Exodus: Afterlife of an Exorcist [Austria/Dynavision]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
A toy-maker named Ajay Satan working for Hasbro developed new designs for the wolfish evil first-knight robot Cyclonus for Transformers A.I. fantasy-adventure media and realized that Cyclonus symbolized pure evil.

Ajay had a nervous breakdown and decided to quit his job and move to Austria and become a priest. There, he studied divinity and principles of commerce and the aesthetics of toys and the ethics of capitalism. Ajay had become something of a 'social exorcist.'

How do we coordinate consumerism-imagination (e.g., Hasbro) with lifestyle-metaphysics? Is that even possible? Apparently, anti-capitalist terrorists (e.g., ISIS) seem to think it is not. Is that why terrorists destroyed the World Trade Center in 2001?




"Ajay was a monastic priest living in Austria after quitting his job at Hasbro in America. Ajay was an Algerian-American who had a nervous breakdown after meditating too much on the sinister features of the fictional A.I. soldier-robot Cyclonus. Ajay had developed numerous Cyclonus designs for Hasbro before becoming unnerved about the ethics behind such a war-minded toy. Ajay had a nervous breakdown and decided he didn't want to spend his life developing Cyclonus-designs. Life as a priest in Austria was much more favorable(!)."


"Austria offered Ajay the sort of amenities and spacious natural beauty he needed to just forget about his contributions to Hasbro. In Austria, Ajay spent his time sitting by the water, taking long walks during sunrise, praying in his cottage, reading the Gideon's Bible, and writing notes about the ethics of consumerism, the value of commerce, and the significance of screening toys marketed to youngsters. Austria was the perfect place for such meditation."


"Ajay liked the city of Vienna (Austria) and spent one weekend every month traveling there. He had a nice retirement-pension/package from Hasbro and had some salary-funds for maintaining a small Christian church outside Vienna. That's how he paid for his travels and amenities. The rest of his time was spent in spiritual contemplation. Ajay meditated on the qualities of marketing that lured men towards the temptations of sin-neglectful products such as cosmetics and war-toys."


"While in Vienna one weekend, Ajay met a strange and beautiful woman who was clothed in leather and wearing sunglasses. She pulled Ajay aside and remarked on his austere clothing, and Ajay explained he was a priest. The woman explained that she had tracked Ajay to Vienna and was interested in his work with Cyclonus-designs for Hasbro. Ajay realized the woman was some kind of political spy/agent working on war-toy podiums meant to defend capitalism-rhetoric. Ajay didn't want anything to do with such 'political intrigue,' but the woman insisted his help would be highly valuable."


"Ajay brought the woman to his cottage. She told him her field-name was 'Baroness' and she was an agent of the CIA and assisting Israeli intelligence in countering ISIS terrorists working inside Jerusalem to disrupt trade/commerce. Baroness explained that ISIS was developing a new 'agenda' to counter marketing-trends and consumerism-aesthetics geared towards war-minded imagination. The CIA had plotted Ajay's Cyclonus-designs for Hasbro as a clear signpost that ISIS terrorists might use to mark targets in Jerusalem, in case Cyclonus toys were sold inside the sacred Jewish city. Ajay showed Baroness a collection of Transformers toys he kept in his Austrian cottage for his private/personal spiritual notes/studies, including a Volkswagen automobile that transformed into a defender-robot named Bumblebee."


"Baroness demanded to see all of Ajay's notes, and Ajay was compelled to show them to her. He found her extremely attractive but obviously dangerous to his newfound intentions to live a peaceful 'afterlife' as a priest/exorcist of consumerism-values. Ajay told Baroness he simply wanted to bless mankind towards the right directions for commerce and toy-designs, and Baroness started pitying the poor priest. Baroness kissed Ajay and promised his life would remain a secret. She then explained she'd use his valuable notes for the CIA's ongoing analysis of consumerism/toy aesthetics that terrorists might demonize. Ajay welcomed Baroness and believed he'd done what was necessary to help American security officials deal with anti-capitalism terrorism(!)."


"Baroness then contacted her CIA friends in D.C. and requested that a special 'G.I. Joe' force be stationed in Vienna and Jerusalem to monitor for terrorists trying to track spiritual studies about consumerism such as those of Ajay Satan. The CIA sent a group of G.I. Joes to Vienna and Jerusalem, and this unit was responsible for doing precisely what Baroness recommended. Baroness was pleased with the development of this 'consumerism project,' but she couldn't get Ajay Satan out of her mind --- a truly humble priest in deep spiritual agony. Baroness started wondering about her own life/career as an intelligence-agent/spy."


"Baroness decided to buy Ajay a nifty little toy laptop/computer that kids would love, so Ajay could use this more peace-promoting toy for his spiritual studies about consumerism values. Ajay loved the toy laptop/computer and wondered why Baroness wanted to give him a gift before departing for Jerusalem. Baroness told Ajay she was 'touched' by his sense of spiritual wonder about commercial vanities after developing so many war-minded Cyclonus-designs for Hasbro. She kissed Ajay again, and the two embraced (intimately). Ajay promised her he'd never forget her and that she'd always be welcomed in his Austrian cottage. After Baroness departed, Ajay began playing with the toy laptop/computer Baroness gave him. Ajay started feeling 'human' for the first time in his life."


TRUMP: What do you make of all this 'toy-propaganda,' Carter?
CARTER: Anti-capitalism terrorists seem to despise 'consumerism aesthetics.'
TRUMP: When the World Trade Center was destroyed, we realized terrorists are serious.
CARTER: Capitalism is a serious dominion, Mr. President!
TRUMP: I believe Baroness's forces in Vienna/Jerusalem will create securities.
CARTER: Yes, and the new cyber-security division in American intelligence helps.
TRUMP: Yes, we want to monitor all Internet-activity on the American homeland.
CARTER: I believe Baroness is watching a new American company named Dynavision.
TRUMP: Dynavision?
CARTER: Yes, they make toy model laptops/computers...
TRUMP: I suppose anti-capitalism terrorists target/despise Dynavision.
CARTER: They're not big fans of Apple Computers either, Mr. President.
TRUMP: Welcome to the age of eyes.


The Divine Notes

Here's an addendum about Ajay Satan offering a presentation about the 'development' of futuristic avatars/storyboards in consumerism/entertainment that stimulate our species fascination with vanity and sophistication.

Will entertainment become the 'arm' of philosophy? Has it become that already?

In any case, maybe some of this Orwellian anthropology can be ironically/surprisingly sentimental.

What do you think?


My name is Ajay. Take a look at my notes and sketches/diagrams and anime/manga/cartoon drawings of war-themed robotics and vehicles and characters (or 'avatars') symbolic of modernism/futurama storytelling. After Baroness (of the CIA) visited me, I organized my notes/sketches more formally, in case an archaeologist in the future would be interested in 21st Century socialization artworks (e.g., Orwell, Proyas, Hasbro, Asimov, etc.).


This is a stick-figure doodle I made of an 'evil elf' representing consumerism dialogic and Christmastime shopping spirit and general holiday-season folklore. The elf is wielding a weapon and is therefore a mischievous 'imp' not unlike the Noid character presented as the mascot for Domino's Pizza in the 1990s. This 'Evil Elf' captures all the glee and frivolity of consumerism in America I think.


Various characters such as Cyclonus and Godzilla have captured humanity's interest in calamity or apocalypse-oriented storytelling in which grand impactful characters compel humans to reorient their perspectives on courage and beauty. These characters may themselves be quite calculating or even monstrous. They all represent great drama of course, and I study the balance between the social demand for drama and the spiritual need for tranquility.


Cyclonus is like the proverbial 'Wolf of Wall Street' and therefore signifies our social curiosity about the 'appearance' or 'presence' of calculating schemers and even profiteers. How do such 'avatars' reflect our civilization's seeming 'obsession' with piracy and fortune? Are such aesthetic designs in consumerism/media symbolic of our human fascination with vanity?


I like comparing this metal-mask comic book and cartoon character with the Marvel Comics character known as Iron Man. Note that depictions of super-beings in human-like metallic masks capture our fascination with self-presentation and martial law. After all, a metal or robotic or mechanical mask represents our interests in fitness...and obedience.


Of course, we all love to celebrate free will and human imagination, and my divinity studies are not meant to 'condemn' our marketing of liberal ideas about revolution and fascism or even anarchy and frivolity. All I seek to do is offer some spiritual compass regarding the 'cardinality' of motility/agility/fitness imagery in consumerism and toy-designs!


Here's a woman in a mechanical space-pilot helmet/mask which enables her to communicate, breathe, and transmit commands/communication without the use of her hands. She can even send signals to other other space-pilots and coordinate synchronized flight-patterns. Such a helmet/mask reflects our species' fascination with martial efficiency as well as tech-perfection. Is this good or evil?


After reading Dan Brown's Angels & Demons, I started thinking about why humans love using images/imagery to characterize divinity, courage, revolution, and governance. Why do we like Godzilla, Lucifer Morningstar (DC Comics), Robotech (Harmony Gold), and Pokemon? Perhaps our modern age of great networking and toy-like tech (e.g., Apple Computers) makes us curious about the general 'ergonomics' of intellectual 'agility.' That's why I evaluate the importance of temperance...and prudence.


AJAY: Do you like my reorganized notes?
BARONESS: This is a focused work, but I need to file it with American intelligence.
AJAY: Why? Even sociology is 'classified' now?
BARONESS: Please understand, Ajay, modern art is not shielded from anti-capitalism.
AJAY: You're saying that everyday aesthetics is now the 'property' of politics.
BARONESS: Well, in the age of marketing, lifestyle becomes very 'religious.'
AJAY: I certainly appreciate such a consideration, but what about privacy?
BARONESS: To offer censor-guidance for toy-design, you have to invest in governance!
AJAY: What about the separation of Church and State?
BARONESS: Can you deny that Toys 'R Us draws the ire of anti-capitalism terrorists.
AJAY: No, you're right; after 9/11, we've all been 'paranoid' about consumerism securities.
BARONESS: Precisely; that's why your notes have to be considered 'Western pedagoguery.'
AJAY: So will the Sistine Chapel now be considered 'political property' as well?
BARONESS: If terrorists threaten the Vatican, we have to militarize more traffic.
AJAY: Wow! All I wanted to do was offer the world some spiritual wisdom regarding commerce!
BARONESS: Relax my sweet friend; your toy-design comments will not be forgotten by the Vatican.
AJAY: In that case, won't you join me for some homemade angel-hair pasta? You could use some 'R&R.'
BARONESS: Hmmm, I think I have to agree with you on that friendly nudge.
AJAY: I'm in awe of how much government officials invest in marketing.
BARONESS: It's a 'mechanical' world now.




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