FB Bans White Nationalist, but Keeps Child Porn and ISIS Pages; WTF?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The Democrat Tammany Hall Establishment is scared to death of White Nationalism/White Identitarianism.

They know that the logic of their Identity Politics if applied to whites undoes the whole rubric of laws that keep whites economically stagnant.

And they are afraid as hell that whites will figure this out, but I got news for them - it has already happened for most of us. And as middle class whites become more and more disenfranchised from the political system, few choices on how to defend their own interests will be left.

Facebook bans white nationalist's accounts over hate speech

Facebook has banned the Facebook and Instagram accounts of a white nationalist who attended the rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, that ended in deadly violence.

Facebook spokeswoman Ruchika Budhraja tells The Associated Press that the profile pages of Christopher Cantwell have been removed as well as a page connected to his podcast. Cantwell was featured in a Vice News documentary about the rally and its aftermath.

Facebook has also removed at least eight pages connected to the white nationalist movement over what Budhraja says were violations on the company’s polices on hate speech and organizations.

Cantwell, of Keene, New Hampshire, was listed on rally flyers and labeled an extremist by the Southern Poverty Law Center. A former information technology worker who moved to New Hampshire from New York in 2012, the 36-year-old Cantwell describes himself as a white nationalist and said he voted for President Donald Trump. He has a podcast and blog that promote his views.

Cantwell says Facebook shut down his account in an attempt to silence him for his views. He also said his PayPal account had been closed. The company wouldn’t confirm that because it has a policy of not commenting on the status of accounts.

“I’m not surprised by almost any of this because the whole thing we are complaining about here is that we are trying to express our views, and everybody is going through extraordinary lengths to make sure we are not heard,” Cantwell said in a phone interview from an undisclosed location.​

Now this specific case of Cantwell, I dont know his views, but when libs call someone a White Natinalist that person could be anything from an advocate of nonwhite genocide to a guy that just liked the free beer at meetings. All this guy did was to show up at the march, for Christ's sake and that was enough for FB and PayPal to conduct scorched Earth tactics against him, lol.

However, FB fights to continue to allow child pornographers and Jihadists terrorists pages to remain up and disiminating their filth over FB.

Facebook Refuses to Remove Flagged Child Pornography, ISIS Videos

Britain's The Times reported that Facebook refused to remove potentially illegal terrorist and child pornography content despite it being flagged by users. This content potentially puts the social media giant at risk of criminal prosecution.

"Last month The Times created a fake profile on Facebook to investigate extremist content," Alexi Mostrous, the paper's head of investigations, reported Thursday. "It did not take long to come across dozens of objectionable images posted by a mix of jihadists and those with a sexual interest in children."

Mostrous reported that a Times reporter posed as an IT professional in his thirties, befriended more than 100 supporters of the Islamic State (ISIS), and joined groups promoting lewd or pornographic images of children. He then "flagged" many of the images and ISIS videos.

Facebook moderators reportedly kept online pro-jihadist posts including one praising ISIS attacks "from London to Chechnya to Russia and now Bangladesh in less than 48 hours," promising to bring war "in the heart of your homes." The site's moderators also refused to remove an official news bulletin posted by the Islamic State praising the slaughter of 91 "Christian warriors" in the Palm Sunday bombings of two Egyptian churches.

Moderators, who are based in Ireland, California, Texas, and India, also kept up a video showing the gruesome beheading of hostages by ISIS terrorists. Facebook said it did not break its own rules against graphic violence when it kept up a video with a masked British jihadist holding a knife over a beheaded man, saying, "The spark has been lit here in Iraq. Here we are burying the first American crusader."

Facebook also left up dozens of pornographic cartoons depicting child abuse, which Mostrous argued are likely illegal under a 2009 British law. "Intermingled with the cartoons, posted on forums with titles such as Raep Me, are pictures of real children, including several likely to be illegal."

The Times also reported that Facebook kept up a video which appeared to show a young child being violently abused.
It must be wonderful to live in a world where good means agreement with you and evil means disagreement.

That says alot about the people who run FB.
FB is a disease on our society. If Suckenburg runs for President it will be a sad day


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