Facebook won't let users in Australia share news, in "warning" to other countries


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Zuck you, facebook!

I just got a 30 day vacation off facebook for some dumb reason. That platform is killing its self and it is truly something to behold!
Zuck you, facebook!

It's time for all of us to get off the Facecrook. I deleted my account a few weeks ago. My girlfriend keeps begging me to come back and I say, no way. :D I can't get her to stop using Zukerburg/CIA's/DARPA's crap.
FaceBook is going to war with Australia?!

This will NOT end well ...


It is hard to pretend I care about the upside down people, facebook or the "news" being shared there. I deleted my facebook in November of 2016 when it became clear to me that Trump's win would be a 24/7 source of contention driving everybody I knew absolutely batshit crazy either in support or opposition.
It is amazing, since Facebook banned news I get out more.

I would mow my backyard but I am pretty sure if I did I would find a Japanese soldier still fighting World War II.

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