see. Your Perceived reality was wrong and left you blindsided. That should tell you something

People can be right though blind stupid luck. You have to know that. So your pretense that being right is proof of being more perceptive, is you lying.

If I found that I was consistently wrong, then your point that I should reexamine my perceptions would be correct.

BUt so far, this was a one off.
What do you think I lied about. What I observed was obvious and predictable... yet it surprised you. Gee, let’s think about that for a sec

People can be right though blind stupid luck. You have to know that. So your pretense that being right is proof of being more perceptive, is you lying.
You admitted that you were surprised at the riot. I said it was obvious and easy to see coming. I’m not lying about that, If you think I’m lying then why don’t you tell me what really happened. What am I getting wrong?

I fully explained what you were lying about. YOur pretense of confusion is you lying again.

Your need to avoid being honest about what I say, how can that not be a red flag for you?
Wow, that was a lot of words for a non answer. What a waste of space. Want to try again?

Nope. Your tactic of pretending to misunderstand a clear statement to then ask stupid questions, is an odd game, but one I am willing to play.

Pretend to be too retarded to understand a simple sentence again, and I will call you on your lying again.

I'm not sure of the point, but I am sure that I am kidding your ass.
Where in that statement was a clear sentence stating what the hell you’re talking about?! Nowhere!!! If you’ve been so clear then just copy and paste it. I honestly have no clue what you’re talking about. I think you got schooled and are just trying to confuse things to distract from the fact you lack a solid argument.

I don't believe that you are so retarded that you did not understand it initially.

I am willing to consider that you might be stupid enough to have forgotten since it has been several posts so here it is again.

People can be right though blind stupid luck. You have to know that. So your pretense that being right is proof of being more perceptive, is you lying.
Oh ok, well I agree that people can be correct through luck. I don’t think that’s the case here, I just think I was more perceptive because what Trump was doing had a painfully obvious effect which I could see coming from a mile away.... you on the other hand were cause blindsided so you obviously didn’t see it.

now you are able to look at things in hindsight. If you think what I’ve said was wrong then state why... see this is how normal debate works. It shouldn’t take pages and me explaining it like to a third grader.

I already explained my reasoning. DECADES of watching conservatives protest, even angry, but obeying the law and being peaceful.

THe violence and destruction has almost solely been on the left..

So, this change up was a surprise.

IN HINDSIGHT. it is less surprising considering the normalization of violence by five years of riots by antifa and blm.

So....just shut up with the lies about anyone other than trump cult members attacking the Capitol on January 6th. The trump mob is still out there gauging when they can cause more destruction.
No trust in the FBI.
Why not? Who are you trusting more to get your intel?
Oh I don't want them to shut up. It's one of my favorite new conspiracy theories. Especially funny when nearly 400 of the violent insurrectionists have been arrested and every GD one of them is MAGA. :lol:
Well, you know.....let's ignore all those "Trump" and "MAGA" flags and hats, shall we?

Ya, and those Proud Boy/ Militia membership cards. ;)
The Biden regime said that Antifa was an idea, and that they don't exist as an entitiy.
You think the head of the FBI is going to contradict his boss.

Wray contradicted King Rump endlessly. So that theory fails ;)
Wray is Swamp.
He was asked today to explain how Sidenick died. He refused.
These clowns and swamp creatures also said there was no voter fraud, despite not interviewing one single witness.
And they also said that attacking a Federal building is not domestic terrorism if you do it at night.
You want me to respect these idiots.

I want you to stop fluffing Pooty Poot :)
You're claiming that you're more credible than the FBI and calling me silly. LoL
Millions of people are more credible than the FBI.
Can you point to one case that you think could have proved massive fraud that was dismissed? Let’s look at it and why it was dismissed. Be specific
I, like the courts, have not seen the evidence. Therefore I am just as ignorant as the judges and you are. You haven't seen the evidence either.
You're flailing. I'll take the FBI's word over yours.
Then it could be you that is the fool.
You lose.
No. You lose!
You think I'm lying when I say that the FBI is more credible than you.
You very well could be. The FBI has lied and withheld information to get the results they want or to cover up things they don't want exposed.

You are naive to accept everything the FBI says as the gospel truth. Jim Comey is a lying son-of-a-bitch also. So is John Brennan. So is James Clapper.

Being high up in the intelligence community or the DoJ does not conflate to being honest.

Our government is replete with liars.
The president has the biggest megaphone in the world, he has appointed more judges than any modern president, he has the SCOTUS heavily in his side and you honestly think he couldn’t get proof out there?! That’s just retarded, I’m sorry. There isnt proof. It’s a media game he is playing. One he set up before the election even happened. How can you be so gullible
Read the news, goofy! The Supreme Court refused to hear the cases.

Even the minority dissenters on the SCOTUS were perplexed that Roberts and the majority refused to hear the cases.

The evidence must be presented to the courts by lawyers after the courts agree TO HEAR THE CASES IN THE COURTROOM. They do not make decisions based of what the media claims or what the litigants say outside of the courtroom. You are a naive, uneducated, dumbass twit.

Do a little research before you attempt to appear knowledgeable. You don't know jack shit about how the courts work.
The cases were dismissed because they didn’t have merit. They didn’t have merit because they didn’t have evidence or legal standing to back them up.. It’s pretty simple. Evidence isn’t only presented in court it is proven in court. Trumps BS claims couldn’t even get through the front door because they were baseless
Try again, Clarence! You're full of shit.
The Biden regime said that Antifa was an idea, and that they don't exist as an entitiy.
You think the head of the FBI is going to contradict his boss.

Wray contradicted King Rump endlessly. So that theory fails ;)
Christopher Wray is a known liar. He has no credibility and should not be trusted AT ALL! He lies for the cause.

We heart Gateway Pundit! :rofl:
If my country had a fraudulent election to the scale of November 2020, and the Nation's Intel agencyy refused to investigate, and the media ignored it, and people who peacefull protested were censored and attacked....
I'd see it as a coup and would probably be attacking my Parliament as well
Exactly, it was foreseeable, which makes Trump and his puppets lies about the election fraud so much worse. It wasn't political hyperbole, it was incitement to violence which is what it lead to. He made false claims many of which can be directly disproven and the others he was never able to verify, yet he keeps saying them, his idiot followers believe them, and the nutters are acting on them.

I did not see it coming. Generally conservatives are pretty mild. I expected the demonstration to just stand there and make some noise and be forgotten.

I was surprised when the riot broke out.
I wasn't... I literally called my family while Trump was giving his speech and told them to tune in because shit was about to go down. I told them Trump just threw Pence under the bus and there is a mob of angry people that are about to go mess things up. It was clear and obvious what Trump was doing and what was about to happen. If you couldn't see that then you have blinders on. But you support Trump so I guess the blinders are a given

My expectation of a peaceful demonstration was based on decades of observation of demonstration conservatives who, even when pissed off, almost always obeyed the law and demonstrated peacefully and then went home.

What was yours based on?
Mine was based on common sense. You can’t use historical precedent when you have a president that breaks all the norms. My observations were correct. I called my family before the riot to tell them there was about to be a riot. How did I know?! Because it was obvious. The real question you should be asking yourself is why you were surprised and why you couldn’t see it coming when it was so easy to see what Trump was doing.

Trump did not break all the norms.

His style was odd. He was disagreeable and vulgar. But his policies and actions were measured and restrained.

So, you were right, but for the wrong reasons. That happens. Like the way I was initially attracted to my wife because of her, well, never mind.
I was right for the right reasons. Because I can see the effects that a con man has on his followers. The question is why couldn’t you see it coming?

I asked what you based your conclusion on, and the reasons you gave were not true.

THus, you were right for the wrong reasons.

Hey, better than being wrong for the right reasons.

YOur spin is dismissed.
Well this is coming from somebody who was wrong and blindsided so perhaps what you think im wrong about isn’t really wrong.

No one is prefect. Being wrong once does not mean that my judgement is valueless.

YOur stated reasons were not true. Thus you were right for the wrong reasons.
My stated reasons weren’t true yet I was right. So I must have seen something that you didn’t see. Your Perceived reality was wrong and left you blindsided. That should tell you something

People can be right though blind stupid luck. You have to know that. So your pretense that being right is proof of being more perceptive, is you lying.

If I found that I was consistently wrong, then your point that I should reexamine my perceptions would be correct.

BUt so far, this was a one off.
What do you think I lied about. What I observed was obvious and predictable... yet it surprised you. Gee, let’s think about that for a sec

People can be right though blind stupid luck. You have to know that. So your pretense that being right is proof of being more perceptive, is you lying.
You admitted that you were surprised at the riot. I said it was obvious and easy to see coming. I’m not lying about that, If you think I’m lying then why don’t you tell me what really happened. What am I getting wrong?

I fully explained what you were lying about. YOur pretense of confusion is you lying again.

Your need to avoid being honest about what I say, how can that not be a red flag for you?
Wow, that was a lot of words for a non answer. What a waste of space. Want to try again?

Nope. Your tactic of pretending to misunderstand a clear statement to then ask stupid questions, is an odd game, but one I am willing to play.

Pretend to be too retarded to understand a simple sentence again, and I will call you on your lying again.

I'm not sure of the point, but I am sure that I am kidding your ass.
Where in that statement was a clear sentence stating what the hell you’re talking about?! Nowhere!!! If you’ve been so clear then just copy and paste it. I honestly have no clue what you’re talking about. I think you got schooled and are just trying to confuse things to distract from the fact you lack a solid argument.

I don't believe that you are so retarded that you did not understand it initially.

I am willing to consider that you might be stupid enough to have forgotten since it has been several posts so here it is again.

People can be right though blind stupid luck. You have to know that. So your pretense that being right is proof of being more perceptive, is you lying.
Oh ok, well I agree that people can be correct through luck. I don’t think that’s the case here, I just think I was more perceptive because what Trump was doing had a painfully obvious effect which I could see coming from a mile away.... you on the other hand were cause blindsided so you obviously didn’t see it.

now you are able to look at things in hindsight. If you think what I’ve said was wrong then state why... see this is how normal debate works. It shouldn’t take pages and me explaining it like to a third grader.

I already explained my reasoning. DECADES of watching conservatives protest, even angry, but obeying the law and being peaceful.

THe violence and destruction has almost solely been on the left..

So, this change up was a surprise.

IN HINDSIGHT. it is less surprising considering the normalization of violence by five years of riots by antifa and blm.
Ok but after the surprise wore off what did you see what caused the change?
You're claiming that you're more credible than the FBI and calling me silly. LoL
Millions of people are more credible than the FBI.
Can you point to one case that you think could have proved massive fraud that was dismissed? Let’s look at it and why it was dismissed. Be specific
I, like the courts, have not seen the evidence. Therefore I am just as ignorant as the judges and you are. You haven't seen the evidence either.
You're flailing. I'll take the FBI's word over yours.
Then it could be you that is the fool.
You lose.
No. You lose!
You think I'm lying when I say that the FBI is more credible than you.
You very well could be. The FBI has lied and withheld information to get the results they want or to cover up things they don't want exposed.

You are naive to accept everything the FBI says as the gospel truth. Jim Comey is a lying son-of-a-bitch also. So is John Brennan. So is James Clapper.

Being high up in the intelligence community or the DoJ does not conflate to being honest.

Our government is replete with liars.
The president has the biggest megaphone in the world, he has appointed more judges than any modern president, he has the SCOTUS heavily in his side and you honestly think he couldn’t get proof out there?! That’s just retarded, I’m sorry. There isnt proof. It’s a media game he is playing. One he set up before the election even happened. How can you be so gullible
Read the news, goofy! The Supreme Court refused to hear the cases.

Even the minority dissenters on the SCOTUS were perplexed that Roberts and the majority refused to hear the cases.

The evidence must be presented to the courts by lawyers after the courts agree TO HEAR THE CASES IN THE COURTROOM. They do not make decisions based of what the media claims or what the litigants say outside of the courtroom. You are a naive, uneducated, dumbass twit.

Do a little research before you attempt to appear knowledgeable. You don't know jack shit about how the courts work.
The cases were dismissed because they didn’t have merit. They didn’t have merit because they didn’t have evidence or legal standing to back them up.. It’s pretty simple. Evidence isn’t only presented in court it is proven in court. Trumps BS claims couldn’t even get through the front door because they were baseless
Try again, Clarence! You're full of shit.
Not full of shit. Just stating the obvious. Do you have a better counter argument than “try again”?
It's right there above in black and white dumb fuck antifa and blm raised their blood pressure causing that led to it.
Yes, thats what I said

in the real world violence begets violence

on the street deadly force often begins as verbal insults and escalates to the ultimate expression of human dissatisfaction

when leftwing wackos burn down American cities it does not go unnoticed

I react by voting

But radicals of the righty persuasion take stronger action

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