Fauci's fed agency spent 424, ooo cruelly experimenting on beagle pups then euthanizing them

Calypso Jones

Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2020

That’s right: According to a new exposé from the anti-animal-experimentation advocacy group the White Coat Waste Project, the National Institutes of Health spent $424,000 on a study involving the abuse of dogs. The NIH department that is specifically under the leadership of Dr. Anthony Fauci funded this experiment, and it “commission[ed] a study in which healthy beagles are given an experimental drug and then intentionally infested with flies that carry a disease-causing parasite that affects humans.”
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THey just throwin' those experimental drugs around all over the place. What's goin' on do ya think.

I'd like to know where these sons of bitches got these pups to begin with.
THey just throwin' those experimental drugs around all over the place. What's goin' on do ya think.

I'd like to know where these sons of bitches got these pups to begin with.

Mom, can we please go look for Rudi again?

That’s right: According to a new exposé from the anti-animal-experimentation advocacy group the White Coat Waste Project, the National Institutes of Health spent $424,000 on a study involving the abuse of dogs. The NIH department that is specifically under the leadership of Dr. Anthony Fauci funded this experiment, and it “commission[ed] a study in which healthy beagles are given an experimental drug and then intentionally infested with flies that carry a disease-causing parasite that affects humans.”

So on top of everything else Fauci is a puppy killer. Go figure, right? :(

Fauci Killed Me!!!!

What the hell ever happened to lab rats??? Are we suddenly having a rodent shortage problem???
Dogs are loyal best friends that never desert you, no matter who you are.
Morality aside......

There is no way to put morality aside here.
I loved my Beagle more than most human beings and I couldn't stay in the same building with a researcher that treated pups that way. Animal experimentation is necessary at times but I draw the line at puppies or kittens. That may be irrational but there we are...

That’s right: According to a new exposé from the anti-animal-experimentation advocacy group the White Coat Waste Project, the National Institutes of Health spent $424,000 on a study involving the abuse of dogs. The NIH department that is specifically under the leadership of Dr. Anthony Fauci funded this experiment, and it “commission[ed] a study in which healthy beagles are given an experimental drug and then intentionally infested with flies that carry a disease-causing parasite that affects humans.”
Wow y’all are pretty desperate aren’t ya?!
What the hell ever happened to lab rats??? Are we suddenly having a rodent shortage problem???
Dogs are loyal best friends that never desert you, no matter who you are.

Dogs have a much closer physiology to humans.

Fauci and his Chinese masters are seeking biological weapons to use against people, not rodents.
Wow y’all are pretty desperate aren’t ya?!

and you're okay with doing obscene experimentation on beagle pups and dogs.
what kind of person are you anyway? I was waiting to see who on the left would respond to this topic. your remark is mildly disturbing. You let him off the hook and blame the person who brings it to your attention. wow is right.
and you're okay with doing obscene experimentation on beagle pups and dogs.
what kind of person are you anyway? I was waiting to see who on the left would respond to this topic. your remark is mildly disturbing. You let him off the hook and blame the person who brings it to your attention. wow is right.

I get labelled as "left" all the time.
Fau Chi’s beagles link to SARS-CoV-2:
I loved my Beagle more than most human beings and I couldn't stay in the same building with a researcher that treated pups that way. Animal experimentation is necessary at times but I draw the line at puppies or kittens. That may be irrational but there we are...
I definitely agree about Beagles and other dogs, cats on the other hand.....I REALLY do not like cats. My Significant Other has two and being around them has solidified my dislike of them. They have no boundaries when it comes to being on surfaces. She once told me that they never get up on the kitchen counters. Her house sitter proved her wrong on that bit. When one of them hears me coming towards the kitchen, I hcan hear it leap onto the floor and come running out of the kitchen in terror. They hack up hair balls on every flat surface. Just two weeks ago, one hacked up a mess inside her expensive noise reduction headphones. They do it on the furniture and floors of course, I twice slipped on the floor where they've hacked up their slop. Even though they have a scratching post, the arm of the couch and other covered furniture are fair game for shredding, If you have a drinking glass in front of you, they will quickly jump up and stick their faces into the glass to see if they can have a drink. If she dies before me, those cats are going to rapidly go through all nine of their lives. So personally, if they were to announce that Beagles would be replaced by cats, I'd probably shrug.

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