Faux Black President Opens Up Atlantic for Oil Exploration


Dec 23, 2009
Middle class, suburban ghetto.
This jerk-in-chief some call president has allowed for exploration off the east coast for oil. His propagandists in the so-called mainstream media refer to a decades-old ban being lifted. Like the hack is doing something radical. Truth is, he imposed the bans by reversing Bush's plans already drafted in 2009 after the drilling bans expired. Obama caused energy and all consumer goods prices to increase and has kept our economy in the hole as a result and now he's being propagated as though he's doing this wonderful thing. This is Stockholm Syndrome. We're supposed to be grateful because he may be hurting us less.
What a jerk!
Obama Opens East Coast To Oil Exploration For First Time In Decades Amid Wildlife Concerns
Now consider this report from 2009...
Bush-era offshore drilling plan shelved - US news - Environment | NBC News

Democrats should have their voting privileges revoked for being so stupid.
This is the single reason for why our economy never recovered under this hack president.

Really? This economy has never recovered under this "hack president"?

Wanna talk about the DOW closing at over 17,000 for several days this month? Under Jr., it was diving to around 7,000.

Wanna talk about the S and P closing at almost 2,000 (and I'm guessing it's going to go over that in the next 2 weeks)?

How about the FACT that job creation has continually grown under Obama for the past 52 months?

The only thing holding this economy back are the obstructionists from the Tea Party who somehow talked the GOP into accepting them.

Everything that the GOP was for in the past 6 months to the past 5 years has been transformed into something bad for this country simply because Obama agreed with them.

The only reason that the GOP is against something is because Obama thinks it's a good idea.

And sadly................some of those ideas are good, even if the GOP came up with them and Obama thinks they will work.
This jerk-in-chief some call president has allowed for exploration off the east coast for oil. His propagandists in the so-called mainstream media refer to a decades-old ban being lifted. Like the hack is doing something radical. Truth is, he imposed the bans by reversing Bush's plans already drafted in 2009 after the drilling bans expired. Obama caused energy and all consumer goods prices to increase and has kept our economy in the hole as a result and now he's being propagated as though he's doing this wonderful thing. This is Stockholm Syndrome. We're supposed to be grateful because he may be hurting us less.
What a jerk!
Obama Opens East Coast To Oil Exploration For First Time In Decades Amid Wildlife Concerns
Now consider this report from 2009...
Bush-era offshore drilling plan shelved - US news - Environment | NBC News

Democrats should have their voting privileges revoked for being so stupid.


Any doubt now these folks are hoping for an Oligarchy?

This is also a fundamentally horrible idea.
$1.2 trillion annually our economy has been deprived of because of obama energy policy.

That's a rather specific number. Where did you get it?
My average household has lost over $8k annually of disposable income due to increase in energy costs. Those energy costs transfer through the price of all consumer goods. $2 wasted for every gallon of gasoline purchased and an average of 15 - 30% increase in food and utility costs.
150 million households in the country X $8k = $1.2 trillion annually.
That's a conservative estimate.
$1.2 trillion annually our economy has been deprived of because of obama energy policy.

That's a rather specific number. Where did you get it?
My average household has lost over $8k annually of disposable income due to increase in energy costs. Those energy costs transfer through the price of all consumer goods. $2 wasted for every gallon of gasoline purchased and an average of 15 - 30% increase in food and utility costs.
150 million households in the country X $8k = $1.2 trillion annually.
That's a conservative estimate.


8K annually?


Just how the heck do you come up with this figure?

And how is it "lost"?
This is the single reason for why our economy never recovered under this hack president.

Really? This economy has never recovered under this "hack president"?

Wanna talk about the DOW closing at over 17,000 for several days this month? Under Jr., it was diving to around 7,000.

Wanna talk about the S and P closing at almost 2,000 (and I'm guessing it's going to go over that in the next 2 weeks)?

How about the FACT that job creation has continually grown under Obama for the past 52 months?

The only thing holding this economy back are the obstructionists from the Tea Party who somehow talked the GOP into accepting them.

Everything that the GOP was for in the past 6 months to the past 5 years has been transformed into something bad for this country simply because Obama agreed with them.

The only reason that the GOP is against something is because Obama thinks it's a good idea.

And sadly................some of those ideas are good, even if the GOP came up with them and Obama thinks they will work.
Forget the DOW. That's smoke and mirrors. And convenient propaganda. We're talking about real people and their circumstance.
This idiot-in-chief's energy policy has cost every American household thousands of dollars annually due to his energy policy. Most people are either on the dole, are well off enough to not realize it or are biased enough to not admit it.
Just google the outrage about how gas prices reached $3 under Bush. Then consider that they've averaged $3.50 under this faux-black hack-in-chief.
That's a rather specific number. Where did you get it?
My average household has lost over $8k annually of disposable income due to increase in energy costs. Those energy costs transfer through the price of all consumer goods. $2 wasted for every gallon of gasoline purchased and an average of 15 - 30% increase in food and utility costs.
150 million households in the country X $8k = $1.2 trillion annually.
That's a conservative estimate.


8K annually?


Just how the heck do you come up with this figure?

And how is it "lost"?
It is lost due to unnecessary increase in the costs of energy. That transcends all consumer goods. That energy increase is all caused by this hack president and his green agenda. Do you know how much gasoline cost on January 11, 2009? $1.35/gallon. Compare that to the average of over $3.50/gallon during obama's entire term.
This is the single reason for why our economy never recovered under this hack president.

Really? This economy has never recovered under this "hack president"?

Wanna talk about the DOW closing at over 17,000 for several days this month? Under Jr., it was diving to around 7,000.

Wanna talk about the S and P closing at almost 2,000 (and I'm guessing it's going to go over that in the next 2 weeks)?

How about the FACT that job creation has continually grown under Obama for the past 52 months?

The only thing holding this economy back are the obstructionists from the Tea Party who somehow talked the GOP into accepting them.

Everything that the GOP was for in the past 6 months to the past 5 years has been transformed into something bad for this country simply because Obama agreed with them.

The only reason that the GOP is against something is because Obama thinks it's a good idea.

And sadly................some of those ideas are good, even if the GOP came up with them and Obama thinks they will work.
Forget the DOW. That's smoke and mirrors. And convenient propaganda. We're talking about real people and their circumstance.
This idiot-in-chief's energy policy has cost every American household thousands of dollars annually due to his energy policy. Most people are either on the dole, are well off enough to not realize it or are biased enough to not admit it.
Just google the outrage about how gas prices reached $3 under Bush. Then consider that they've averaged $3.50 under this faux-black hack-in-chief.

The DOW is smoke and mirrors, now is it?

My average household has lost over $8k annually of disposable income due to increase in energy costs. Those energy costs transfer through the price of all consumer goods. $2 wasted for every gallon of gasoline purchased and an average of 15 - 30% increase in food and utility costs.
150 million households in the country X $8k = $1.2 trillion annually.
That's a conservative estimate.


8K annually?


Just how the heck do you come up with this figure?

And how is it "lost"?
It is lost due to unnecessary increase in the costs of energy. That transcends all consumer goods. That energy increase is all caused by this hack president and his green agenda. Do you know how much gasoline cost on January 11, 2009? $1.35/gallon. Compare that to the average of over $3.50/gallon during obama's entire term.

We don't have any shortage whatsoever.

The scarcity of the commodity isn't driving the prices.

It's speculation and geopolitics.

By the way, the geopolitical mess was a self inflicted wound. And it was caused by the Bush administration.

Invading Iraq was a catastrophe that will be with us for some time to come.
This is the single reason for why our economy never recovered under this hack president.

Really? This economy has never recovered under this "hack president"?

Wanna talk about the DOW closing at over 17,000 for several days this month? Under Jr., it was diving to around 7,000.

Wanna talk about the S and P closing at almost 2,000 (and I'm guessing it's going to go over that in the next 2 weeks)?

How about the FACT that job creation has continually grown under Obama for the past 52 months?

The only thing holding this economy back are the obstructionists from the Tea Party who somehow talked the GOP into accepting them.

Everything that the GOP was for in the past 6 months to the past 5 years has been transformed into something bad for this country simply because Obama agreed with them.

The only reason that the GOP is against something is because Obama thinks it's a good idea.

And sadly................some of those ideas are good, even if the GOP came up with them and Obama thinks they will work.
Forget the DOW. That's smoke and mirrors. And convenient propaganda. We're talking about real people and their circumstance.
This idiot-in-chief's energy policy has cost every American household thousands of dollars annually due to his energy policy. Most people are either on the dole, are well off enough to not realize it or are biased enough to not admit it.
Just google the outrage about how gas prices reached $3 under Bush. Then consider that they've averaged $3.50 under this faux-black hack-in-chief.

Interestingly enough, the gas prices hit some of their highest levels in June of 2008 (when Jr. was still in office) and they hit around 4.43.

What was the highest U.S. average retail price of regular gasoline? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Sorry, but gas prices are much lower under Obama than they were under Jr. (who happened to be someone who loved the oil industry).

Today, I checked gas prices at the pumps, and for Amarillo it was around 3.30 (which is over a dollar less than 4.43).

Under Jr., I paid a lot more money for fuel. Under Obama, it's been going down.

Matter of fact, I was able to afford a trip this summer to vacation in Colorado this year. Why? Because of the policies that have been instrumented under Obama.

8K annually?


Just how the heck do you come up with this figure?

And how is it "lost"?
It is lost due to unnecessary increase in the costs of energy. That transcends all consumer goods. That energy increase is all caused by this hack president and his green agenda. Do you know how much gasoline cost on January 11, 2009? $1.35/gallon. Compare that to the average of over $3.50/gallon during obama's entire term.

We don't have any shortage whatsoever.

The scarcity of the commodity isn't driving the prices.

It's speculation and geopolitics.

By the way, the geopolitical mess was a self inflicted wound. And it was caused by the Bush administration.

Invading Iraq was a catastrophe that will be with us for some time to come.

Speculation is based upon circumstances. Like the point spread of an NFL game. Obama is contriving circumstances that make gas cost $3.50 and Bush's plans after drilling moratoriums expired or were reversed dropped prices to $1.35. Do your homework and try to be honest next time.
"Faux black president" in a thread that has nothing to do with race?

Another post that should have started with "I'm not a racist but..."
If he hadn't opened up the East cost for oil exploration you'd be bashing him. Since he has you are bashing him. Just say you really hate Obama no matter what he does.
Really? This economy has never recovered under this "hack president"?

Wanna talk about the DOW closing at over 17,000 for several days this month? Under Jr., it was diving to around 7,000.

Wanna talk about the S and P closing at almost 2,000 (and I'm guessing it's going to go over that in the next 2 weeks)?

How about the FACT that job creation has continually grown under Obama for the past 52 months?

The only thing holding this economy back are the obstructionists from the Tea Party who somehow talked the GOP into accepting them.

Everything that the GOP was for in the past 6 months to the past 5 years has been transformed into something bad for this country simply because Obama agreed with them.

The only reason that the GOP is against something is because Obama thinks it's a good idea.

And sadly................some of those ideas are good, even if the GOP came up with them and Obama thinks they will work.
Forget the DOW. That's smoke and mirrors. And convenient propaganda. We're talking about real people and their circumstance.
This idiot-in-chief's energy policy has cost every American household thousands of dollars annually due to his energy policy. Most people are either on the dole, are well off enough to not realize it or are biased enough to not admit it.
Just google the outrage about how gas prices reached $3 under Bush. Then consider that they've averaged $3.50 under this faux-black hack-in-chief.

Interestingly enough, the gas prices hit some of their highest levels in June of 2008 (when Jr. was still in office) and they hit around 4.43.

What was the highest U.S. average retail price of regular gasoline? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Sorry, but gas prices are much lower under Obama than they were under Jr. (who happened to be someone who loved the oil industry).

Today, I checked gas prices at the pumps, and for Amarillo it was around 3.30 (which is over a dollar less than 4.43).

Under Jr., I paid a lot more money for fuel. Under Obama, it's been going down.

Matter of fact, I was able to afford a trip this summer to vacation in Colorado this year. Why? Because of the policies that have been instrumented under Obama.

$4-plus in July, 2008. $1.35 on January 11, 2009 after drilling moratoriums expired and/or were reversed. $3.50 plus on average under this hack president and his bogus green agenda.
We make $100k annually with a modest mortgage and one kid in college and we can afford no car from this millennium. This hack president has busted our budget.
If he hadn't opened up the East cost for oil exploration you'd be bashing him. Since he has you are bashing him. Just say you really hate Obama no matter what he does.

That sounds familiar.
He has only partially reversed a problem he has caused. That is still a net failure. Kinda like Stockholm Syndrome. Like we're supposed to be grateful that he is hurting us less. Again, as you just demonstrated, people who have no clue defend this hack president.
It is lost due to unnecessary increase in the costs of energy. That transcends all consumer goods. That energy increase is all caused by this hack president and his green agenda. Do you know how much gasoline cost on January 11, 2009? $1.35/gallon. Compare that to the average of over $3.50/gallon during obama's entire term.

We don't have any shortage whatsoever.

The scarcity of the commodity isn't driving the prices.

It's speculation and geopolitics.

By the way, the geopolitical mess was a self inflicted wound. And it was caused by the Bush administration.

Invading Iraq was a catastrophe that will be with us for some time to come.

Speculation is based upon circumstances. Like the point spread of an NFL game. Obama is contriving circumstances that make gas cost $3.50 and Bush's plans after drilling moratoriums expired or were reversed dropped prices to $1.35. Do your homework and try to be honest next time.

Do we even live in the same world?


This isn't football.

Wars raging in regions rich with oil is the reason for price spikes.

More oil is being extracted and refined now than during the Bush administration.

So the speculation has nothing to do with any "moratorium" despite what the right wing talking heads say..
$4-plus in July, 2008. $1.35 on January 11, 2009 after drilling moratoriums expired and/or were reversed. $3.50 plus on average under this hack president and his bogus green agenda.
We make $100k annually with a modest mortgage and one kid in college and we can afford no car from this millennium. This hack president has busted our budget.

Dude, your '1.35' price was the bottom of a retail gasoline market crash. It lasted a matter of weeks. The average price for 2008 was 3.299 a gallon. The average price in 2013? 3.575.
U.S. Gasoline and Diesel Retail Prices

An increase of only 28 cents. Adjusted for inflation, the price went up a PENNY.

And this is what you're weeping, and wailing and gnashing your teeth over?

Unemployment rates are at their lowest since 2008. Home values continue to ascend. The stock market is near all time highs. We just broke all records for total employment, with numbers higher than any time in our nation's history. Our energy exports are up while our inflation is historically low.

And you ignore all of it. No rational person interested in the actual state of affairs ever would.

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