Facebook Can Cause Mental Illness

Zuckerberg is a human wrecking ball, along with his election fixing for Biden

The man is public enemy #1.

They admitted it in congress
Here is the proof
> Consequences to Mental Health
> Conversely, a number of studies emphasize the potentially negative consequences of sites like Facebook. They document the incidence of anxiety, depression, ADHD, eating disorders and addictions among users. Some of the major findings include:
> Depression
> Cyberbullying increases risk of depression and anxiety in children.9
> Facebook can cause depression if the user makes negative comparisons between himself or herself and others.10
> Facebook use "predicts declines in subjective well-being: how people feel moment to moment and how satisfied they are with their lives."11
> Facebook can cause envy, which can lead to depression.12
> Social media can increase symptoms of ADHD.13
> Eating Disorders
> Body exposure on Facebook can lead to eating disorders.
> The incidence of body image disturbance among adolescent girls is associated with Facebook use.14
Source: https://www.mentalhelp.net/internet/social-media-hurting-or-helping/

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