EXCLUSIVE: CDC Director Walensky's Husband Received $5 Million in HHS Grants - and That's Just the Start of It


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The corruption starts at the top, with the Biden Crime Family. A fish rots from the head down.

When it comes to the swamp that has become D.C., nothing should surprise anyone anymore, especially when it comes to officials within the government using resources to personally enrich themselves or failing to disclose when their families stand to benefit from their governmental “service.” While the Left was consistently worried about Trump and his family using the Presidency to enrich themselves, they seem much less concerned about Hunter Biden’s travels on the American taxpayer dime to peddle his father’s influence – or by his current career/money-laundering scheme as an “artist.”

New information provided exclusively to RedState by syndicated radio talk show host Howie Carr shows that Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky is finding multiple ways to benefit from her new position. Walensky, who took over as director with Biden’s inauguration, is married to Loren D. Walensky, a renowned pediatric oncology researcher at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute at Harvard. In October 2019 Loren Walensky became the scientific co-founder and a member of the Board of Directors of Lytica Therapeutics, “an early-stage biotechnology company working on an innovative platform for developing next-generation antimicrobials.” (LabCentral)

Just four months later, Walensky’s Lytica received a $16.9 million dollar HHS grant to “develop antibacterial peptides with broad activity against multidrug-resistant bacteria.” Only $5.3 million of that money was initially disbursed to Lytica, and the remaining $11.6 million is scheduled to be disbursed upon the achievement of “certain development milestones.” I have previously worked in the world of grant writing and can tell you most agencies will not give grants to organizations that have existed for less than a year and organizations that have no other stream of funding. In this particular case Crunchbase, which monitors funding for corporations and non-profits, shows that the only funding that Lytica has received to date is the $5.3 million allocated from the grant received.

Again, the only funding this new company has received to date – nearly two years after its founding – is the $5.3 million allocated from the HHS grant.

The grant was funded and organized by the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, which oversees and administers the Biomedical Advanced and Development Authority (BARDA) program, which is similar to the PREDICT program at the center of Wuhan Institute of Virology gain-of-function research controversy. The Lytica Therapeutics grant was provided through BARDA’s CARB-X program. According to the website:

BARDA plays a critical role in the federal government’s National Action Plan for Combatting Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria (CARB), 2020-2025. Because making new antibiotics is difficult, expensive, and low profit for innovative companies, BARDA supports the world’s largest antibacterial portfolio through public-private partnerships. These partnerships incentivize companies to focus on antibiotic development by providing non-dilutive funding to offset high research and development (R&D) costs and technical assistance to reduce R&D risk.


It has been like that since W took office.

It is why our national debt is up 5 fold since W.

We notice them stealing. Nothing ever happens. Chris Wray yawns and goes back to watching kiddie porn on hunter's laptop. Garland laughs and gets $5k in cash handed to him.

It starts with patriotism to America.

Supporters of Israel have NONE.
The corruption starts at the top, with the Biden Crime Family. A fish rots from the head down.

When it comes to the swamp that has become D.C., nothing should surprise anyone anymore, especially when it comes to officials within the government using resources to personally enrich themselves or failing to disclose when their families stand to benefit from their governmental “service.” While the Left was consistently worried about Trump and his family using the Presidency to enrich themselves, they seem much less concerned about Hunter Biden’s travels on the American taxpayer dime to peddle his father’s influence – or by his current career/money-laundering scheme as an “artist.”
New information provided exclusively to RedState by syndicated radio talk show host Howie Carr shows that Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky is finding multiple ways to benefit from her new position. Walensky, who took over as director with Biden’s inauguration, is married to Loren D. Walensky, a renowned pediatric oncology researcher at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute at Harvard. In October 2019 Loren Walensky became the scientific co-founder and a member of the Board of Directors of Lytica Therapeutics, “an early-stage biotechnology company working on an innovative platform for developing next-generation antimicrobials.” (LabCentral)
Just four months later, Walensky’s Lytica received a $16.9 million dollar HHS grant to “develop antibacterial peptides with broad activity against multidrug-resistant bacteria.” Only $5.3 million of that money was initially disbursed to Lytica, and the remaining $11.6 million is scheduled to be disbursed upon the achievement of “certain development milestones.” I have previously worked in the world of grant writing and can tell you most agencies will not give grants to organizations that have existed for less than a year and organizations that have no other stream of funding. In this particular case Crunchbase, which monitors funding for corporations and non-profits, shows that the only funding that Lytica has received to date is the $5.3 million allocated from the grant received.
Again, the only funding this new company has received to date – nearly two years after its founding – is the $5.3 million allocated from the HHS grant.
The grant was funded and organized by the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, which oversees and administers the Biomedical Advanced and Development Authority (BARDA) program, which is similar to the PREDICT program at the center of Wuhan Institute of Virology gain-of-function research controversy. The Lytica Therapeutics grant was provided through BARDA’s CARB-X program. According to the website:

No wonder repubs will lie to and even kill their constituents to remain in power.
No wonder repubs will lie to and even kill their constituents to remain in power.

Oh i hear ya. Some are lowlife lying crooks...mcconnell, romney, paul ryan, john Warner, murkowski, Cheneys, Supreme court justices, especially that lying pos head justice, the BUSH family. Sorry bastards. But you have to recognize that the democrats got them beat with the quality and quantity of perversion.
Oh i hear ya. Some are lowlife lying crooks...mcconnell, romney, paul ryan, john Warner, murkowski, Cheneys, Supreme court justices, especially that lying pos head justice, the BUSH family. Sorry bastards. But you have to recognize that the democrats got them beat with the quality and quantity of perversion.
You forgot about Mcarthy and that crazy bitch Greene.

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