Exporting Hate in the Name of GOD: Americans Who Promote ANTI LGBT Agendas Overseas

Worry about your backyard before worrying about what your neighbor is doing.

If Rwanda or Iran want ant-gay laws that is their choice. If Utah does not want you within their state and the majority of the population agree then so be it.

You can not force yourself in everyone home and the reality is you are free here and so keep it so or you will lose the war.
Rwanda or wherever can have what laws they want to the extent that they are not violating human rights. But that is not what this is about. It's about the immoral and opprobrious activities of Lively and the other bigots that results in real harm to people.

As far as Utah goes. Wrong! They better have a damned good reason for wanting to keep anyone out. In America the "people " do not get to vote on civil rights.

Shocking admission. Problem is we are still a free nation and have the right to vote on anything regardless of how you try to take that right away.

And btw voting actually is a civil right.
It would appear that you have no clue as to how our system of constitutional law actually works. Do you? There is something called equal protection under the law . Voting may be a right but that does not mean that you get to vote away others rights
First of all I don't believe in that sin nonsense . Secondly , these people just hate, period. It does not matter if they do or do not hate the "sinner" It is the outcomes that we should be concerned about.

Oh really? If there is no sin then why are you so outraged at what these people are doing?
Dhaaa I dunnno ....Maybe because they are advocating the violation of peoples human rights and encouraging their Imprisonment or worse. Actually that is a stupid question

And you consider that to be wrong, correct?
I thought that you could have figured that out , but I guess I was wrong.

You know what they say about assuming.

Besides, you did say you didn't believe in sin. As sin is the act of doing something wrong the only way sin doesn't exist is to do away with evil. Yet you are strongly suggesting these acts are evil and wrong

So it looks like you do believe in sin, you just don't agree with what constitutes it.

Is right and wrong subjective? Or is there a universal standard?
Sin is a religious concept . I don't believe in religion , therefore I don't believe in sin. I believe in the rule of law, human rights, and societal standards of human decency.
Right and wrong is subjective to a point . That point is when one goes from deciding what is right and wrong for how they live their own life to thinking that it is their right to tell others how they should live and to arbitrarily deprive another of what IS THEIR right. You can't, deprive others of property, freedom or life because you just don't like something about them. That is a universal standard.
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Worry about your backyard before worrying about what your neighbor is doing.

If Rwanda or Iran want ant-gay laws that is their choice. If Utah does not want you within their state and the majority of the population agree then so be it.

You can not force yourself in everyone home and the reality is you are free here and so keep it so or you will lose the war.
Rwanda or wherever can have what laws they want to the extent that they are not violating human rights. But that is not what this is about. It's about the immoral and opprobrious activities of Lively and the other bigots that results in real harm to people.

As far as Utah goes. Wrong! They better have a damned good reason for wanting to keep anyone out. In America the "people " do not get to vote on civil rights.

Shocking admission. Problem is we are still a free nation and have the right to vote on anything regardless of how you try to take that right away.

And btw voting actually is a civil right.
It would appear that you have no clue as to how our system of constitutional law actually works. Do you? There is something called equal protection under the law . Voting may be a right but that does not mean that you get to vote away others rights

That isn't what equal protection is. Nor does it negate the fact that we can indeed vote on the issue. In fact millions of Americans did vote on the issue until the court made a power grab.

"Rights" given to us by government can be taken away by government.
Worry about your backyard before worrying about what your neighbor is doing.

If Rwanda or Iran want ant-gay laws that is their choice. If Utah does not want you within their state and the majority of the population agree then so be it.

You can not force yourself in everyone home and the reality is you are free here and so keep it so or you will lose the war.
Rwanda or wherever can have what laws they want to the extent that they are not violating human rights. But that is not what this is about. It's about the immoral and opprobrious activities of Lively and the other bigots that results in real harm to people.

As far as Utah goes. Wrong! They better have a damned good reason for wanting to keep anyone out. In America the "people " do not get to vote on civil rights.

Shocking admission. Problem is we are still a free nation and have the right to vote on anything regardless of how you try to take that right away.

And btw voting actually is a civil right.
It would appear that you have no clue as to how our system of constitutional law actually works. Do you? There is something called equal protection under the law . Voting may be a right but that does not mean that you get to vote away others rights

That isn't what equal protection is. Nor does it negate the fact that we can indeed vote on the issue. In fact millions of Americans did vote on the issue until the court made a power grab.

"Rights" given to us by government can be taken away by government.
The role courts is to step in and inforce the constitution when appropriate That is what happened. Not a "power garb" Again you show that you have an abysmal grasp about our system of law and government. This a Constitutional Republic, not a direct democracy and if you cant understand that or accept that , its not my problem . But again, we are off topic. Try to deal with what these scum bags are doing with tax exempt dollars that they duped people into donating to them .
Exporting Hate in the Name of GOD: Americans Who Promote ANTI LGBT Agendas Overseas

This is a topic that has gotten too little attention. American's who go overseas to support, encourage and defend harsh anti-LGBT laws. These are extremists who are obsessed with denying rights to LGBT people. Having largely lost the fight at home, they are compelled to take it elsewhere.

Every American should be outraged. Not only because they are promoting oppression and even genocide, but also because they are know to the developed world and are seen as the face of America- a country that is ostensibly concerned with human rights- although that reputation is being eroded by the current administration. In addition many of them are preachers. As such, they are most likely using tax exempt dollars to sell hatred.

What are they saying

According to recent data from the Pew Research Center, the disapproval of homosexuality in many nations around the world remains deeply entrenched.

Being LGBT is a criminal offense in nearly 80 countries. By spreading their propaganda and lies, they are not only making it less likely that LGBT people with ever get right, they are also putting them at risk of jail, murder, and even execution by the government

Lets meet Scott Lively: (From the same article )
Scott Lively has been active in the American anti-LGBT movement for decades. He first appeared as a spokesman for the Oregon Citizens Alliance (OCA) in 1991 and quickly became known for his controversial tactics. The group used literature reminiscent of Nazi propaganda, and Lively was fined $31,000 for using “unreasonable force” in ejecting a journalist from an OCA meeting.

After Oregon, Lively moved on to a variety of “profamily"” roles in California, including heading up the Pro-Family Law Center, which he claimed was “the nation’s only law-centered entity devoted exclusively to opposing the homosexual agenda. ”

In 2007, Lively and his wife relocated their Abiding Truths Ministries to Springfield, Mass., where he said they would serve as “missionaries to America. ”

Abiding Truths is listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, and Lively uses it as a base of operations for his domestic and international advocacy. He also runs the Holy Grounds coffee shop in Springfield. Scott Lively qualified for the November 2014 gubernatorial ballot in Massachusetts. He has almost no campaign funds and readily admits that he’s running only “to have a platform to articulate my views.”

Here is more on Lively:

Christian pro-family leader wins five-year battle against ‘frivolous’ LGBT lawsuit

June 6, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) — A federal district judge yesterday dismissed a leftist lawsuit against Christian pro-family advocate Scott Lively, who was sued for “crimes against humanity” for helping political and faith leaders in Uganda resist the LGBTQ agenda in the east African nation.

Massachusetts District Judge Michael Ponsor, in a ruling laced with harsh pro-homosexual attacks on Lively, nevertheless dismissed the SMUG (Sexual Minorities Uganda) LGBT lawsuit against Lively — five years after it was filed with the help of the far-left Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR). (It was dismissed on a jurisdictional technicality)

Judge smears Lively

Among the incendiary rhetorical barbs aimed at Lively in Ponsor’s decision were that the Christian pastor and author “aided and abetted a vicious and frightening campaign of repression against LGBTI persons in Uganda,” that he was guilty of “crackpot bigotry,” that Lively’s “persecutory efforts exploited a long history of Western homophobia in Uganda,” and that he “built somewhat of an international reputation for his virulently hateful rhetoric.”
From time to time, I will be profiling other bigots as well. There are many, BELIEVE ME.
Make no mistake: such hateful Christian bigots will also continue to pursue their hostile agenda against gay and transgender Americans.
Oh really? If there is no sin then why are you so outraged at what these people are doing?
Dhaaa I dunnno ....Maybe because they are advocating the violation of peoples human rights and encouraging their Imprisonment or worse. Actually that is a stupid question

And you consider that to be wrong, correct?
I thought that you could have figured that out , but I guess I was wrong.

You know what they say about assuming.

Besides, you did say you didn't believe in sin. As sin is the act of doing something wrong the only way sin doesn't exist is to do away with evil. Yet you are strongly suggesting these acts are evil and wrong

So it looks like you do believe in sin, you just don't agree with what constitutes it.

Is right and wrong subjective? Or is there a universal standard?
Sin is a religious concept . I don't believe in religion , therefore I don't believe in sin. I believe in the rule of law, human rights, and societal standards of human decency.
Right and wrong is subjective to a point . That point is when one goes from deciding what is right and wrong for how they live their own life to thinking that it is their right to tell others how they should live and to arbitrarily deprive another of what IS THEIR right. You can't, deprive others of property, freedom or life because you just don't like something about them. That is a universal standard.

Right and wrong are also religious concepts. The same religious concepts. There is no reason to separate the term sin from meaning "a wrong act"

And what makes eight and wrong subjective to a point? What is that point? And if they are subjective how can you claim someone else is wrong for having a different standard for right and wrong?
Opposing sin doesn't mean you hate the sinner. Please stop pretending otherwise

Being gay or transgender is not a ‘sin.’

And for far too many Christian bigots, to oppose the ‘sin’ means also to seek to disadvantage gay and transgender persons.

“Hate the ‘sin’ but not the sinner” is as dishonest as it is ridiculous.
The OP's ire would be better aimed at the proponents of an ideology who behead gays and stone rape victims to death...especially when they try to import said ideology into Western Civilization.
Separate topic. Deal with what these people are doing . I's just amazing how so many of you will do whatever you can to change the subject.

Your lack of perspective is breathtaking.

And I bet you are Brilliant At Breakfast, to boot.
Dhaaa I dunnno ....Maybe because they are advocating the violation of peoples human rights and encouraging their Imprisonment or worse. Actually that is a stupid question

And you consider that to be wrong, correct?
I thought that you could have figured that out , but I guess I was wrong.

You know what they say about assuming.

Besides, you did say you didn't believe in sin. As sin is the act of doing something wrong the only way sin doesn't exist is to do away with evil. Yet you are strongly suggesting these acts are evil and wrong

So it looks like you do believe in sin, you just don't agree with what constitutes it.

Is right and wrong subjective? Or is there a universal standard?
Sin is a religious concept . I don't believe in religion , therefore I don't believe in sin. I believe in the rule of law, human rights, and societal standards of human decency.
Right and wrong is subjective to a point . That point is when one goes from deciding what is right and wrong for how they live their own life to thinking that it is their right to tell others how they should live and to arbitrarily deprive another of what IS THEIR right. You can't, deprive others of property, freedom or life because you just don't like something about them. That is a universal standard.

Right and wrong are also religious concepts. The same religious concepts. There is no reason to separate the term sin from meaning "a wrong act"


Right and wrong are societal concepts. Are you saying that without religion we can't know right from wrong, That we have no moral compass? That societal norms and values don't count? That is demeaning to the entire human species.
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From time to time, I will be profiling other bigots as well. There are many, BELIEVE ME.
Maybe you could profile some of the anti Christian bigots on this board who defend Islamic terrorists, college campuses that ban free speech while claiming to be advocates of it, and Hollywood entertainers who pose with mock severed heads of our president while claiming to be victims. Nah, didn't think so.

Haven't found any who defend Islamic terrorists :dunno:
The OP's ire would be better aimed at the proponents of an ideology who behead gays and stone rape victims to death...especially when they try to import said ideology into Western Civilization.
Separate topic. Deal with what these people are doing . I's just amazing how so many of you will do whatever you can to change the subject.

Your lack of perspective is breathtaking.

And I bet you are Brilliant At Breakfast, to boot.
My lack of perspective? Your lack of the ability to deal with the topic.
From time to time, I will be profiling other bigots as well. There are many, BELIEVE ME.
Maybe you could profile some of the anti Christian bigots on this board who defend Islamic terrorists, college campuses that ban free speech while claiming to be advocates of it, and Hollywood entertainers who pose with mock severed heads of our president while claiming to be victims. Nah, didn't think so.

Haven't found any who defend Islamic terrorists :dunno:
What about the other two things I listed?
Exporting Hate in the Name of GOD: Americans Who Promote ANTI LGBT Agendas Overseas

This is a topic that has gotten too little attention. American's who go overseas to support, encourage and defend harsh anti-LGBT laws. These are extremists who are obsessed with denying rights to LGBT people. Having largely lost the fight at home, they are compelled to take it elsewhere.

Every American should be outraged. Not only because they are promoting oppression and even genocide, but also because they are know to the developed world and are seen as the face of America- a country that is ostensibly concerned with human rights- although that reputation is being eroded by the current administration. In addition many of them are preachers. As such, they are most likely using tax exempt dollars to sell hatred.

What are they saying

According to recent data from the Pew Research Center, the disapproval of homosexuality in many nations around the world remains deeply entrenched.

Being LGBT is a criminal offense in nearly 80 countries. By spreading their propaganda and lies, they are not only making it less likely that LGBT people with ever get right, they are also putting them at risk of jail, murder, and even execution by the government

Lets meet Scott Lively: (From the same article )
Scott Lively has been active in the American anti-LGBT movement for decades. He first appeared as a spokesman for the Oregon Citizens Alliance (OCA) in 1991 and quickly became known for his controversial tactics. The group used literature reminiscent of Nazi propaganda, and Lively was fined $31,000 for using “unreasonable force” in ejecting a journalist from an OCA meeting.

After Oregon, Lively moved on to a variety of “profamily"” roles in California, including heading up the Pro-Family Law Center, which he claimed was “the nation’s only law-centered entity devoted exclusively to opposing the homosexual agenda. ”

In 2007, Lively and his wife relocated their Abiding Truths Ministries to Springfield, Mass., where he said they would serve as “missionaries to America. ”

Abiding Truths is listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, and Lively uses it as a base of operations for his domestic and international advocacy. He also runs the Holy Grounds coffee shop in Springfield. Scott Lively qualified for the November 2014 gubernatorial ballot in Massachusetts. He has almost no campaign funds and readily admits that he’s running only “to have a platform to articulate my views.”

Here is more on Lively:

Christian pro-family leader wins five-year battle against ‘frivolous’ LGBT lawsuit

June 6, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) — A federal district judge yesterday dismissed a leftist lawsuit against Christian pro-family advocate Scott Lively, who was sued for “crimes against humanity” for helping political and faith leaders in Uganda resist the LGBTQ agenda in the east African nation.

Massachusetts District Judge Michael Ponsor, in a ruling laced with harsh pro-homosexual attacks on Lively, nevertheless dismissed the SMUG (Sexual Minorities Uganda) LGBT lawsuit against Lively — five years after it was filed with the help of the far-left Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR). (It was dismissed on a jurisdictional technicality)

Judge smears Lively

Among the incendiary rhetorical barbs aimed at Lively in Ponsor’s decision were that the Christian pastor and author “aided and abetted a vicious and frightening campaign of repression against LGBTI persons in Uganda,” that he was guilty of “crackpot bigotry,” that Lively’s “persecutory efforts exploited a long history of Western homophobia in Uganda,” and that he “built somewhat of an international reputation for his virulently hateful rhetoric.”
From time to time, I will be profiling other bigots as well. There are many, BELIEVE ME.
Well, some of us actually are of the opinion that homosexuality is a sexual fetish and not an alternative sexuality. Shh, don't tell anyone this, we think homosexuals are a broken form of heterosexuality, it a smokescreen made up cause by small elitist groups that want to justify their broken sexuality. Shh, somebody might call me a bad name to shut me up . Homophobe? I am deeply tied to reality, I don't give a damn what you do in your bedroom, don't make your perversion a saving grace and wave it around. It's bound to piss people off.
Right and wrong are societal concepts. Are you saying that without religion we can't know right from wrong, That we have no moral compass? That societal norms and values don't count? That is demeaning to the entire human species.

It is clear that in rejecting God, in rejecting religion, you have also rejected any objective, meaningful standards of right and wrong. You openly defend perversion, immorality, and outright evil, while trying in vain to claim a moral high ground, that is far beyond your reach. I don't know that it is or is not possible to have a meaningful moral compass without religion, but you are certainly failing to demonstrate that it is possible.

In any event, nothing that Avatar4321 has said is “demeaning to the entire human species”. Only those, such as you, who have chosen to reject God, to reject any rational standards of morality, and who have chosen to embrace perversion and evil are demeaned, and this degradation is by your own hand. Do not blame others for your own evil choices or for the consequences thereof.
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Right and wrong are societal concepts. Are you saying that without religion we can't know right from wrong, That we have no moral compass? That societal norms and values don't count? That is demeaning to the entire human species.

It is clear that in rejecting God, in rejecting religion, you have also rejected any objective, meaningful standards of right and wrong. You openly defend perversion, immorality, and outright evil, while trying in vain to claim a moral high ground, that is far beyond your reach. I don't know that it is or is not possible to have a meaningful moral compass without religion, but you are certainly failing to demonstrate that it is possible.

In any event, nothing that Avatar4321 has said is “demeaning to the entire human species”. Only those, such as you, who have chosen to reject God, to reject any rational standards of morality, and who have chosen to embrace perversion and evil are demeaned, and this degradation is by your own hand. Do not blame others for your own evil choices or for the consequences thereof.
You seem to be awfully confused Blaylock!
In the same paragraph, you say:

1. 'It is clear that in rejecting God, in rejecting religion, you have also rejected any objective, meaningful standards of right and wrong."


2." I don't know that it is or is not possible to have a meaningful moral compass without religion"

So which is it?

It seems like, to you, someone who shares you twisted views can have a "moral compass" with or without God or religion, but someone who does not share your views can never be moral.

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