Facebook's Dr. Zuckerberg Censored Hydroxychloroquine Truth And Risked Lives

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
No, I don’t know where Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg got his medical degree and license either, yet there he sits atop the social media food dictating who can say and know what about the Chinese Wuhan virus pandemic and its treatments and possible cures. He now says he knows more than board certified medical doctors about the drug hydroxychloroquine, for example, and will deny you access ti what they say, calling their judgments and pronouncement based on their studies and actual experience treating patients as “harmful misinformation. Dr. Zuckerberg has spoken and he will not let us hear a second opinion.

Zuckerberg, like most liberals, views the rest of us with contempt. He is to be the sole arbiter of truth and has no respect for constitutional eights like our freedom of speech.. His defense is that Facebook is his sandbox and is free so it is not like we are talking on a phone that we pay for. Yet we do pay for Facebook no matter what he says. Our information is culled, mined and sold. Ads are bought and placed on Facebook based on our being patrons of it. It is not free. Here is Zuckerberg telling ABC that Facebook won’t allow people to use the platform to organize to defend their constitutional rights to peacefully assemble and petition their leaders for a redress of grievances which include assaults on religious liberty and gun rights, both in the Constitution and to not be deprived of their livelihoods and use of their business property by executive order and not by legitimate due process of law.

(Excerpt) Read more at theconstitutionalconservatives.com ...

Excellent op-ed. yes, it is Zuck’s sandbox, but he probably cost lives with his gross immaturity.

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