Father asks: "Do black lives really matter? Or only if you are shot by white person...."


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
This father brings up a great point. Al Sharpton and the Obama administration have never stood up for blacks killed by illegal aliens, or other blacks for that matter. Black Lives Matter. All lives matter. But the only time the left gets upset is when it's a white officer or citizen who kills a black person.

"Jamiel Shaw, a man whose teenage son was murdered by an illegal immigrant, testified before Congress on Wednesday. Shaw called for Congress prevent this tragedy from happening to another family.

Shaw said in his emotional testimony:

"My son, Jamiel Andre Shaw II, was murdered by a DREAMer, a DACA recipient, a child brought to this country by no fault of his own," Shaw began. "My family’s peace and freedom was stolen by an illegal alien from Mexico. He was brought here by his illegal alien parents and allowed to grow up as a wild animal."

Shaw’s son was not killed by a "DREAMer," though. He was murdered by a man who could have potentially qualified under the Obama administration’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Jamiel Shaw II was murdered in 2008, several years prior to the adoption and implantation of DACA, or the DREAM Act.

Shaw was attempting to demonstrate the holes in the various immigration policies set forth by the Obama administration. He continued:

"My son, Jamiel Shaw II, was murdered while walking on his own street, three houses down from his home. An illegal alien on his first gun charge was visiting a neighbor when my son was coming home," he said. "He shot my son in the stomach and then in the head, killing him."

"Do black lives really matter? Or does it matter only if you are shot by a white person or a white policeman?""

Sorry bout that,

1. It matters more when white people kill blacks because of the people like Al, Jesse, Obama, they push the deaths like a campaign promise, all false.
2. It should matter as much when a child who should of never been in the country murders.
3. It matters to ME!

Sorry bout that,

1. And it matters how illegals get in my country and get everything free, especially medical, while I and the military have to do without.
2. Fuck them!

Mr. Shaw wasn't the only one who testified that day. There have been countless murders by illegal aliens. The supporters of amnesty say 'so what', we already have crime. Well, true, but there are thousands of victims who were raped, assaulted or murdered and they would not have been victims if the illegal aliens who attacked them hadn't been here.

We have no way of checking backgrounds of those who illegally enter. That is why we have a process where they are supposed to apply for citizenship. The number of people allowed each year wasn't just a random number someone thought up. It was decided what is best for our country, not others. What might be good for Mexico is killing us. The Mexican government makes out quite well. They get rid of their poor and their criminals. They are sent billions in remittances each year from illegals working here. Why would they want to change that? Is it any wonder that the Dems allowed the Mexican president to give input when talking about immigration reform. That was crazy because Mexico doesn't give a rat's ass about America. They do what helps them even if it hurts us and the liberals in Washington go along because they want more voters. Disgusting. If they really want to do something to truly help people, perhaps they could start by doing what is in the best interest of American citizens who put their sorry asses in office.
No libs responded yet. I guess the Daily KO hasn't released talking points regarding this yet.

I'm waiting for one of you with the stupid clown face avies to come and whine that it's not Obama's fault.

Thing is, look at what Obama is doing here. Instead of showing concern for Americans, whom he supposedly represents, he is more worried about catering to those here illegally. It's not just the kids bought here by parents, it's all the people who have sneaked in over the years and especially those who poured in after word of the new amnesty got out.

Instead of addressing the problem, he just opened the flood gates. Just because more than the allowed number of people want to come here doesn't mean there is something wrong with our immigration laws. We should do what is in our best interest.
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