Fauci, who pushed for Wuhan funding, now squirms when asked about it..

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
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From what I understand Fauci is technically correct while still lying. He argues about direct funding and that might be correct but there was funding that was then re-directed to Wuhan.

It's all a mess but that's how I understand it.
If there was a lab in Wuhan being funded, I doubt Fauci knew about. It’s all the way on the other side of the world and outside of Faucis jurisdiction. It just doesn’t make sense and sounds way too much like a conspiracy theory.
They unleashed the virus to get Trump out.
How's that for a "conspiracy theory " ?

If it harmed Trump it was because of the way he dealt with it. I suppose if you wanted to go there you could claim people knew he would handle it badly but that still doesn't speak well of Trump.
They unleashed the virus to get Trump out.
How's that for a "conspiracy theory " ?

If it harmed Trump it was because of the way he dealt with it. I suppose if you wanted to go there you could claim people knew he would handle it badly but that still doesn't speak well of Trump.
Mail-in voting.
From what I understand Fauci is technically correct while still lying. He argues about direct funding and that might be correct but there was funding that was then re-directed to Wuhan.

It's all a mess but that's how I understand it.
As you understand it? really?

Try Fauci is an evil greedy asshole who sold us all out by paying evil CHINA to invent a deadly virus ---in this case he and the chinese were successful---covid wuhun virus. Game of Function---

And for those that don't know the pattern for china--------CHINA has more billionaires than anyone else in the world has been getting all sorts of free shit from the US taxpayers and other western nations simply by buying fucking corrupt politicians in the west like you know JOE BIDEN. Not only these free deadly virus's but free energy for CHINA via the Carbon Credit BULL shit among other things. Carbon Credits is basically the UN and others including Gore buying windmills and solar panels (made by china for china with US taxpayer money) after of course, getting their cut for administering this scam.
Not looking good for the evil doctor.
But the media isn't covering it , so no worries.

It's not just their financing it, but then you have the NIH having to explain it's involvement in the Moderna vaccine and any money made and any political affiliations used to strategically halt a booming economy for political tactical strategy with a forced cdc plan to lock down the economy instead of just most at risk & 2 weeks to get ahead of supplies and a hold of the spread while working on remedies along with vaccine to avoid extreme cases and hospitalization before vaccines and natural immunity reigned it in.
From what I understand Fauci is technically correct while still lying. He argues about direct funding and that might be correct but there was funding that was then re-directed to Wuhan.

It's all a mess but that's how I understand it.
As you understand it? really?

Try Fauci is an evil greedy asshole who sold us all out by paying evil CHINA to invent a deadly virus ---in this case he and the chinese were successful---covid wuhun virus. Game of Function---

And for those that don't know the pattern for china--------CHINA has more billionaires than anyone else in the world has been getting all sorts of free shit from the US taxpayers and other western nations simply by buying fucking corrupt politicians in the west like you know JOE BIDEN. Not only these free deadly virus's but free energy for CHINA via the Carbon Credit BULL shit among other things. Carbon Credits is basically the UN and others including Gore buying windmills and solar panels (made by china for china with US taxpayer money) after of course, getting their cut for administering this scam.

Sorry for replying in a rational manner.
They unleashed the virus to get Trump out.
How's that for a "conspiracy theory " ?

If it harmed Trump it was because of the way he dealt with it. I suppose if you wanted to go there you could claim people knew he would handle it badly but that still doesn't speak well of Trump.
Trump was too busy being acquitted at the time.
They unleashed the virus to get Trump out.
How's that for a "conspiracy theory " ?

If it harmed Trump it was because of the way he dealt with it. I suppose if you wanted to go there you could claim people knew he would handle it badly but that still doesn't speak well of Trump.
Trump was too busy being acquitted at the time.
View attachment 490423
You mean he was too busy trying to pretend him catching covid was a nothing burger, even though he had to be hospitalized, and receive the limited to the public monoclonal antibody therapy in order to save his life? That's the photo op, he staged in your photo.
They unleashed the virus to get Trump out.
How's that for a "conspiracy theory " ?

If it harmed Trump it was because of the way he dealt with it. I suppose if you wanted to go there you could claim people knew he would handle it badly but that still doesn't speak well of Trump.
Trump was too busy being acquitted at the time.
View attachment 490423
You mean he was too busy trying to pretend him catching covid was a nothing burger, even though he had to be hospitalized, and receive the limited to the public monoclonal antibody therapy in order to save his life? That's the photo op, he staged in your photo.
Pence was in charge.
trump_hazmat (1).jpg
There’s no guarantee that natural immunity will reign it in unless there is a vaccine. Even with a vaccine, C-19 will remain at large in nature. The lab theory has been debunked.
#15: the lab theory was debunked on the Biological Politics thread and on this one:

The Coronavirus Did Not Escape from a Lab: Here’s How We Know
’....”Our analyses clearly show that SARS-CoV-2 is not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus....” ‘
On 11 Oct 2020, we posted (#23) an article from May 2020 stating....
’....these elements are not optimized for human form. Therefore, it is unlikely that the interface of RBD from SARS-CoV-2 is a result of human intervention via genetic engineering aiming to increase the affinity toward ACE2.’
Newsweek reported last year that the NIH funded a two-phase research project by the Wuhan Institute of Virology that started in 2014 and looked at bat coronaviruses. The first phase of the project, which concluded in 2019, had a budget of $3.7 million. The second phase, which was run by the nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance, “included some gain-of-function work,” according to Newsweek. Politico reported in April of last year that the NIH had abruptly cut off funding for the project.
We have traced Eco Health Alliance to Dali City, Yunnan. Daszak does know much about COVID-19.

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