excalibur Former Biden official who won $87M to house migrants banned from ICE contracts


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Could be a huge story, but mostly the MSM will bury it.

The Biden transition team official who brokered an $87 million immigration contract for a nonprofit organization that he was simultaneously advising was never cleared by federal authorities to work on the deal and has since been banned from any future work with Immigration and Customs Enforcement, according to agency documents.

A high-ranking ICE official in Washington, D.C., on June 2 sent his colleagues a message obtained by the Washington Examiner that stated Andrew Lorenzen-Strait, the senior director for migrant services and federal affairs at the nonprofit Family Endeavors, was denied the proper clearance to work on the contract he had secured for his organization months earlier.

“Mr. Andrew Lorenzen-Strait was not cleared to work on ISAP-IV. Please remove Mr. Andrew Lorenzen-Strait from supporting the ISAP IV contract,” wrote Joshua Jones, the management and program analyst for the Alternatives to Detention program within ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations’s Custody Management office. ISAP-IV is the Intensive Supervision Appearance Program IV’s Support Services, through which ICE manages illegal immigrants who have come across the border and have been released into the United States.

Lawyers familiar with the new development said that Lorenzen-Strait, who had overseen ICE's custody management, only adds to concerning evidence that prompted the Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General to launch an investigation into the deal following the Washington Examiner’s reporting this spring.

"He has a conflict of interest under 5 CFR 2641.201, which permanently bans any former federal employee from working on a federal contract that he or she substantially participated in or had some influence over while serving as a federal employee," Carol Thompson, a partner with the Washington-based Federal Practice Group law firm, wrote in an email. "I think it’s clear in this case that Mr. Lorenzen-Strait falls in that category."


Could be a huge story, but mostly the MSM will bury it.

The Biden transition team official who brokered an $87 million immigration contract for a nonprofit organization that he was simultaneously advising was never cleared by federal authorities to work on the deal and has since been banned from any future work with Immigration and Customs Enforcement, according to agency documents.
A high-ranking ICE official in Washington, D.C., on June 2 sent his colleagues a message obtained by the Washington Examiner that stated Andrew Lorenzen-Strait, the senior director for migrant services and federal affairs at the nonprofit Family Endeavors, was denied the proper clearance to work on the contract he had secured for his organization months earlier.
“Mr. Andrew Lorenzen-Strait was not cleared to work on ISAP-IV. Please remove Mr. Andrew Lorenzen-Strait from supporting the ISAP IV contract,” wrote Joshua Jones, the management and program analyst for the Alternatives to Detention program within ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations’s Custody Management office. ISAP-IV is the Intensive Supervision Appearance Program IV’s Support Services, through which ICE manages illegal immigrants who have come across the border and have been released into the United States.
Lawyers familiar with the new development said that Lorenzen-Strait, who had overseen ICE's custody management, only adds to concerning evidence that prompted the Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General to launch an investigation into the deal following the Washington Examiner’s reporting this spring.
"He has a conflict of interest under 5 CFR 2641.201, which permanently bans any former federal employee from working on a federal contract that he or she substantially participated in or had some influence over while serving as a federal employee," Carol Thompson, a partner with the Washington-based Federal Practice Group law firm, wrote in an email. "I think it’s clear in this case that Mr. Lorenzen-Strait falls in that category."

Was a clearance review underway while he was working on the contract?
did the review come back denied?
Was his interim clearance then revoked which prompted the action by the contracting Officer.

Wow. Seems your BIIIIIG story just went flat.

Even a quote from a MAGA law firm can't save this case.

I tell folks all the time
Doesn't matter how bad the thing is tell the truth.
The one thing guaranteed to get you denied is lying to the investigator.
No matter what you tell the investigator, admit to the most serious crimes, you won't be arrested and the information will not be forwarded to LE.
But lie?
And you could go to prison.
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was this the reason Xiden and Harris did such a 180 on policies that were working to create the human rights and child abuse crisis on the border?

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