Famous atheists last words before dying


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
In afterlife there are neither scum presstitutes nor corrupted lying 'politicians' nor fluffy-bunny-hippie-dippie-'progressive'-communist 'churches'
There are only you and God.

And if your name isn't written in the Book of Life you have a problem.

Don't believe liars!
Both God and Hell exist and anything around you was created by God.

Be prepared to afterlife, especially if you received the 'jab'

Can you explain what is our Universe?
Of course not.
But you dare to question the very existence of God

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we've been over this TRILLION times--you can't prove there is a god = no god
..and don't make a fool of yourself by saying ''you can't prove there isn't a god'''
Religion just does not work out for everyone. Don't take it personally if someone has never seen any evidence there is anyone listening to their prayers. Bad things happen to good people all the time and it is sometimes easier to just give up religion rather than walking around mad at God for making such a cruel world.
Last words of Religious fanatics

What do you mean there is no God?
What I really object to from major religions…

Not the idea that if you do bad things, you will go to HELL
It is the idea that if you don’t believe every lie we tell you, you will go to HELL
What I really object to from major religions…

Not the idea that if you do bad things, you will go to HELL
It is the idea that if you don’t believe every lie we tell you, you will go to HELL
What lies do the Jewish tell?
we've been over this TRILLION times--you can't prove there is a god = no god
..and don't make a fool of yourself by saying ''you can't prove there isn't a god'''

The difference between you and me:

You believe in everlasting death, I believe in everlasting life.
You believe you are from apes, I believe I was created by God

You shall confess, you know nothing about both our planet and our existence.
First of all explain how dead matter become alive

Big Bang, hahaha, the explanation for gullible idiots.
I'm not sure what this proves.

That most people are terrified when they know they are going to die? Um. Yup.

I'm personally hoping to die in my sleep.

You shall be terrified what comes after your death.
It's more important.
Religion just does not work out for everyone. Don't take it personally if someone has never seen any evidence there is anyone listening to their prayers. Bad things happen to good people all the time and it is sometimes easier to just give up religion rather than walking around mad at God for making such a cruel world.

To understand a little bit what going on you shall know The Holy Bible, Chrysostom, John of Damascus, Tertullian, Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Lao Tzy and probably Confucius.
I don't think most of peoples in so-called Christian countries today know more as two names from the list
Don't think presstitutes and lying scum corrupted politicians will even mention their names

The public 'education' deliberately dumbed down peoples, nevertheless YOU will pay for THEIR faults in afterlife
The difference between you and me:

You believe in everlasting death, I believe in everlasting life.
You believe you are from apes, I believe I was created by God

Um, okay, except your beliefs have no real basis in fact or evidence. I mean, those are nice things to beleive, there's just no proof for them.

on the the other hand, we have EVIDENCE humans evolved from primates.

You shall be terrified what comes after your death.
It's more important.

Why should it be?

Let's review, shall we?

God will only let in people who believe in Zombie Jesus. Well, that eliminates 6 billion of the 8 billion humans on planet earth right now. What happens when you get to heaven and find out it's Allah or Krishna or Amaterasu who is the Supreme Deity?


Great, I get to the afterlife, and she wants to have a word with me about my Asian girl fetish!.

But let's say you are right and it's really Jehovah and Jesus up there.... The problem is you Xians can't even agree among yourselves what Jesus actually wants. If the Catholics are right, then a billion of you non-Catholics are going to H-E-Double Hockey sticks. It's probably a much smaller number if the non-Catholic denominations are the right ones.


Holy Shit, the Mormons were right?

Okay, so now we are down to a very small group who even qualify, then we actually get to the conduct aspect of it. If you believe the bible, very few of us are getting into heaven.

The problem I have is just how fucked up entry into heaven is.

Let's take Jeffery Dahmner and Ann Frank.

Ann Frank wasn't getting into heaven, she didn't believe Jesus Did Magic Tricks, so down into Hell she goes.

Meanwhile, Jeff Dahmner, after killing and eating 17 guys, became a born again Christian in prison and was promptly brained by another inmate. Which means all his sins were forgiven and he gets straight into heaven. Gee, I hope he didn't run into anyone he ate up there, because that would be awkward.
The difference between you and me:

You believe in everlasting death, I believe in everlasting life.
You believe you are from apes, I believe I was created by God

You shall confess, you know nothing about both our planet and our existence.
First of all explain how dead matter become alive

Big Bang, hahaha, the explanation for gullible idiots.
1. you see, you don't even know the truth or do a basic research ...we did not come from apes--apes and humans had a common ancestor--THAT'S the theory
2. YES YES YES--you said ''believe''' = NOT TRUE
3. STILL, no proof of god--all you did was babble crap
The World without God





The World with God




I prefer the option # 2
Until you demonstrate something other than contempt for your fellow humans I have to conclude that you would cheer for genocide as long as the right people are going into the mass graves. You're a nasty little snake that would spitefully ruin anything good, kind and gentle you come in contact with.
Until you demonstrate something other than contempt for your fellow humans I have to conclude that you would cheer for genocide as long as the right people are going into the mass graves. You're a nasty little snake that would spitefully ruin anything good, kind and gentle you come in contact with.
I have not seen anything like that from Baron. He's simply issuing a warning for atheists what will happen if they continue down their current path. Would you say someone is filled with contempt who warns a child from wandering too close to a cliff?

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