Ever wonder why there are not a lot of Asians in the republican party


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
"In 2000, then-presidential candidate John McCain stirred up a controversy by stating in reference to his years in captivity as a POW, "I hated the gooks. I will hate them as long as I live." Within a few-days time, McCain, fearing a substantial backlash from California’s sizeable, and politically-savvy Asian-American community, tried to qualify his remarks by saying that he was referring exclusively to his prison guards. But, Asian-Americans were left to wonder, if only among themselves: Would Mr. McCain have gotten more adverse publicity if he had uttered a slur against blacks or Hispanics?

Seems like the 'republican party even back then had a hard time concealing their true feelings, soon they will be running out of groups to hate
The RWnuts will tell you that the reasons 70+% of Asians vote Democrat is because they are ignorant, shiftless, lazy, malcontents who just want free stuff from the government.

  1. Ever wonder why there are not a lot of Asians in the republican party?

    Too smart actually, and much smarter than normal reactionaries, teabaggers, and other religious morons called GOP voters.
Our first Asian president?

A Democrats worst nightmare....

Bobby Jindal


Edit add: Specifically, it would be a 'progressives' worst nightmare. Not all Democrats are progressives.
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Hell, rdean has tortured us for that many years. So what does that have with ASIANS.

please move onto something that isn't DIRTY, lowdown politics. You have absolutely NOTHING and this is the reason your party fell out of grace with the people in the country

hey keep it up. you only help Republicans like you already did with the people giving them the house first and the SENATE a few years later

"In 2000, then-presidential candidate John McCain stirred up a controversy by stating in reference to his years in captivity as a POW, "I hated the gooks. I will hate them as long as I live." Within a few-days time, McCain, fearing a substantial backlash from California’s sizeable, and politically-savvy Asian-American community, tried to qualify his remarks by saying that he was referring exclusively to his prison guards. But, Asian-Americans were left to wonder, if only among themselves: Would Mr. McCain have gotten more adverse publicity if he had uttered a slur against blacks or Hispanics?

Seems like the 'republican party even back then had a hard time concealing their true feelings, soon they will be running out of groups to hate
Probably because they are worried about getting treated like Michelle Malkin, by the left. Tell me why do you hate on Asians?
Asians are industrious, hard working, well-educated, independent people who refuse to be toadying little yellow minorities for Marxist parasites like guno and a hundred more like him around here. That's one of the reasons the left hates Asians.

FYI: During the 50th anniversary of Brown vs. Board of Education in 2004, both Time and Newsweek devoted entire issues to the famous case, with analysis of integration efforts in the half century since. Though the ruling in that case had to do with whites and blacks, all the left-wing commentators in Time & Newsweek saw fit to include Mexicans where they didn't really belong, because illegal immigration is so much a part of the only reason the democratic party still exists. So while the locus of all their sloppily-written race-baiting screeds centered on "minorities" and how they're doing in American education, there was one demographic conspicuously missing: Asians. Not a sentence. Not a word. Now why do you suppose that is?
THE ASIAN REPUBLICAN NETWORK - Network of Asian Republicans

"In 2000, then-presidential candidate John McCain stirred up a controversy by stating in reference to his years in captivity as a POW, "I hated the gooks. I will hate them as long as I live." Within a few-days time, McCain, fearing a substantial backlash from California’s sizeable, and politically-savvy Asian-American community, tried to qualify his remarks by saying that he was referring exclusively to his prison guards. But, Asian-Americans were left to wonder, if only among themselves: Would Mr. McCain have gotten more adverse publicity if he had uttered a slur against blacks or Hispanics?

Seems like the 'republican party even back then had a hard time concealing their true feelings, soon they will be running out of groups to hate
"In 2000, then-presidential candidate John McCain stirred up a controversy by stating in reference to his years in captivity as a POW, "I hated the gooks. I will hate them as long as I live." Within a few-days time, McCain, fearing a substantial backlash from California’s sizeable, and politically-savvy Asian-American community, tried to qualify his remarks by saying that he was referring exclusively to his prison guards. But, Asian-Americans were left to wonder, if only among themselves: Would Mr. McCain have gotten more adverse publicity if he had uttered a slur against blacks or Hispanics?

Seems like the 'republican party even back then had a hard time concealing their true feelings, soon they will be running out of groups to hate

Hard to make that case since McCain has an adopted Asian child.

--- a child whose existence was in that same year exploited by a political rival with robocalling in South Carolina asking Would you be more or less likely to vote for John McCain...if you knew he had fathered an illegitimate black child?"
"In 2000, then-presidential candidate John McCain stirred up a controversy by stating in reference to his years in captivity as a POW, "I hated the gooks. I will hate them as long as I live." Within a few-days time, McCain, fearing a substantial backlash from California’s sizeable, and politically-savvy Asian-American community, tried to qualify his remarks by saying that he was referring exclusively to his prison guards. But, Asian-Americans were left to wonder, if only among themselves: Would Mr. McCain have gotten more adverse publicity if he had uttered a slur against blacks or Hispanics?

Seems like the 'republican party even back then had a hard time concealing their true feelings, soon they will be running out of groups to hate
Probably because they are worried about getting treated like Michelle Malkin, by the left. Tell me why do you hate on Asians?

Malkin, who defends the internment of Japanese-Americans in WWII?

"In 2000, then-presidential candidate John McCain stirred up a controversy by stating in reference to his years in captivity as a POW, "I hated the gooks. I will hate them as long as I live." Within a few-days time, McCain, fearing a substantial backlash from California’s sizeable, and politically-savvy Asian-American community, tried to qualify his remarks by saying that he was referring exclusively to his prison guards. But, Asian-Americans were left to wonder, if only among themselves: Would Mr. McCain have gotten more adverse publicity if he had uttered a slur against blacks or Hispanics?

Seems like the 'republican party even back then had a hard time concealing their true feelings, soon they will be running out of groups to hate
Probably because they are worried about getting treated like Michelle Malkin, by the left. Tell me why do you hate on Asians?

Malkin, who defends the internment of Japanese-Americans in WWII?


Sounds like the far left drones that admire FDR..
How many Asians are in teh Democrat party?

Interesting question. I'm not a member of the Democratic Party....but I'm smart enough to realize that the Democratic Party is more likely to lead us in the right direction.

Looks like many of our Asian citizens concur.

Asian-Americans Solidly Prefer Democrats

Oh the far left drones and their comments..

Have you ever posted anything with, y'know, substance? Something with slightly more content than "Oh the far left drones and their comments"?

I guess I just don't get the whole "walk in emptyhanded" song and dance...
"In 2000, then-presidential candidate John McCain stirred up a controversy by stating in reference to his years in captivity as a POW, "I hated the gooks. I will hate them as long as I live." Within a few-days time, McCain, fearing a substantial backlash from California’s sizeable, and politically-savvy Asian-American community, tried to qualify his remarks by saying that he was referring exclusively to his prison guards. But, Asian-Americans were left to wonder, if only among themselves: Would Mr. McCain have gotten more adverse publicity if he had uttered a slur against blacks or Hispanics?

Seems like the 'republican party even back then had a hard time concealing their true feelings, soon they will be running out of groups to hate
Probably because they are worried about getting treated like Michelle Malkin, by the left. Tell me why do you hate on Asians?

Malkin, who defends the internment of Japanese-Americans in WWII?

You're still stuck in ww2? Lol, wasn't that a democrat that ordered that?

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