Fact-check.org debunks hoax that BLM donations go to DNC


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
Here is a USMB thread making the false claim, that has also been pushed by Qanon, the brain-damaged Candace Owens, and the Reddit conservative subreddit among other kooks.

Hoaxes usually make their way to USMB at some point.
Democrats have an processing payment website called ACTBLUE and Republicans have a processing payment processing website called WinRed.
Many progressive websites use ActBlue and many right-wing websites use WinRed.
BLM uses ACTBLUE I process payments.
“ActBlue lets candidates and liberal nonprofit organizations set up their separate accounts,” Michael Malbin, director of the nonpartisan Campaign Finance Institute, told us in a phone interview. “There’s no crossing from one account to another. If you give the money to Sanders, it does not go to Biden.”

Malbin — a professor of political science at the University at Albany, State University of New York — said candidates and organizations use ActBlue “for the ease of transactions.”
Donations to Black Lives Matter Group Don't Go to DNC
Here is a USMB thread making the false claim, that has also been pushed by Qanon, the brain-damaged Candace Owens, and the Reddit conservative subreddit among other kooks.

Hoaxes usually make their way to USMB at some point.
Democrats have an processing payment website called ACTBLUE and Republicans have a processing payment processing website called WinRed.
Many progressive websites use ActBlue and many right-wing websites use WinRed.
BLM uses ACTBLUE I process payments.
“ActBlue lets candidates and liberal nonprofit organizations set up their separate accounts,” Michael Malbin, director of the nonpartisan Campaign Finance Institute, told us in a phone interview. “There’s no crossing from one account to another. If you give the money to Sanders, it does not go to Biden.”

Malbin — a professor of political science at the University at Albany, State University of New York — said candidates and organizations use ActBlue “for the ease of transactions.”
Donations to Black Lives Matter Group Don't Go to DNC
So BLM is part of a 'shell game' to funnel money directly or indirectly to the DEMs.
STOP THE PRESSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who fucking cares?
Give BLM enough time and they will cannibalize themselves like they always do. The feasting has already started in Seattle.
The home of QB Colin Kaepernick's Seahawks.
"This corn is special".
In a few months BLM will be a popcorn fart in the wind.
Oh Yeah. The BLM 'elite' will still be getting hostage money from Starbucks etc but the rank and file will be sitting home watching Judge Judy instead of looking for a job.
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