Facts About Judaism

You may wish to regard the following: Messianic Life


See...that's exactly what I'm talking about,
missionaries have not the least integrity to be straightforward,
trolling around seeking to disconnect Jews from their heritage, always sneaky.

What is that about Islam and Christianity that makes them so unsure
of themselves that they absolutely must try and turn everyone to be like them?
What heritage are you concerned about? I note that Mary and Joseph were a Jewish couple. Jesus was raised Jewish. He was dedicated at the Temple at Jerusalem... All the prophetic heritage of the Old Testament point to the coming of the Messiah who I firmly believe has come and will return again (likely sooner than later). The Messiah/Christ fulfilled every requirement of the Mosaic/GOD's Law. I note that many Jews are still seeking the Messiah's coming. Yet if indeed He came this day would Jews be anymore receptive than they were 2000 years ago? Would they not expect things to change at His revelation?

I see true Christianity as the pinnacle, or fruition of the history of the nation of Israel, and its part of bringing the SAVIOR to the ENTIRE world (the gentiles) --- and not just so it (Israel) can wallow in exclusive "traditions" for tradition sake... I as an evangelical christian love the Jewish people and their traditions, but I also realize that most of these traditions point to the Messiah. This is something I personally feel many Jews miss. They see them as family gatherings and shinning a spotlight upon themselves. But believers should be shining the light upon HIM who save us an not fret that we will somehow lose traditional identity. This is because we are all made whole when we spotlight G-D's grace to everyone.

Nah...still sounds like utter none sense.

Seriously, that's kids stuff.
Even in the Heider 5 year old's raise harder questions.

Shulchan Aruch For Bnei Noach Set To Be Published

The “Shulchan Aruch” is a halachic rulebook which contains all the daily routines, and also the practices for holidays and the life cycle. What is permitted and what is forbidden? This book will be a collection of halacha specifically for Noahides.

The “Shulchan Aruch” will be written by the Director of Brit Olam – Noahide World Center – Rav Oury Cherki. a result of many years of mutual efforts with many Noahides. It is being written with the advice and guidance of a forum of rabbis who are experts in the subject of Bnei Noach and the universal message of Judaism.

You provided an interesting link. What I liked the most is mentioning of the commandment not to murder in regard with prohibition to embarrass someone in public.

Of course, embarrassment of a fellow is considered murder.

And it's multifaceted, aside from what seems today as apparent moral digression,
as much as with murder today, there's a physiological explanation to why embarrassment is considered murder as well, but it doesn't end there as well.

There's a method to Jewish law, and the Rabbinic argumentation is infinitely complex and meticulous , way beyond what can possibly expanded in such a forum.

Only to start grasping the initial thread of a single debate on a single subject on one page of the Gmara, which can be centered at a single phrase or even word of the law, on its initial literal level- can take at best several months (and I'm being large here), even that is virtually impossible without prior grasp of some minimal basis.

But that's if I'm being large here, in reality, if after 3-4 months You grasp 20% that's a significant intellectual achievement. And a person will know this on his own, once that's starts rolling, the feeling of growing up to a rigorous intellectual challenge, as it's commonly expressed - 'it starts tasting like honey'.

Anyway, as already said this is not the platform capable enough of containing such a detailed discourse in the correct way, and I'm certainly not the one fit to take the position.

But to go back to what You've previously pointed out, I'll conclude with another simple example- there're many kinds of theft, as with murder explained above, some are not as obvious initially, namely - there's whats called 'theft of mind' as well, which I think fits more for the example You've previously given.

Hope I didn't confuse it, or made it overly complicated.
We can always take back, and expand as we proceed with the conversation.

Thanks for your input. Frankly, my knowledge is too low for meaningful conversations, to say nothing about discussions. I tried several times to read the Bible (both OT and NT), but have never managed to get it through completely.

Though, during this period significant shift in my mind happened. I no longer consider Judaism as primitive and purely tribal religion compared with Christianity. The contrary is true, it seems.

I am not a religious person. And I think that never will be. There are some aspects of religious life I can't accept (they are common to all religions). Though, it should be interesting to read the book mentioned when it appears. And follow the rules it provides which get along with my feelings and mind.

I am fascinated. What led you to believe that Judaism is primitive
and tribal?

Primitive? No

Tribal? 100%. That’s understandable until they put the tribe above G-d.

What do you mean by 'tribal'?

By the way, it's G-d who prescribes, with exception of 3 conditions,
that the life of a single member of His tribe takes precedent over His entire Torah.


it’s the conditions.

Too much contempt clouds your ability to form thoughts
that go beyond shallow infantile projection.

But I'll answer anyway - the 3 exceptional conditions are:

  1. Sexual immorality
  2. Idol worship
  3. Murder
Not specifically in that order.
G-d gave Torah to Israel, to live in it, not otherwise.

Except for the above, value of life takes precedent over any Torah law.
How do you know he isn't?

The virus still is around. and some people still dying.

With prayers or without prayers at one point this virus will be contained.

The whole show including silver trumpets is just good will "to do something" like giving hope that God will take care, but this virus was triggered by human actions and will be contained by human actions.

It won't be a miracle.
What makes you assume one negates the other?
How do you know he isn't?

The virus still is around. and some people still dying.

With prayers or without prayers at one point this virus will be contained.

The whole show including silver trumpets is just good will "to do something" like giving hope that God will take care, but this virus was triggered by human actions and will be contained by human actions.

It won't be a miracle.
Your existence is a miracle.
Shulchan Aruch For Bnei Noach Set To Be Published

The “Shulchan Aruch” is a halachic rulebook which contains all the daily routines, and also the practices for holidays and the life cycle. What is permitted and what is forbidden? This book will be a collection of halacha specifically for Noahides.

The “Shulchan Aruch” will be written by the Director of Brit Olam – Noahide World Center – Rav Oury Cherki. a result of many years of mutual efforts with many Noahides. It is being written with the advice and guidance of a forum of rabbis who are experts in the subject of Bnei Noach and the universal message of Judaism.

You provided an interesting link. What I liked the most is mentioning of the commandment not to murder in regard with prohibition to embarrass someone in public.

Of course, embarrassment of a fellow is considered murder.

And it's multifaceted, aside from what seems today as apparent moral digression,
as much as with murder today, there's a physiological explanation to why embarrassment is considered murder as well, but it doesn't end there as well.

There's a method to Jewish law, and the Rabbinic argumentation is infinitely complex and meticulous , way beyond what can possibly expanded in such a forum.

Only to start grasping the initial thread of a single debate on a single subject on one page of the Gmara, which can be centered at a single phrase or even word of the law, on its initial literal level- can take at best several months (and I'm being large here), even that is virtually impossible without prior grasp of some minimal basis.

But that's if I'm being large here, in reality, if after 3-4 months You grasp 20% that's a significant intellectual achievement. And a person will know this on his own, once that's starts rolling, the feeling of growing up to a rigorous intellectual challenge, as it's commonly expressed - 'it starts tasting like honey'.

Anyway, as already said this is not the platform capable enough of containing such a detailed discourse in the correct way, and I'm certainly not the one fit to take the position.

But to go back to what You've previously pointed out, I'll conclude with another simple example- there're many kinds of theft, as with murder explained above, some are not as obvious initially, namely - there's whats called 'theft of mind' as well, which I think fits more for the example You've previously given.

Hope I didn't confuse it, or made it overly complicated.
We can always take back, and expand as we proceed with the conversation.

Thanks for your input. Frankly, my knowledge is too low for meaningful conversations, to say nothing about discussions. I tried several times to read the Bible (both OT and NT), but have never managed to get it through completely.

Though, during this period significant shift in my mind happened. I no longer consider Judaism as primitive and purely tribal religion compared with Christianity. The contrary is true, it seems.

I am not a religious person. And I think that never will be. There are some aspects of religious life I can't accept (they are common to all religions). Though, it should be interesting to read the book mentioned when it appears. And follow the rules it provides which get along with my feelings and mind.

Thank You, that's inspiring, and frankly I'm surprised.
So far this is one of the most meaningful conversations I've had on the board.

First of all, before approaching to read Torah, so as to grasp its meaning,
one has to take in account what it is and who it was aimed at. Namely, the 'word of G-d'.
And as with any communication it is aimed at specific people at a point in time in their language.

This is not to say the communication is aimed only to them, but naturally, as when listening to an exchange from a distance, to have a chance at understanding what's actually being said, at the least from merely linguistic sense, it is essential to take in mind who are the directly involved parties and in what situation - this is no less true for native Hebrew speaking Jews.

Otherwise, if approached as merely a story-line , relatively meaningless, a;most impossible to make sense of most details, and frankly a quiet boring read.

That's exactly why at least one commentary is added to the curriculum, most commonly Rashi, even in secular schools in Israel - specifically to help it bridge the vast generational gap.

And this is before we even discuss bridging of the linguistic gap, with all the challenges that go along with translation.

However, one thing can address these issues holistically, vastly improve the experience and make it alive, and this is a key I think largely overlooked - RHYTHM.

You see, Torah is living in the Jewish community not merely as a sealed book, that one is required to read from cover to cover, rather there's what's called 'The Weekly Torah Portion'.
Jews study a specific portion of the 5 books of Moses, a specific portion for a week, little by little, or in one take when gathering on Shabat, while also discussing it or typically hearing a speech about that specific portion that goes into the depth of the details, maybe something from the wealth of questions, arguments, parables and answers revealed and argued by the Sages through the generations, or can be something that captures the parallels of current events. This way it is very much alive and relevant, around which revolves the entire week, very much like the theme of the week, one which You can soak and mingle, take time to think about and experience in a very direct and meaningful manner.

Another aspect. and I'll finish with that, which is more intimate, is You should realize the study is usually not done alone, rather in front of a living person, a learned Rabbi (and groups) with whom You can directly interact, ask questions, challenge and argue (Judaism as a culture is mainly an interaction that largely revolves around the art of questioning), which leads me to what I think can be probably the best advice I can give - if You're interested and up to the challenge, simply express that desire to learn (not to be converted, because You'll be automatically rejected), and look for a Rabbi who is open for that interaction and fits Your personality, don't be shy to be assertive, and You'll know exactly when the correct person appears.

My first suggestion would be Rabbi Tovia Singer, though his work mainly revolves around the goal of getting Jews out of the church and inter-faith debates for that purpose, he's very knowledgeable and open, as well as available to wide audience through various channels,
At the least, intellectually I think You'll find him interesting, and if needed, most probably will be able to direct You to other people -

I have one more question to you. Let's imagine a situation. There is some person living say in South America who has never heard about the Torah, Noahide laws etc. He worships his local gods, using their images and statues as objects of worship.

As a whole, he is a good person - doesn't kill anyone, hardworking, kind, ready to help his fellows in difficult situations.

What his fate will be after his death?

As far as I understand, under those condition You've described a Noahide,
because G-d's judgement is measure against measure, i.e. can't obligate one to a measure one never had an opportunity to know.

Frankly, I don't know, what happens after death has little importance in Judaism.
The main focus is on this world, the world of doing - where freedom of choice takes precedent over any and all forms "fatalisms".

Islam and Christianity are fatalist, death as ultimate freedom,
seeing main goal in human life - an attempt to climb a ladder to infinity.

While in Judaism is uncompromisingly optimist , life itself is ultimate freedom,
seeing human life as the main goal, as a point of interaction with infinity reaching down.

P.S.: Once you are capable to get rid of projecting Islam and Christianity on Judaism,
and only then can You grasp the following in its true sense - every soul goes through sort of cleaning process out of shame, and unwillingness to "eat free bread", i.e. the soul wants to pay for receiving G-d's infinite good, in spite being at the receiving end of good that it can't simply measure up to no matter how good the deeds.. Namely G-d's good is infinitely more than the soul deserves (or can contain), and the soul being overwhelmed by that kindness wants to have at least some impression that it can mirror its Creator's love.

Starts with sadness being separated from the body its used to associate with, and continues with purification that takes another 10 moths. Overall 11 month process until having the capacity to re-unite with the Creator's infinite good.

*(On a side note, that also brings us "back" directly to Eve's choice)

But, although the highest part of our soul intrinsically 'knows' and remains connected to that truth throughout all our human life, while remaining in human form we can't really grasp that truth.

And therefore, there's another BIG but - don't take my word for it - learn on Your own.

Phew.... :)

(Edit: ESay I've edited and added a bit.)
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How do you know he isn't?

The virus still is around. and some people still dying.

With prayers or without prayers at one point this virus will be contained.

The whole show including silver trumpets is just good will "to do something" like giving hope that God will take care, but this virus was triggered by human actions and will be contained by human actions.

It won't be a miracle.

There has been a paradigm shift to this pandemic.

Some people have found meaning to their lives. A spiritual discovery.

A gift from G-d?

I would like to see statistics about it.

But it won't be a surprise if people develop more conscious focus about their lives in front of a ongoing crisis.

I would like to see such a change in people as well.
Shulchan Aruch For Bnei Noach Set To Be Published

The “Shulchan Aruch” is a halachic rulebook which contains all the daily routines, and also the practices for holidays and the life cycle. What is permitted and what is forbidden? This book will be a collection of halacha specifically for Noahides.

The “Shulchan Aruch” will be written by the Director of Brit Olam – Noahide World Center – Rav Oury Cherki. a result of many years of mutual efforts with many Noahides. It is being written with the advice and guidance of a forum of rabbis who are experts in the subject of Bnei Noach and the universal message of Judaism.

You provided an interesting link. What I liked the most is mentioning of the commandment not to murder in regard with prohibition to embarrass someone in public.

Of course, embarrassment of a fellow is considered murder.

And it's multifaceted, aside from what seems today as apparent moral digression,
as much as with murder today, there's a physiological explanation to why embarrassment is considered murder as well, but it doesn't end there as well.

There's a method to Jewish law, and the Rabbinic argumentation is infinitely complex and meticulous , way beyond what can possibly expanded in such a forum.

Only to start grasping the initial thread of a single debate on a single subject on one page of the Gmara, which can be centered at a single phrase or even word of the law, on its initial literal level- can take at best several months (and I'm being large here), even that is virtually impossible without prior grasp of some minimal basis.

But that's if I'm being large here, in reality, if after 3-4 months You grasp 20% that's a significant intellectual achievement. And a person will know this on his own, once that's starts rolling, the feeling of growing up to a rigorous intellectual challenge, as it's commonly expressed - 'it starts tasting like honey'.

Anyway, as already said this is not the platform capable enough of containing such a detailed discourse in the correct way, and I'm certainly not the one fit to take the position.

But to go back to what You've previously pointed out, I'll conclude with another simple example- there're many kinds of theft, as with murder explained above, some are not as obvious initially, namely - there's whats called 'theft of mind' as well, which I think fits more for the example You've previously given.

Hope I didn't confuse it, or made it overly complicated.
We can always take back, and expand as we proceed with the conversation.

Thanks for your input. Frankly, my knowledge is too low for meaningful conversations, to say nothing about discussions. I tried several times to read the Bible (both OT and NT), but have never managed to get it through completely.

Though, during this period significant shift in my mind happened. I no longer consider Judaism as primitive and purely tribal religion compared with Christianity. The contrary is true, it seems.

I am not a religious person. And I think that never will be. There are some aspects of religious life I can't accept (they are common to all religions). Though, it should be interesting to read the book mentioned when it appears. And follow the rules it provides which get along with my feelings and mind.

I am fascinated. What led you to believe that Judaism is primitive
and tribal?

Primitive? No

Tribal? 100%. That’s understandable until they put the tribe above G-d.

pic------how do you say "tribe" in Hebrew?

Like this. It’s ok to look the other way when a member of the tribe does the wrong thing, the wrong way, for the wrong reason.

Who or what decides what is wrong?

How do you know he isn't?

The virus still is around. and some people still dying.

With prayers or without prayers at one point this virus will be contained.

The whole show including silver trumpets is just good will "to do something" like giving hope that God will take care, but this virus was triggered by human actions and will be contained by human actions.

It won't be a miracle.

There has been a paradigm shift to this pandemic.

Some people have found meaning to their lives. A spiritual discovery.

A gift from G-d?

I would like to see statistics about it.

But it won't be a surprise if people develop more conscious focus about their lives in front of a ongoing crisis.

I would like to see such a change in people as well.
Try looking at charity statistics.
Shulchan Aruch For Bnei Noach Set To Be Published

The “Shulchan Aruch” is a halachic rulebook which contains all the daily routines, and also the practices for holidays and the life cycle. What is permitted and what is forbidden? This book will be a collection of halacha specifically for Noahides.

The “Shulchan Aruch” will be written by the Director of Brit Olam – Noahide World Center – Rav Oury Cherki. a result of many years of mutual efforts with many Noahides. It is being written with the advice and guidance of a forum of rabbis who are experts in the subject of Bnei Noach and the universal message of Judaism.

You provided an interesting link. What I liked the most is mentioning of the commandment not to murder in regard with prohibition to embarrass someone in public.

Of course, embarrassment of a fellow is considered murder.

And it's multifaceted, aside from what seems today as apparent moral digression,
as much as with murder today, there's a physiological explanation to why embarrassment is considered murder as well, but it doesn't end there as well.

There's a method to Jewish law, and the Rabbinic argumentation is infinitely complex and meticulous , way beyond what can possibly expanded in such a forum.

Only to start grasping the initial thread of a single debate on a single subject on one page of the Gmara, which can be centered at a single phrase or even word of the law, on its initial literal level- can take at best several months (and I'm being large here), even that is virtually impossible without prior grasp of some minimal basis.

But that's if I'm being large here, in reality, if after 3-4 months You grasp 20% that's a significant intellectual achievement. And a person will know this on his own, once that's starts rolling, the feeling of growing up to a rigorous intellectual challenge, as it's commonly expressed - 'it starts tasting like honey'.

Anyway, as already said this is not the platform capable enough of containing such a detailed discourse in the correct way, and I'm certainly not the one fit to take the position.

But to go back to what You've previously pointed out, I'll conclude with another simple example- there're many kinds of theft, as with murder explained above, some are not as obvious initially, namely - there's whats called 'theft of mind' as well, which I think fits more for the example You've previously given.

Hope I didn't confuse it, or made it overly complicated.
We can always take back, and expand as we proceed with the conversation.

Thanks for your input. Frankly, my knowledge is too low for meaningful conversations, to say nothing about discussions. I tried several times to read the Bible (both OT and NT), but have never managed to get it through completely.

Though, during this period significant shift in my mind happened. I no longer consider Judaism as primitive and purely tribal religion compared with Christianity. The contrary is true, it seems.

I am not a religious person. And I think that never will be. There are some aspects of religious life I can't accept (they are common to all religions). Though, it should be interesting to read the book mentioned when it appears. And follow the rules it provides which get along with my feelings and mind.

I am fascinated. What led you to believe that Judaism is primitive
and tribal?

Primitive? No

Tribal? 100%. That’s understandable until they put the tribe above G-d.

What do you mean by 'tribal'?

By the way, it's G-d who prescribes, with exception of 3 conditions,
that the life of a single member of His tribe takes precedent over His entire Torah.


it’s the conditions.

Too much contempt clouds your ability to form thoughts
that go beyond shallow infantile projection.

But I'll answer anyway - the 3 exceptional conditions are:

  1. Sexual immorality
  2. Idol worship
  3. Murder
Not specifically in that order.
G-d gave Torah to Israel, to live in it, not otherwise.

Except for the above, value of life takes precedent over any Torah law.

I have no contempt but I agree that contempt is one of the things that can cloud objectivity just as unplaced loyalty to a tribal member can cloud objectivity which is what I was referring to in my prior post.

Man’s original sin was worshipping created things instead of the creator. It’s a little more than gold calves.
What makes you assume one negates the other?

You have a sick person in front of you. You pray for the person to be healed thanks to your prayers.

The prayers don't work but later on the sick person went to a doctor and a prescription helped him to recover and his health to be restored.

Technically, you can't take credit that your prayers worked.

And this not an assumption but the crude reality after analysis, review, test and more: the prescribed medicine was the cure.

Miracles happening by praying alone won't need of medicines.

They prayed, the virus still is spreading, then the prayers didn't work because God didn't listen to them.... by now God is listening to the virus instead.
Shulchan Aruch For Bnei Noach Set To Be Published

The “Shulchan Aruch” is a halachic rulebook which contains all the daily routines, and also the practices for holidays and the life cycle. What is permitted and what is forbidden? This book will be a collection of halacha specifically for Noahides.

The “Shulchan Aruch” will be written by the Director of Brit Olam – Noahide World Center – Rav Oury Cherki. a result of many years of mutual efforts with many Noahides. It is being written with the advice and guidance of a forum of rabbis who are experts in the subject of Bnei Noach and the universal message of Judaism.

You provided an interesting link. What I liked the most is mentioning of the commandment not to murder in regard with prohibition to embarrass someone in public.

Of course, embarrassment of a fellow is considered murder.

And it's multifaceted, aside from what seems today as apparent moral digression,
as much as with murder today, there's a physiological explanation to why embarrassment is considered murder as well, but it doesn't end there as well.

There's a method to Jewish law, and the Rabbinic argumentation is infinitely complex and meticulous , way beyond what can possibly expanded in such a forum.

Only to start grasping the initial thread of a single debate on a single subject on one page of the Gmara, which can be centered at a single phrase or even word of the law, on its initial literal level- can take at best several months (and I'm being large here), even that is virtually impossible without prior grasp of some minimal basis.

But that's if I'm being large here, in reality, if after 3-4 months You grasp 20% that's a significant intellectual achievement. And a person will know this on his own, once that's starts rolling, the feeling of growing up to a rigorous intellectual challenge, as it's commonly expressed - 'it starts tasting like honey'.

Anyway, as already said this is not the platform capable enough of containing such a detailed discourse in the correct way, and I'm certainly not the one fit to take the position.

But to go back to what You've previously pointed out, I'll conclude with another simple example- there're many kinds of theft, as with murder explained above, some are not as obvious initially, namely - there's whats called 'theft of mind' as well, which I think fits more for the example You've previously given.

Hope I didn't confuse it, or made it overly complicated.
We can always take back, and expand as we proceed with the conversation.

Thanks for your input. Frankly, my knowledge is too low for meaningful conversations, to say nothing about discussions. I tried several times to read the Bible (both OT and NT), but have never managed to get it through completely.

Though, during this period significant shift in my mind happened. I no longer consider Judaism as primitive and purely tribal religion compared with Christianity. The contrary is true, it seems.

I am not a religious person. And I think that never will be. There are some aspects of religious life I can't accept (they are common to all religions). Though, it should be interesting to read the book mentioned when it appears. And follow the rules it provides which get along with my feelings and mind.

I am fascinated. What led you to believe that Judaism is primitive
and tribal?

Primitive? No

Tribal? 100%. That’s understandable until they put the tribe above G-d.

What do you mean by 'tribal'?

By the way, it's G-d who prescribes, with exception of 3 conditions,
that the life of a single member of His tribe takes precedent over His entire Torah.


it’s the conditions.

Too much contempt clouds your ability to form thoughts
that go beyond shallow infantile projection.

But I'll answer anyway - the 3 exceptional conditions are:

  1. Sexual immorality
  2. Idol worship
  3. Murder
Not specifically in that order.
G-d gave Torah to Israel, to live in it, not otherwise.

Except for the above, value of life takes precedent over any Torah law.

I have no contempt but I agree that contempt is one of the things that can cloud objectivity just as unplaced loyalty to a tribal member can cloud objectivity which is what I was referring to in my prior post.

Man’s original sin was worshipping created things instead of the creator. It’s a little more than gold calf’s.

That has nothing to do with a tribe.
Rather a natural human trait, or for that matter of living creatures.

I'm not going to discus the subject of sin,
with a person who thinks G-d of Israel was "born".

It's just not of potential depth, let alone intellectually interesting.

I'm sorry, but move on.
They prayed, the virus still is spreading, then the prayers didn't work because God didn't listen to them.... by now God is listening to the virus instead.
Perhaps you do not understand prayer. A prayer is not a wish you say to a Genii who then, with a blink, grants the request.

A true prayer would be confiding concerns about the reality of the virus to God, and then ask for strength to deal with whatever comes. Ask how I can help with what may need to be done; how can I serve at this time? Open my eyes and my heart. Send me.
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" Limits Of Scope "

* Two Genetic Religions And An Absurdity *

G-d gave Torah to Israel, to live in it, not otherwise.
Such relates the difference between torahnism that would only apply within israel , qurayshism that would only appy within hejaz and fictional ishmaelism that is a debase claim that qurayshism would apply outside of hejaz .
What makes you assume one negates the other?

You have a sick person in front of you. You pray for the person to be healed thanks to your prayers.

The prayers don't work but later on the sick person went to a doctor and a prescription helped him to recover and his health to be restored.

Technically, you can't take credit that your prayers worked.

And this not an assumption but the crude reality after analysis, review, test and more: the prescribed medicine was the cure.

Miracles happening by praying alone won't need of medicines.

They prayed, the virus still is spreading, then the prayers didn't work because God didn't listen to them.... by now God is listening to the virus instead.

Ditch the absolutist approach.
Prayers don't "work"in of their own, they don't heal - only G-d gives the sickness and heals.

Neither I'm sure people were praying for the virus to just stop.
It's all too one-dimentional they way You put it.

There's currently a great awakening among the Jewish community in the world.
People see, intuitively feel, and know there's something BIG going on way beyond.

Some may remain in denial, or choose out of fear.

Infinately big, and although I know this would sound impolite, or non- PC, but I'll anyway say this - infinately connected to them as a nation in the most direct manner possible, than to any other, many see what only the words of the prophets had the capacity to convey.

"And enough for the wise a clue" - Rabbi Zveida on Mishley
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Try looking at charity statistics.

Today is so easy to lie to the ignorant.

Lets say about a Jewish father and her daughter who cliam the are helping to "Holocaust susrvivors" in Russia. The show is using two old women who are supposed to live in poverty in Russia.

Question is, are they asking $40 a month contribution to help two "Holocaust survivors"?

Lets see. They are not showing how many "Holocaust survivors" still are living in Russia. lets say, showing an entire community of at least three to five hundred people. They just show two old womwn to whom this Jew guy and his daughter can help by themselves.

Lets go now with those "$40 a month charity".

On thousand people contributing is $40,000 a month. One hundred thousand people contributing is $400,000 a month.

$400,000 a month is $4,000,000 a year.

From here, the organization is a non profit organization, this means the received money is mostly not subjected to audits. Then, this man and her daughter can say they spent three and a half million helping two old women and the rest was used for their own "salaries" plus cost of the help sent to Russia.

In reality, if these two women exist and if they really are "Holocaust survivors" has not been proved to be real. Then, the whole charity issue is no more than a scam.

And they know they can make millions of millions of dollars a year just by using the phrase that "God (thru the bible) told to help the Jews".

If those two old women supposed to live in Russia really need help, why this Jew and his daughter just don't ask for help to the thou=sands of Jews who are millionaire and billionaire here in the US and the rest of the world?

I will tell you why: Because the millionaire and billionaire Jews know that such so called non profit organization is a fraud.

The worst people can do at this moment is wasting their money in charity organizations. If people want to help others, better to help the locals in need, which is what every religious people must do, to help the "neighbor" not the far away non existent individual invented by scammers.

More people contributing to non profit organizations "combating the virus" is not a spitirtual upheaval but surely means more ignorant people are victims of more scammers. The mathematics fits perfectly.
" Limits Of Scope "

* Two Genetic Religions And An Absurdity *

G-d gave Torah to Israel, to live in it, not otherwise.
Such relates the difference between torahnism that would only apply within israel , qurayshism that would only appy within hejaz and fictional ishmaelism that is a debase claim that qurayshism would apply outside of hejaz .
You're actually on to something.
Israel and Ishmael - two nations G-d called 'Adam'.
Ditch the absolutist approach.
Prayers don't "work"in of their own, they don't heal - only G-d gives the sickness and heals.

Neither I'm sure people were praying for the virus to just stop.
It's all too one-dimentional they way You put it.

There's currently a great awakening among the Jewish community in the world.
People see, intuitively feel, and know there's something BIG going on way beyond.

Some may remain in denial, or choose out of fear.

Infinately big, and although I know this would sound impolite, or non- PC, but I'll anyway say this - infinately connected to them as a nation in the most direct manner possible, than to any other, many see what only the words of the prophets had the capacity to convey.

"And enough for the wise a clue" - Rabbi Zveida on Mishley
Since when the Jewish community is interested in what is going on with goyim around the world?

In their care, is this Jewish community asking for donations?
Shulchan Aruch For Bnei Noach Set To Be Published

The “Shulchan Aruch” is a halachic rulebook which contains all the daily routines, and also the practices for holidays and the life cycle. What is permitted and what is forbidden? This book will be a collection of halacha specifically for Noahides.

The “Shulchan Aruch” will be written by the Director of Brit Olam – Noahide World Center – Rav Oury Cherki. a result of many years of mutual efforts with many Noahides. It is being written with the advice and guidance of a forum of rabbis who are experts in the subject of Bnei Noach and the universal message of Judaism.

You provided an interesting link. What I liked the most is mentioning of the commandment not to murder in regard with prohibition to embarrass someone in public.

Of course, embarrassment of a fellow is considered murder.

And it's multifaceted, aside from what seems today as apparent moral digression,
as much as with murder today, there's a physiological explanation to why embarrassment is considered murder as well, but it doesn't end there as well.

There's a method to Jewish law, and the Rabbinic argumentation is infinitely complex and meticulous , way beyond what can possibly expanded in such a forum.

Only to start grasping the initial thread of a single debate on a single subject on one page of the Gmara, which can be centered at a single phrase or even word of the law, on its initial literal level- can take at best several months (and I'm being large here), even that is virtually impossible without prior grasp of some minimal basis.

But that's if I'm being large here, in reality, if after 3-4 months You grasp 20% that's a significant intellectual achievement. And a person will know this on his own, once that's starts rolling, the feeling of growing up to a rigorous intellectual challenge, as it's commonly expressed - 'it starts tasting like honey'.

Anyway, as already said this is not the platform capable enough of containing such a detailed discourse in the correct way, and I'm certainly not the one fit to take the position.

But to go back to what You've previously pointed out, I'll conclude with another simple example- there're many kinds of theft, as with murder explained above, some are not as obvious initially, namely - there's whats called 'theft of mind' as well, which I think fits more for the example You've previously given.

Hope I didn't confuse it, or made it overly complicated.
We can always take back, and expand as we proceed with the conversation.

Thanks for your input. Frankly, my knowledge is too low for meaningful conversations, to say nothing about discussions. I tried several times to read the Bible (both OT and NT), but have never managed to get it through completely.

Though, during this period significant shift in my mind happened. I no longer consider Judaism as primitive and purely tribal religion compared with Christianity. The contrary is true, it seems.

I am not a religious person. And I think that never will be. There are some aspects of religious life I can't accept (they are common to all religions). Though, it should be interesting to read the book mentioned when it appears. And follow the rules it provides which get along with my feelings and mind.

I am fascinated. What led you to believe that Judaism is primitive
and tribal?

Primitive? No

Tribal? 100%. That’s understandable until they put the tribe above G-d.

pic------how do you say "tribe" in Hebrew?

Like this. It’s ok to look the other way when a member of the tribe does the wrong thing, the wrong way, for the wrong reason.

Who or what decides what is wrong?


sunday school reality-------like----who puts the jelly beans in
the basket
Try looking at charity statistics.

Today is so easy to lie to the ignorant.

Lets say about a Jewish father and her daughter who cliam the are helping to "Holocaust susrvivors" in Russia. The show is using two old women who are supposed to live in poverty in Russia.

Question is, are they asking $40 a month contribution to help two "Holocaust survivors"?

Lets see. They are not showing how many "Holocaust survivors" still are living in Russia. lets say, showing an entire community of at least three to five hundred people. They just show two old womwn to whom this Jew guy and his daughter can help by themselves.

Lets go now with those "$40 a month charity".

On thousand people contributing is $40,000 a month. One hundred thousand people contributing is $400,000 a month.

$400,000 a month is $4,000,000 a year.

From here, the organization is a non profit organization, this means the received money is mostly not subjected to audits. Then, this man and her daughter can say they spent three and a half million helping two old women and the rest was used for their own "salaries" plus cost of the help sent to Russia.

In reality, if these two women exist and if they really are "Holocaust survivors" has not been proved to be real. Then, the whole charity issue is no more than a scam.

And they know they can make millions of millions of dollars a year just by using the phrase that "God (thru the bible) told to help the Jews".

If those two old women supposed to live in Russia really need help, why this Jew and his daughter just don't ask for help to the thou=sands of Jews who are millionaire and billionaire here in the US and the rest of the world?

I will tell you why: Because the millionaire and billionaire Jews know that such so called non profit organization is a fraud.

The worst people can do at this moment is wasting their money in charity organizations. If people want to help others, better to help the locals in need, which is what every religious people must do, to help the "neighbor" not the far away non existent individual invented by scammers.

More people contributing to non profit organizations "combating the virus" is not a spitirtual upheaval but surely means more ignorant people are victims of more scammers. The mathematics fits perfectly.

There're those who are on the receiving end, and those who give.
Fraud is common human nature, that's just what it is.

I'm not going to dig into cases of charity fraud, it's not interesting.

But the Jewish nation throughout the history, up till today,
probably the one has been holding the virtue of charity more than any other.
Actually one of the three main characters that define the descendants of Abraham A"H.

Edit: luchitociencia
I suggested to look at statistics of those who give - without national distinctions.
And I bet now its rising among ALL.
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Perhaps you do not understand prayer. A prayer is not a wish you say to a Genii who then, with a blink, grants the request.

A true prayer would be confiding concerns about the reality of the virus to God, and then ask for strength to deal with whatever comes. Ask how one can I help with what may need to be done; how can I serve at this time? Open my eyes and my heart. Send me.

Isn't the issue of prayer to be in secret. like when you do good to others?

Lets say, you with lots of people have the agreement to pray for peace. The, you send texts and emails so everybody will pray as one in front of your God at the same time.

However, will you include the gay, the criminals, the pervert to participate in that prayer?

Do you think God listens to multitudes without their repentance first?

Do you know that there are "rules" even for praying?

One dude told Yeshu (Jesus), that he knows God don't listen to sinners, And Yeshu didn't contracted him.

What about stop making the issue of praying a petition from all the ones who obey God and do it without making to much fuss about it?

Silver trumpets and all those ornaments mean nothing to God, but the prayer of the ones with clean souls.

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