Facial diaper rash?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
There are consequences to mandates for our health. My wife is still working and I am not so it is up to me to get things done during the day on the home front. Everywhere I go, whether it be a supermarket, a gas station, the gym or my favorite bowling alley, I am required to wear a mask. I got an itchy spot near my right nostril that would not go away-It was facial diaper rash. Given the state of the current emergency I did not want to seek professional medical help. Here is how I self-treated the condition:

1) I washed the area with soap and water.
2) I dipped a Q-tip in hydrogen peroxide and wiped it on the infection liberally.
3) I dried it with a paper towel.
4) I got an OTC antibiotic cream and put in on the rash with a Q-tip.
5) I put some 1% cortisone cream on top with a Q-tp to help with itching.
6) I got an OTC antibiotic ointment to act as a barrier when I go out with a mask.

This seems to work well.
There are consequences to mandates for our health. My wife is still working and I am not so it is up to me to get things done during the day on the home front. Everywhere I go, whether it be a supermarket, a gas station, the gym or my favorite bowling alley, I am required to wear a mask. I got an itchy spot near my right nostril that would not go away-It was facial diaper rash. Given the state of the current emergency I did not want to seek professional medical help. Here is how I self-treated the condition:

1) I washed the area with soap and water.
2) I dipped a Q-tip in hydrogen peroxide and wiped it on the infection liberally.
3) I dried it with a paper towel.
4) I got an OTC antibiotic cream and put in on the rash with a Q-tip.
5) I put some 1% cortisone cream on top with a Q-tp to help with itching.
6) I got an OTC antibiotic ointment to act as a barrier when I go out with a mask.'s

This seems to work well.

Get a shield, that's what I normally use. Doesn't touch the face and doesn't fog up your glasses.
There are consequences to mandates for our health. My wife is still working and I am not so it is up to me to get things done during the day on the home front. Everywhere I go, whether it be a supermarket, a gas station, the gym or my favorite bowling alley, I am required to wear a mask. I got an itchy spot near my right nostril that would not go away-It was facial diaper rash. Given the state of the current emergency I did not want to seek professional medical help. Here is how I self-treated the condition:

1) I washed the area with soap and water.
2) I dipped a Q-tip in hydrogen peroxide and wiped it on the infection liberally.
3) I dried it with a paper towel.
4) I got an OTC antibiotic cream and put in on the rash with a Q-tip.
5) I put some 1% cortisone cream on top with a Q-tp to help with itching.
6) I got an OTC antibiotic ointment to act as a barrier when I go out with a mask.

This seems to work well.

The hydracortisone works pretty well. I got an itchy rash on the inside first joint of my ring finger on my right hand. It started back in March when this coronavirus bullshit begun, and everyone started using methanol-based hand sanitizers.

It hasn't completely gone away, so that's the wound I got during the Great Chinese Virus War of 2020.

I should get a Purple Heart or something.
There are consequences to mandates for our health. My wife is still working and I am not so it is up to me to get things done during the day on the home front. Everywhere I go, whether it be a supermarket, a gas station, the gym or my favorite bowling alley, I am required to wear a mask. I got an itchy spot near my right nostril that would not go away-It was facial diaper rash. Given the state of the current emergency I did not want to seek professional medical help. Here is how I self-treated the condition:

1) I washed the area with soap and water.
2) I dipped a Q-tip in hydrogen peroxide and wiped it on the infection liberally.
3) I dried it with a paper towel.
4) I got an OTC antibiotic cream and put in on the rash with a Q-tip.
5) I put some 1% cortisone cream on top with a Q-tp to help with itching.
6) I got an OTC antibiotic ointment to act as a barrier when I go out with a mask.

This seems to work well.
Here's a few tips if you want to prevent this from happening in the future:

  • Never wear a dirty mask
  • Only wear a mask when you have to
  • Wash your face before you put on a mask
  • Never wear a mask outside unless you live in an Eastern Block Democrat city
I may have to get a shield.

I can't breathe thru a mask, even with tubing.
I'm fortunate to live in The Valley, where people are treated like normal human beings...well, except at AT&T. Anchoragua is a different story so I avoid doing business in the "big city" whenever I can. At work, we only wear masks when customers demand that we do, and I am able to avoid customer contact, too. I just feels good to live someplace where some modicum of sanity still exists.
There are consequences to mandates for our health. My wife is still working and I am not so it is up to me to get things done during the day on the home front. Everywhere I go, whether it be a supermarket, a gas station, the gym or my favorite bowling alley, I am required to wear a mask. I got an itchy spot near my right nostril that would not go away-It was facial diaper rash. Given the state of the current emergency I did not want to seek professional medical help. Here is how I self-treated the condition:

1) I washed the area with soap and water.
2) I dipped a Q-tip in hydrogen peroxide and wiped it on the infection liberally.
3) I dried it with a paper towel.
4) I got an OTC antibiotic cream and put in on the rash with a Q-tip.
5) I put some 1% cortisone cream on top with a Q-tp to help with itching.
6) I got an OTC antibiotic ointment to act as a barrier when I go out with a mask.

This seems to work well.

We have an Australian cattle dog whose coat seems to be confused by the mid-Atlantic weather as of late. So he is constantly shedding all over our vehicles. This means his fine hairs stick to our masks, which we leave in our cars because otherwise we'd keep forgetting them. No matter how well we scan our masks, some dog hairs remain, which start to really make our faces and noses itch about ten minutes after we're in whatever store.
One might get some useful advice on this condition from any kind of doctor. But if you know anyone who works in surgury, he or she probably has many years of experience to draw on.
There are consequences to mandates for our health. My wife is still working and I am not so it is up to me to get things done during the day on the home front. Everywhere I go, whether it be a supermarket, a gas station, the gym or my favorite bowling alley, I am required to wear a mask. I got an itchy spot near my right nostril that would not go away-It was facial diaper rash. Given the state of the current emergency I did not want to seek professional medical help. Here is how I self-treated the condition:

1) I washed the area with soap and water.
2) I dipped a Q-tip in hydrogen peroxide and wiped it on the infection liberally.
3) I dried it with a paper towel.
4) I got an OTC antibiotic cream and put in on the rash with a Q-tip.
5) I put some 1% cortisone cream on top with a Q-tp to help with itching.
6) I got an OTC antibiotic ointment to act as a barrier when I go out with a mask.

This seems to work well.
Here's a few tips if you want to prevent this from happening in the future:

  • Never wear a dirty mask
  • Only wear a mask when you have to
  • Wash your face before you put on a mask
  • Never wear a mask outside unless you live in an Eastern Block Democrat city

"Democrat city" :rofl:

Ignorance is bliss.
I wear a baby diaper made into a bandana when a mask is a requirement- it makes my nose run- it must trap stuff in the air I'm allergic to-
There are consequences to mandates for our health. My wife is still working and I am not so it is up to me to get things done during the day on the home front. Everywhere I go, whether it be a supermarket, a gas station, the gym or my favorite bowling alley, I am required to wear a mask. I got an itchy spot near my right nostril that would not go away-It was facial diaper rash. Given the state of the current emergency I did not want to seek professional medical help. Here is how I self-treated the condition:

1) I washed the area with soap and water.
2) I dipped a Q-tip in hydrogen peroxide and wiped it on the infection liberally.
3) I dried it with a paper towel.
4) I got an OTC antibiotic cream and put in on the rash with a Q-tip.
5) I put some 1% cortisone cream on top with a Q-tp to help with itching.
6) I got an OTC antibiotic ointment to act as a barrier when I go out with a mask.

This seems to work well.

The hydracortisone works pretty well. I got an itchy rash on the inside first joint of my ring finger on my right hand. It started back in March when this coronavirus bullshit begun, and everyone started using methanol-based hand sanitizers.

It hasn't completely gone away, so that's the wound I got during the Great Chinese Virus War of 2020.

I should get a Purple Heart or something.
FYI: Hydrocortisone is a corticosteroid that can have a paradoxical effect, especially in older people or on very sensitive parts of the body. It weakens your skin. It can cause itching.

Antiseptics such as methanol, alcohol or hydrogen peroxide are for use in the field when you first get injured because they kill potentially pathogenic microbes. However, after a wound is washed and sterilized you should not use that on a wound. Just as it kills tiny bacterial cells that can cause an infection, it also kills your new cells that are trying to heal the wound.
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Masks are worthless, they don’t stop or prevent transmission of the virus, nor do they filter your air intake. So just stop wearing them.

Th only thing that works is social distancing, if you’re susceptible and at risk (old, fat, asthma, etc).
Masks are worthless, they don’t stop or prevent transmission of the virus, nor do they filter your air intake. So just stop wearing them.

Th only thing that works is social distancing, if you’re susceptible and at risk (old, fat, asthma, etc).

What's going to be the end of masks will come from the police force charged with enforcing it.

In the near future, police officers are going to order a group of smartass black youths w/o masks to get off the street. A fight between the officers and the sacred cows will occur, and the cell phone video will end up on youtube and that will be that.
6) I got an OTC antibiotic ointment to act as a barrier when I go out with a mask.
A special note on the antibiotic creams and ointments. Be sure to only apply them to the lesion and avoid letting it get on the healthy skin around the lesion. Our skin has to breathe, if you clog up the pores of your healthy skin around the lesions for prolonged periods of time, it can cause the rash to get worse

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