Farmers thrash idea of commercial licenses


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2010
On the way to the Dark Tower.
Farmers thrash idea of commercial licenses

Tim Strobel has been driving a tractor for 20 years, so he's a bit puzzled that federal officials are kicking around an idea that could ultimately force him - and anyone else operating farm machinery - to get a commercial driver's license.

Yes, the same kind of license that interstate truckers must have to operate their rigs.

"I am not against some training, but this is going a little bit overboard," said Strobel, a dairy farmer from Watertown.

The U.S. Department of Transportation has been collecting public comments on the notion, which the agency insists doesn't yet merit being called a "proposal."

But it's far enough along that the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation, state Agriculture Secretary Ben Brancel, and a bipartisan group of 21 U.S. senators, among others, are speaking out against it.

Farm Bureau officials say Transportation Department proposals aimed at reclassifying agricultural machinery as commercial motor vehicles could lead to a requirement that farmers get a commercial license to move equipment on roads between fields and to their local grain mills.

It's "overreaching and unnecessary," said Karen Gefvert, Wisconsin Farm Bureau director of governmental relations.

The additional public safety gained from increased federal regulation is unclear at best, but the additional costs for farmers would come at a time when they could least afford them, Brancel said in a letter to federal officials.

In one scenario, farmers hauling grain to local elevators would be treated as if they were engaged in interstate commerce because grain, in many cases, eventually leaves the state.​
CDLs for anything..pffft.

I can drive a tractor trailer. I don't need no stinking CDL.

Heck..I'd like to try brain surgery too. Or being a Lawyer.

I've always wanted to be a pilot too.
The central planners know best. How dare you question their superior intellect and deep knowledge of all markets and business. I'm amazing we manage to grow anything before the DOT. Now we can know all is well, all is well.
good lord you've gotten infected with tyranny.

Farmers grow up learning how to operate this equipment. Who the hell are they going to get to "teach and test" farmers how to do such things.

I'd like to cut hair. can't, not licensed
I'd like to drive a taxi. can't not licensed
I'd like to carry a gun. cant, can't afford my Constitution right, b/c of the cost of a license
I'd like to hunt and fish, ooo more licesnse

Seriously, the left looks more and more like tyrants everyday.
CDLs for anything..pffft.

I can drive a tractor trailer. I don't need no stinking CDL.

Heck..I'd like to try brain surgery too. Or being a Lawyer.

I've always wanted to be a pilot too.

Tractor trailers use public roads, hence the requirement for a license.

The other comparisions are just silly.

Plus, why should this be a federal thing? if a state wants to require a CDL for farm equipment thats fine by me.
CDLs for anything..pffft.

I can drive a tractor trailer. I don't need no stinking CDL.

Heck..I'd like to try brain surgery too. Or being a Lawyer.

I've always wanted to be a pilot too.

Tractor trailers use public roads, hence the requirement for a license.

The other comparisions are just silly.

Plus, why should this be a federal thing? if a state wants to require a CDL for farm equipment thats fine by me.

central planning.

Control the food, control everything.
There are plenty of moronic ag implement/equipment drivers out there.
It shouldn't matter how much experience they have- test and license them just like everyone else.
And while they're at it- enforce load limits.
good lord you've gotten infected with tyranny.

Farmers grow up learning how to operate this equipment. Who the hell are they going to get to "teach and test" farmers how to do such things.

I'd like to cut hair. can't, not licensed
I'd like to drive a taxi. can't not licensed
I'd like to carry a gun. cant, can't afford my Constitution right, b/c of the cost of a license
I'd like to hunt and fish, ooo more licesnse

Seriously, the left looks more and more like tyrants everyday.

Well if they keep the vehicles on the farms and stay off the roads..I pretty much don't think it's much of an issue.
CDLs for anything..pffft.

I can drive a tractor trailer. I don't need no stinking CDL.

Heck..I'd like to try brain surgery too. Or being a Lawyer.

I've always wanted to be a pilot too.

Tractor trailers use public roads, hence the requirement for a license.

The other comparisions are just silly.

Plus, why should this be a federal thing? if a state wants to require a CDL for farm equipment thats fine by me.

Why is it silly?

Why is it now accepted that a lawyer or a doctor needs a license?

I mean..I accept it..but why should people that hate the government be for licensing doctors and lawyers?

Or Pilots?
CDLs for anything..pffft.

I can drive a tractor trailer. I don't need no stinking CDL.

Heck..I'd like to try brain surgery too. Or being a Lawyer.

I've always wanted to be a pilot too.

Tractor trailers use public roads, hence the requirement for a license.

The other comparisions are just silly.

Plus, why should this be a federal thing? if a state wants to require a CDL for farm equipment thats fine by me.

Why is it silly?

Why is it now accepted that a lawyer or a doctor needs a license?

I mean..I accept it..but why should people that hate the government be for licensing doctors and lawyers?

Or Pilots?

Because those are professions, and those professions require a service provided directly to the public, and in the public interest.

Having a doctor/lawyer/pilot perfom thier task without proper training and thus certification can directly impact others. How does a farmer driving his combine to his own silo without a CDL directly affect you?
Why is it silly?

Why is it now accepted that a lawyer or a doctor needs a license?

I mean..I accept it..but why should people that hate the government be for licensing doctors and lawyers?

Or Pilots?

Who says we are for licensing doctors and lawyers? Those are just schemes to keep the salaries of doctors and lawyers inflated.
good lord you've gotten infected with tyranny.

Farmers grow up learning how to operate this equipment. Who the hell are they going to get to "teach and test" farmers how to do such things.

I'd like to cut hair. can't, not licensed
I'd like to drive a taxi. can't not licensed
I'd like to carry a gun. cant, can't afford my Constitution right, b/c of the cost of a license
I'd like to hunt and fish, ooo more licesnse

Seriously, the left looks more and more like tyrants everyday.

Well if they keep the vehicles on the farms and stay off the roads..I pretty much don't think it's much of an issue.
Aside from the fact it's coming from the Fed, I wouldn't care that much, unless it was coming from my state.

I'm against useless regulations. They achieve nothing beyond costing everyone more.
Most farmers have to drive equipment on roads to get to fields, no matter,

let the libs run the food supply, watch them starve to death
What a bunch of idiots.

Next will be the lawn mower license.

Bicycle license.

Skateboard license.

Pedestrian license.
CDLs for anything..pffft.

I can drive a tractor trailer. I don't need no stinking CDL.

Heck..I'd like to try brain surgery too. Or being a Lawyer.

I've always wanted to be a pilot too.

Tractor trailers use public roads, hence the requirement for a license.

The other comparisions are just silly.

Plus, why should this be a federal thing? if a state wants to require a CDL for farm equipment thats fine by me.

Why is it silly?

Why is it now accepted that a lawyer or a doctor needs a license?

I mean..I accept it..but why should people that hate the government be for licensing doctors and lawyers?

Or Pilots?

When doctors and lawyers need a license to operate their lawn tractors, this will have a bearing on the OP.

Until then it's deflection of the first magnitude.
CDLs for anything..pffft.

I can drive a tractor trailer. I don't need no stinking CDL.

Heck..I'd like to try brain surgery too. Or being a Lawyer.

I've always wanted to be a pilot too.

A tractor trailer and a farm tractor are 2 entirely different animals.

To require a CDL for driving a farm tractor a couple hundred feet down a road between fields is beyond stupid. The next thing the idiots in government will mandate is that all farm machinery meet standards for automobiles.

That would be a great way to put small farms out of business.

Yay government.
I have a class a cdl.

I have driven large farm tractors.

Two different beasts.

I really see the need for extended training and testing for commercial drivers but for farm equipment. Thats just stupid.
Requiring a CDL to drive a farm tractor seems a bit egregious to me. But not so much for larger pieces of farm equipment. You already need a CDL to operate most heavy equipment used in construction.

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