Every Doctor Who Recommended COVID Vax Should Have License Pulled for Violation of Hippocratic Oath


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
This is easily proven before any administrative body or court of law. "First do no harm."

- VAERS deaths and injury reports 10,000% higher than all other vaccines combined. Indisputable. It doesn't matter if causation is conclusively shown, VAERS, according to CDC, is meant to be an "early warning" system. Any doctor who vaxxed is aware of this data and completely disregarded it.

- Especially now, after world-class pathologists have called for halts to the shots after finding repeat, consistent evidence that the vaccines kill through unprecedented, spike protein organ damage.

- Thousands upon thousands now of personal, name-face testimonies, which it is a doctor's due diligence to be aware of. RealNotRare. NoMoreSilence. TheCovidBlog. HealthImpactNews. TheVaccineReaction. ChildrensHealthDefense. ...are just a few of the sites. This is an unfolding Crime Against Humanity.

"Not knowing" about these safety issues is no defense for a doctor. It is his job to know, part of due diligence, regardless of what Fauci or CDC or NIH or his medical board says. The patient relies on your judgement alone. It is an awesome and powerful relationship, and with it come awesome responsibilities.

Big Pharma cut a deal with congress shielding them from liability. Doctors cut no such deal, and the Hippocratic Oath - First, Do No Harm - stands as the legal bedrock of the profession. It's the first thing out of your mouth when you raise your right hand to become a doctor. This historic time is an opportunity to clean up the medical profession.
This is easily proven before any administrative body or court of law. "First do no harm."

- VAERS deaths and injury reports 10,000% higher than all other vaccines combined. Indisputable. It doesn't matter if causation is conclusively shown, VAERS, according to CDC, is meant to be an "early warning" system. Any doctor who vaxxed is aware of this data and completely disregarded it.

- Especially now, after world-class pathologists have called for halts to the shots after finding repeat, consistent evidence that the vaccines kill through unprecedented, spike protein organ damage.

- Thousands upon thousands now of personal, name-face testimonies, which it is a doctor's due diligence to be aware of. RealNotRare. NoMoreSilence. TheCovidBlog. HealthImpactNews. TheVaccineReaction. ChildrensHealthDefense. ...are just a few of the sites. This is an unfolding Crime Against Humanity.

"Not knowing" about these safety issues is no defense for a doctor. It is his job to know, part of due diligence, regardless of what Fauci or CDC or NIH or his medical board says. The patient relies on your judgement alone. It is an awesome and powerful relationship, and with it come awesome responsibilities.

Big Pharma cut a deal with congress shielding them from liability. Doctors cut no such deal, and the Hippocratic Oath - First, Do No Harm - stands as the legal bedrock of the profession. It's the first thing out of your mouth when you raise your right hand to become a doctor. This historic time is an opportunity to clean up the medical profession.
Unlike Fauxi and the rest of the Branch Covidians, actuary numbers from insurers don't lie.

This is easily proven before any administrative body or court of law. "First do no harm."

- VAERS deaths and injury reports 10,000% higher than all other vaccines combined. Indisputable. It doesn't matter if causation is conclusively shown, VAERS, according to CDC, is meant to be an "early warning" system. Any doctor who vaxxed is aware of this data and completely disregarded it.

- Especially now, after world-class pathologists have called for halts to the shots after finding repeat, consistent evidence that the vaccines kill through unprecedented, spike protein organ damage.

- Thousands upon thousands now of personal, name-face testimonies, which it is a doctor's due diligence to be aware of. RealNotRare. NoMoreSilence. TheCovidBlog. HealthImpactNews. TheVaccineReaction. ChildrensHealthDefense. ...are just a few of the sites. This is an unfolding Crime Against Humanity.

"Not knowing" about these safety issues is no defense for a doctor. It is his job to know, part of due diligence, regardless of what Fauci or CDC or NIH or his medical board says. The patient relies on your judgement alone. It is an awesome and powerful relationship, and with it come awesome responsibilities.

Big Pharma cut a deal with congress shielding them from liability. Doctors cut no such deal, and the Hippocratic Oath - First, Do No Harm - stands as the legal bedrock of the profession. It's the first thing out of your mouth when you raise your right hand to become a doctor. This historic time is an opportunity to clean up the medical profession.
That "Do No Harm" train left the station decades ago.

Almost everyone I know who has trusted "medical doctors" has gotten little or no relief of their condition, and also been damaged by the treatments. My husband was killed by a doctor, and that's just the start of the list. And we are brainwashed to believe that this is "normal".

Medical students are taught that they will kill people and that they will very rarely, if ever, be held accountable for it.
In truth what could probably happen is a couple doctors get sued and the a lot more start suing Fauci for misleading them in the course of their due diligence. He kept saying safe and effective when he knew damn well it wasn't true.
Good fn luck.
That "Do No Harm" train left the station decades ago.

Almost everyone I know who has trusted "medical doctors" has gotten little or no relief of their condition, and also been damaged by the treatments. My husband was killed by a doctor, and that's just the start of the list. And we are brainwashed to believe that this is "normal".

Medical students are taught that they will kill people and that they will very rarely, if ever, be held accountable for it.

I know doctor horror stories up the ying yang. Wrong leg amputated, medications given to people with allergies, even right after they told them of the allergy. I know people who are terrified to step into a hospital for little things. Think they won't come out. They are getting paid to run as many tests and tubes into you as they can for the insurance money. God help you if you have great insurance. If there's nothing wrong with you, they'll find something so they can milk it.

I think now there are maybe 20% good and brilliant doctors and the rest are quacks. They can read the effin VAERS reports - we know at the very least they can read - why aren't they saying something?
I know doctor horror stories up the ying yang. Wrong leg amputated, medications given to people with allergies, even right after they told them of the allergy. I know people who are terrified to step into a hospital for little things. Think they won't come out. They are getting paid to run as many tests and tubes into you as they can for the insurance money. God help you if you have great insurance. If there's nothing wrong with you, they'll find something so they can milk it.

I think now there are maybe 20% good and brilliant doctors and the rest are quacks. They can read the effin VAERS reports - we know at the very least they can read - why aren't they saying something?
That's the deal. Hospitals have become very dangerous places to be.

"Doctors" are told to ignore stuff like the VAERS reports, at the risk of their licenses.

Your estimate of "good doctors" seems pretty accurate.. When I was in med school, I thought that about 20% of my fellow students had something that could actually turn into good medical care and ethics. But that was way back in the early 80's.
This is easily proven before any administrative body or court of law. "First do no harm."

- VAERS deaths and injury reports 10,000% higher than all other vaccines combined. Indisputable. It doesn't matter if causation is conclusively shown, VAERS, according to CDC, is meant to be an "early warning" system. Any doctor who vaxxed is aware of this data and completely disregarded it.

- Especially now, after world-class pathologists have called for halts to the shots after finding repeat, consistent evidence that the vaccines kill through unprecedented, spike protein organ damage.

- Thousands upon thousands now of personal, name-face testimonies, which it is a doctor's due diligence to be aware of. RealNotRare. NoMoreSilence. TheCovidBlog. HealthImpactNews. TheVaccineReaction. ChildrensHealthDefense. ...are just a few of the sites. This is an unfolding Crime Against Humanity.

"Not knowing" about these safety issues is no defense for a doctor. It is his job to know, part of due diligence, regardless of what Fauci or CDC or NIH or his medical board says. The patient relies on your judgement alone. It is an awesome and powerful relationship, and with it come awesome responsibilities.

Big Pharma cut a deal with congress shielding them from liability. Doctors cut no such deal, and the Hippocratic Oath - First, Do No Harm - stands as the legal bedrock of the profession. It's the first thing out of your mouth when you raise your right hand to become a doctor. This historic time is an opportunity to clean up the medical profession.
Maybe, just maybe, at over TEN BILLION vaccines administered worldwide, the number of vaccines distributed is 10,000% higher, or more, than a normal year.
I didn't die I got better...

But if you took the mRNA vax, that does stimulate antibody production, but only about spike protein debris, and NOT about any specific pathogen.
So you gained ZERO immunity, and can then get infected anytime your antibodies wear off in less than 6 months.
So taking the mRNA vax ensured the epidemic can't end, because it prevents people from getting REAL immunity from recovery.

And many people are dying or needing amputations due to the mRNA vax.
Because it is so small it is motile and can get into the blood stream and travel.
And where ever it end up, the immune system attacks the spike proteins it grows.
So if it ends up in someplace delicate, like the heart of brain, you die.
If it ends up in capillaries, you need amputations to prevent gangrene.

It is true most people get no harm from the mRNA vax, but it is also true most people get no harm from covid.
That's the deal. Hospitals have become very dangerous places to be.

"Doctors" are told to ignore stuff like the VAERS reports, at the risk of their licenses.

Your estimate of "good doctors" seems pretty accurate.. When I was in med school, I thought that about 20% of my fellow students had something that could actually turn into good medical care and ethics. But that was way back in the early 80's.

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