Everyone Is Lying. trump Questions Health Experts On Twitter


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
What are the health experts lying about? What is the truth?

trump doesn't say but retweets that accusation.

People can be wrong about things then when they get more information they can change their views but that's not lying. It's being wrong.

Most were wrong about the virus at first. Only because there wasn't much known about it at first. When more information was known, things changed. Which is what is supposed to happen when new information is known.

Only the stupid people don't change when they get new information.

As far as most people and I can see, trump is the liar here. Not the experts.

What are the health experts lying about? What is the truth?

trump doesn't say but retweets that accusation.

People can be wrong about things then when they get more information they can change their views but that's not lying. It's being wrong.

Most were wrong about the virus at first. Only because there wasn't much known about it at first. When more information was known, things changed. Which is what is supposed to happen when new information is known.

Only the stupid people don't change when they get new information.

As far as most people and I can see, trump is the liar here. Not the experts.

Poor democrats can’t get over losing in 2016.. “ but scientist that we paid off for saying that it’s serious” lol
What are the health experts lying about? What is the truth?

trump doesn't say but retweets that accusation.

People can be wrong about things then when they get more information they can change their views but that's not lying. It's being wrong.

Most were wrong about the virus at first. Only because there wasn't much known about it at first. When more information was known, things changed. Which is what is supposed to happen when new information is known.

Only the stupid people don't change when they get new information.

As far as most people and I can see, trump is the liar here. Not the experts.

Remember: Trump good, science bad. Only Trump speaks Da Troof. Everything else is Deep State Commie Marxist Fake News.
I like how Trump ticks people off.
But saying you care about science, when we have heard false statements about the science since this thing started....... Name one prediction that came true? Name one model that actually happened?

They can't hardly figure out why even the most recent models are showing the opposite than expected trend. Covid cases, and Covid deaths were following each other in sync. Now deaths have been in a continual decline, while cases have dramatically increased.

They can't even explain that. But you think you have the science figured out? No you don't. You don't know jack. None of you do.
What are the health experts lying about? What is the truth?

trump doesn't say but retweets that accusation.

People can be wrong about things then when they get more information they can change their views but that's not lying. It's being wrong.

Most were wrong about the virus at first. Only because there wasn't much known about it at first. When more information was known, things changed. Which is what is supposed to happen when new information is known.

Only the stupid people don't change when they get new information.

As far as most people and I can see, trump is the liar here. Not the experts.

Did Trump the Corrupt notice that it's getting hot and the virus is swamping the new ATF?
That would be Arizona, Texas and Florida.
At least the experts have experience in these type of things. They make projections based on previous data. Is it perfect? No, because it is predicting the future. They can revise as time progresses. Still they balance being to pessimistic or to optimistic. Just the facts, ma'am, we don't want to hear how your day was.

Trump on the other hand want everyone to hold hands as they skip down that yellow brick road to a rosy future being led by him. Like lambs to the slaughter house.

Trump has no experience in pandemics. He should listen to the CDC and respect their opinion. But no, he likes to get his opinion from right wing sites. He is like a girl during her period . He watches fox and then a moment later he hates fox, especially if he does not like what they are saying.

My advise to Trump is deal with it. Not everyone is going to agree with you and you should just accept that a lot of people do not like you . You do not need to go after then and or get in name calling fight. Like two dudes wiggling their manhood at each other. You got the bandwagon thing and it seems to work on those who do not like the alternative.
What are the health experts lying about? What is the truth?

trump doesn't say but retweets that accusation.

People can be wrong about things then when they get more information they can change their views but that's not lying. It's being wrong.

Most were wrong about the virus at first. Only because there wasn't much known about it at first. When more information was known, things changed. Which is what is supposed to happen when new information is known.

Only the stupid people don't change when they get new information.

As far as most people and I can see, trump is the liar here. Not the experts.

Dummass, everyone IS lying. That's why despite draconian measures, everyone wearing masks, distancing, washing, etc., umpteen businesses shut down, going out of business, people are still contracting the bug left and right.

Too bad so few of them actually ever get really sick and or die.

You go, Trump baby, go.
If an "expert", the msm or a gov't employee tells me the sky is blue on a cloudless day I will go outside and look to be sure- experts, like the media and the gov't have an agenda- to promote themselves- nothing more, nothing less.
What are the health experts lying about? What is the truth?

trump doesn't say but retweets that accusation.

People can be wrong about things then when they get more information they can change their views but that's not lying. It's being wrong.

Most were wrong about the virus at first. Only because there wasn't much known about it at first. When more information was known, things changed. Which is what is supposed to happen when new information is known.

Only the stupid people don't change when they get new information.

As far as most people and I can see, trump is the liar here. Not the experts.

Remember: Trump good, science bad. Only Trump speaks Da Troof. Everything else is Deep State Commie Marxist Fake News.

I guess we have come to that.

All trump is doing is making this virus worse. Which makes the economy worse.

I just have to wonder why he is doing this.
What are the health experts lying about? What is the truth?

trump doesn't say but retweets that accusation.

People can be wrong about things then when they get more information they can change their views but that's not lying. It's being wrong.

Most were wrong about the virus at first. Only because there wasn't much known about it at first. When more information was known, things changed. Which is what is supposed to happen when new information is known.

Only the stupid people don't change when they get new information.

As far as most people and I can see, trump is the liar here. Not the experts.

Did Trump the Corrupt notice that it's getting hot and the virus is swamping the new ATF?
That would be Arizona, Texas and Florida.

He has to know what is going on. He has to know how it's totally out of control.

What I don't understand is why he's doing all he can to make it worse.

It just doesn't make sense to me.
What are the health experts lying about? What is the truth?

trump doesn't say but retweets that accusation.

People can be wrong about things then when they get more information they can change their views but that's not lying. It's being wrong.

Most were wrong about the virus at first. Only because there wasn't much known about it at first. When more information was known, things changed. Which is what is supposed to happen when new information is known.

Only the stupid people don't change when they get new information.

As far as most people and I can see, trump is the liar here. Not the experts.

Remember: Trump good, science bad. Only Trump speaks Da Troof. Everything else is Deep State Commie Marxist Fake News.

I guess we have come to that.

All trump is doing is making this virus worse. Which makes the economy worse.

I just have to wonder why he is doing this.
My guess is that it's not his intent to cause this damage. He has completely committed his presidency, at least his first term, to placating his base. And his base - those who get their worldviews from Hannity, Carlson, QAnon - want/expect him to be anti-science. That's his only priority, because it's those people who got him elected. He's driven by this desperation to be accepted, even if it's by people like that. And part of this is also that any damage he causes will be blamed on anyone else.
What are the health experts lying about? What is the truth?

trump doesn't say but retweets that accusation.

People can be wrong about things then when they get more information they can change their views but that's not lying. It's being wrong.

Most were wrong about the virus at first. Only because there wasn't much known about it at first. When more information was known, things changed. Which is what is supposed to happen when new information is known.

Only the stupid people don't change when they get new information.

As far as most people and I can see, trump is the liar here. Not the experts.

Remember: Trump good, science bad. Only Trump speaks Da Troof. Everything else is Deep State Commie Marxist Fake News.

Not true. Depends on the party and their view, has nothing to do with a President, it has everything to do with party. Democrats ignore science on abortion and when life begins. Science is used as a tool by the party's and what is good for their beliefs.
What are the health experts lying about? What is the truth?

trump doesn't say but retweets that accusation.

People can be wrong about things then when they get more information they can change their views but that's not lying. It's being wrong.

Most were wrong about the virus at first. Only because there wasn't much known about it at first. When more information was known, things changed. Which is what is supposed to happen when new information is known.

Only the stupid people don't change when they get new information.

As far as most people and I can see, trump is the liar here. Not the experts.

"The experts" have either got it completely wrong and/or have been lying from the jump....In the case of WHO, it has been nearly 100% lies.

And if the dopey bureaucrats at the CDC got it wrong before, what in the name of Sam Hill makes you so cocksure they currently have anything right?

Sounds to me that you're just rationalizing being a conformist lemming, and looking for another opportunity to howl....

What are the health experts lying about? What is the truth?

trump doesn't say but retweets that accusation.

People can be wrong about things then when they get more information they can change their views but that's not lying. It's being wrong.

Most were wrong about the virus at first. Only because there wasn't much known about it at first. When more information was known, things changed. Which is what is supposed to happen when new information is known.

Only the stupid people don't change when they get new information.

As far as most people and I can see, trump is the liar here. Not the experts.

Dummass, everyone IS lying. That's why despite draconian measures, everyone wearing masks, distancing, washing, etc., umpteen businesses shut down, going out of business, people are still contracting the bug left and right.

Too bad so few of them actually ever get really sick and or die.

You go, Trump baby, go.
You are the problem along with those that dismiss what's going on are to blame. Arrogant selfish and ignorant.

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