Eyewitness: Michael brown ran from cop car, 'doubled back' and charged at officers


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Eyewitness: Michael Brown Ran from Cop Car, 'Doubled Back' and Charged at Officers
A newly-discovered video taken in the aftermath of Ferguson, Missouri teen Michael Brown's death features a conversation between two bystanders, one whom relays what he witnessed—and he states that Brown fled a police car but then "doubled back" and was charging at officers as they fired at him.

Since Brown's fatal shooting has become a media firestorm, inspiring violent riots and looting in Ferguson, witnesses from both sides of the controversy have given conflicting reports on just what happened. However, this private conversation minutes after the incident seems untainted by any desire to protect or tarnish the reputation of either Brown or the police.
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#1 How’d he get from there to there?

#2 Because he ran, the police was still in the truck – cause he was like over the truck


#2 But him and the police was both in the truck, then he ran – the police got out and ran after him


#2 Then the next thing I know he doubled back toward him cus - the police had his gun drawn already on him –

#1. Oh, the police got his gun

#2 The police kept dumpin on him, and I’m thinking the police kept missing – he like – be like – but he kept coming toward him


#2 Police fired shots – the next thing I know – the police was missing

#1 The Police?

#2 The Police shot him

#1 Police?

#2 The next thing I know … I’m thinking … the dude started running … (garbled something about “he took it from him”)
Johnson also saw all the events, states them much differently; the guy you are quote sounds like he hits the Buttpimple candy & wants to be on talk radio for his 15 minutes:

".....cause he was like over the truck...."

Brietbart, now there is a reliable source:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: I'll wait for actual evidence.
Johnson also saw all the events, states them much differently; the guy you are quote sounds like he hits the Buttpimple candy & wants to be on talk radio for his 15 minutes:

".....cause he was like over the truck...."

Brietbart, now there is a reliable source:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: I'll wait for actual evidence.

Johnson was an accomplice in the robbery. He can still be charged with Brown's murder.
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That person could just have been making that up to look good or for any reason. Until he comes forward and verifies that is his truthful eyewitness, it is just a off the hand comment.

This was minutes after the shooting. I doubt anyone knew the shit storm was coming.

...which is a good time to spin a wild yarn, before the facts are publicized.
That person could just have been making that up to look good or for any reason. Until he comes forward and verifies that is his truthful eyewitness, it is just a off the hand comment.

This was minutes after the shooting. I doubt anyone knew the shit storm was coming.

...which is a good time to spin a wild yarn, before the facts are publicized.

Like Brown's partner in crime did ? :eusa_whistle:
What makes this witness believeable over the others is he didn't have a motive to lie. Browns friend would lie for his friend...The witnesses that came later are going to lie because they want to fuck over the white man.

I wouldn't trust Browns friend to tell the truth for shit. He just got done helping him rob a place. This is actual avidence. fool.

Rob a place? He may have stolen cigars, petty theft, mot strong arm without more evidence, and of course, arrest, trial & conviction. Strong arm robbery has elements not appearing in the grainy video. Also, the cite is to OFFICER(S); is Breibart commentary stating another officer was present?

Once again, the more serious the crime, the more likely the officer was ready to shoot, he is being tainted by those trying to defend him. The may be no need for a defense, the evidence may reveal that fact. No, Brown's friend may be no more credible than this media hound, but there are other witnesess that called the police. Why is this guy calling some radio show instead of the FBI or state police? They would have infomed to keep his mouth shut. He has damaged himself as a witness by talking publically.
That person could just have been making that up to look good or for any reason. Until he comes forward and verifies that is his truthful eyewitness, it is just a off the hand comment.

This was minutes after the shooting. I doubt anyone knew the shit storm was coming.

...which is a good time to spin a wild yarn, before the facts are publicized.

Good way to get the officer charged".....he heard about a serious crime, had to be ready to shoot to kill........" And the Department sued, yes, no waiting on evidence, just talk radio call ins....no mention of contacting those investigatiing. The Department states the second officer did not arrive until after Brown was shot, who is lying, the FPD or this guy?
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Johnson also saw all the events, states them much differently; the guy you are quote sounds like he hits the Buttpimple candy & wants to be on talk radio for his 15 minutes:

".....cause he was like over the truck...."

Brietbart, now there is a reliable source:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: I'll wait for actual evidence.
Swell. Let's take the word of a petty criminal who had just robbed the convenience store along with Brown minutes earlier....lol. He is not credible, and any eyewitness account he provides will not have much value, if any at all.
Johnson also saw all the events, states them much differently; the guy you are quote sounds like he hits the Buttpimple candy & wants to be on talk radio for his 15 minutes:

".....cause he was like over the truck...."

Johnson, you mean the fellow how was an accomplice to the robbery? You take him to be an impartial witness?
Johnson also saw all the events, states them much differently; the guy you are quote sounds like he hits the Buttpimple candy & wants to be on talk radio for his 15 minutes:

".....cause he was like over the truck...."

Brietbart, now there is a reliable source:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: I'll wait for actual evidence.
Swell. Let's take the word of a petty criminal who had just robbed the convenience store along with Brown minutes earlier....lol. He is not credible, and any eyewitness account he provides will not have much value, if any at all.

As I wrote, his statements are not credible EITHER. This guy acts like there were two police officers, and FPD states the second officer didn't arrive until Brown was down. Also, this "conversation" occurred after the fact, and contradicts the officer involved. Brietbart isn't known for reliability.
Johnson also saw all the events, states them much differently; the guy you are quote sounds like he hits the Buttpimple candy & wants to be on talk radio for his 15 minutes:

".....cause he was like over the truck...."

Brietbart, now there is a reliable source:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: I'll wait for actual evidence.

Yet, this was one of the first videos out, which was used to condemn the officer. So why not use the language on the tape as evidence as well to see if there was more to the story??
We're now on the 3rd autopsy for Brown. What do they keep finding that warrants repeating autopsies?

I'm going to bet Brown was high on bath salts or some other substance, which would explain a lot of his irrational behavior. Threatening a cop, bumrushing a cop, fighting a cop for his weapon.

Too bad that the cops didn't check out Johnson for drug or alcohol content.
Johnson also saw all the events, states them much differently; the guy you are quote sounds like he hits the Buttpimple candy & wants to be on talk radio for his 15 minutes:

".....cause he was like over the truck...."

Brietbart, now there is a reliable source:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: I'll wait for actual evidence.

Johnson was an accomplice in the robbery. He can still be charged with Brown's murder.
Absolutely. However, what I can't figure out is why Dorian Johnson is not in custody??? He was clearly seen on video as an accomplice to the robbery. Unless robbing a convenience store is somehow legal in Ferguson Missouri...:eusa_eh:

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