FBI Arrests Prolific Racist Twitter Troll ‘Ricky Vaughn’ For 2016 Election Interference


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
I'm not exactly sure what the delay was in hauling this dude in, but perhaps Donald had Billy Barr protect him?

Douglas Mackey, a white nationalist troll who ran a racist and highly influential pro-Trump account on Twitter using the name “Ricky Vaughn,” has been charged with election interference.​
Mackey, a 31-year-old from Vermont, was arrested in West Palm Beach, Florida, on Wednesday. Federal prosecutors allege he conspired with others to use memes and social media platforms to spread misinformation aimed at depriving people of their right to vote during the 2016 presidential election.​
“With Mackey’s arrest, we serve notice that those who would subvert the democratic process in this manner cannot rely on the cloak of Internet anonymity to evade responsibility for their crimes,” Seth D. DuCharme, acting US attorney for the Eastern District of New York, said in a statement.​
If convicted, Mackey faces up to 10 years in prison. He is set to appear via videoconference at a West Palm Beach federal court on Wednesday.​
In 2016, Mackey amassed a huge Twitter following across multiple troll accounts using anti-Semitic memes and racist messages.​
At the time, MIT Media Lab listed the anonymous personality as one of the top 150 influencers of the 2016 presidential election, placing him ahead of NBC News, Stephen Colbert, and Newt Gingrich.​

Arrested for memes but nothing but crickets on states having unconstitutional elections LOL

4,900 people fell for it. That's enough to flip a state.

In September 2016, Mackey's groups turned to creating memes that misled potential voters about how they would be able to cast votes, creating memes that falsely claimed that supporters could cast their votes by posting on Facebook or Twitter or by voting through text messages. According to the complaint, 4,900 unique telephone numbers texted their votes to the number that was provided.​

As for "unconstitutional elections" - You bought the big lie. Pound sand. :)

Arrested for memes but nothing but crickets on states having unconstitutional elections LOL

4,900 people fell for it. That's enough to flip a state.

In September 2016, Mackey's groups turned to creating memes that misled potential voters about how they would be able to cast votes, creating memes that falsely claimed that supporters could cast their votes by posting on Facebook or Twitter or by voting through text messages. According to the complaint, 4,900 unique telephone numbers texted their votes to the number that was provided.​

As for "unconstitutional elections" - You bought the big lie. Pound sand. :)

4900 people texted a number. That is all you know. Doesnt mean they didnt vote.
States changed their election laws without legislation. Period.

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