Events Are Turning Out Exactly The Way I Warned My H.S. Classmate Last Year....He Didn't Believe Me


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

I had a long discussion with a H.S. classmate last year before the election. I made several predictions that have since turned out to be absolutely true. Unfortunately...after that discussion...he unfriended me. (I guess he couldn't face the truth) Now I wonder if he's even willing to admit that I was right. Like most liberals....they tend to ignore anything that doesn't fit into their ideology or their comfort zone.

He called Biden 'A Golden Candidate'.
He said that Biden was a very nice guy who cares about everyone....much more than Trump.
We didn't really discuss Trump much....because I didn't want to get into a pissing-contest with my childhood friend over the series of false media reports on Trump.(Many of which have been exposed to be false narratives by CNN)

Mostly what we discussed was Biden's suitability as POTUS and about the riots that took place last year.

He told me that the riots were a 'One-off'. He said that once Biden was in office the riots would end and never repeat. I told him that not only would they repeat...but would become more and more violent and that the rioters would use any event as an excuse to riot. The purpose of the riots aren't to cause change....but to steal and cause destruction, nothing more. Once these hoodrats got the idea that they could steal whatever the Hell they wanted, when they wanted...riots would become an everyday occurrence. He told me I was crazy. He said the riots were a result of George Floyd....nothing more. I told him the riots were an attempt by Democrats to pull back their base.

I asked him why is it okay to peacefully protest...but not to gather in a church...or even gather in the parking-lot of a church. He had no answer.

We also discussed Biden's suitability as president. He claimed that Biden was in perfect health and there was nothing wrong with him. I told him that the reason he's in hiding is because he was proving to be a nasty human-being and a horrible campaigner. They pulled the plug on him and got him under wraps right when the COVID pandemic miraculously became a big thing in the media. This gave them an excuse not to hold large events, because his lack of popularity would be exposed. His largest events only had maybe a few hundred people show up. I said that this move was intended to cover up his weaknesses and cover up his real personality. And they also wanted to make mail-in ballots a primary means to steal the election. All of this has arguably come to fruition.

Finally....I told him that masks and COVID restrictions were being used to control us....not keep us safe. He said that by February 2021, or soon after, we would be moving out of these restrictions. I said that yes we would be moving out of them but only in Red States. Democrats were going to try to make them permanent....a fact that has become a reality in states like Virginia and Oregon. Michigan is leaning toward it. I expect New York to attempt the same. This issue is still developing and I expect several Blue States to try to move toward it. Washington, California, New Jersey, Minnesota, essentially turning Democrat controlled states into East Germany. Police states in effect.

So, was I right?

My former friend said that he had other things to do and signed off.....and a week later I discovered he had unfriended me on Facebook.

Libs are so touchy.
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View attachment 481699

I had a long discussion with a H.S. classmate last year before the election. I made several predictions that have since turned out to be absolutely true. Unfortunately...after that discussion...he unfriended me. (I guess he couldn't face the truth) Now I wonder if he's even willing to admit that I was right. Like most liberals....they tend to ignore anything that doesn't fit into their ideology or their comfort zone.

He called Biden 'A Golden Candidate'.
He said that Biden was a very nice guy who cares about everyone....much more than Trump.
We didn't really discuss Trump much....because I didn't want to get into a pissing-contest with my childhood friend over the series of false media reports on Trump.(Many of which have been exposed to be false narratives by CNN)

Mostly what we discussed was Biden's suitability as POTUS and about the riots that took place last year.

He told me that the riots were a 'One-off'. He said that once Biden was in office the riots would end and never repeat. I told him that not only would they repeat...but would become more and more violent and that the rioters would use any event as an excuse to riot. The purpose of the riots aren't to cause change....but to steal and cause destruction, nothing more. Once these hoodrats got the idea that they could steal whatever the Hell they wanted, when they wanted...riots would become an everyday occurrence. He told me I was crazy. He said the riots were a result of George Floyd....nothing more. I told him the riots were an attempt by Democrats to pull back their base.

I asked him why is it okay to peacefully protest...but not to gather in a church...or even gather in the parking-lot of a church. He had no answer.

We also discussed Biden's suitability as president. He claimed that Biden was in perfect health and there was nothing wrong with him. I told him that the reason he's in hiding is because he was proving to be a nasty human-being and a horrible campaigner. They pulled the plug on him and got him under wraps right when the COVID pandemic miraculously became a big thing in the media. This gave them an excuse not to hold large events, because his lack of popularity would be exposed. His largest events only had maybe a few hundred people show up. I said that this move was intended to cover up his weaknesses and cover up his real personality. And they also wanted to make mail-in ballots a primary means to steal the election. All of this has arguably come to fruition.

Finally....I told him that masks and COVID restrictions were being used to control us....not keep us safe. He said that by February 2021, or soon after, we would be moving out of these restrictions. I said that yes we would be moving out of them but only in Red States. Democrats were going to try to make them permanent....a fact that has become a reality in states like Virginia and Oregon. Michigan is leaning toward it. I expect New York to attempt the same. This issue is still developing and I expect some Blue State to try to move toward it. Washington, California, New Jersey, Minnesota, essentially turning Democrat controlled states into East Germany. Police states in effect.

So, was I right?

My former friend said that he had other things to do and signed off.....and a week later I discovered he had unfriended me on Facebook.

Libs are so touchy.
Even your friends don't want to be associated with you. Get over it.
View attachment 481699

I had a long discussion with a H.S. classmate last year before the election. I made several predictions that have since turned out to be absolutely true. Unfortunately...after that discussion...he unfriended me. (I guess he couldn't face the truth) Now I wonder if he's even willing to admit that I was right. Like most liberals....they tend to ignore anything that doesn't fit into their ideology or their comfort zone.

He called Biden 'A Golden Candidate'.
He said that Biden was a very nice guy who cares about everyone....much more than Trump.
We didn't really discuss Trump much....because I didn't want to get into a pissing-contest with my childhood friend over the series of false media reports on Trump.(Many of which have been exposed to be false narratives by CNN)

Mostly what we discussed was Biden's suitability as POTUS and about the riots that took place last year.

He told me that the riots were a 'One-off'. He said that once Biden was in office the riots would end and never repeat. I told him that not only would they repeat...but would become more and more violent and that the rioters would use any event as an excuse to riot. The purpose of the riots aren't to cause change....but to steal and cause destruction, nothing more. Once these hoodrats got the idea that they could steal whatever the Hell they wanted, when they wanted...riots would become an everyday occurrence. He told me I was crazy. He said the riots were a result of George Floyd....nothing more. I told him the riots were an attempt by Democrats to pull back their base.

I asked him why is it okay to peacefully protest...but not to gather in a church...or even gather in the parking-lot of a church. He had no answer.

We also discussed Biden's suitability as president. He claimed that Biden was in perfect health and there was nothing wrong with him. I told him that the reason he's in hiding is because he was proving to be a nasty human-being and a horrible campaigner. They pulled the plug on him and got him under wraps right when the COVID pandemic miraculously became a big thing in the media. This gave them an excuse not to hold large events, because his lack of popularity would be exposed. His largest events only had maybe a few hundred people show up. I said that this move was intended to cover up his weaknesses and cover up his real personality. And they also wanted to make mail-in ballots a primary means to steal the election. All of this has arguably come to fruition.

Finally....I told him that masks and COVID restrictions were being used to control us....not keep us safe. He said that by February 2021, or soon after, we would be moving out of these restrictions. I said that yes we would be moving out of them but only in Red States. Democrats were going to try to make them permanent....a fact that has become a reality in states like Virginia and Oregon. Michigan is leaning toward it. I expect New York to attempt the same. This issue is still developing and I expect some Blue State to try to move toward it. Washington, California, New Jersey, Minnesota, essentially turning Democrat controlled states into East Germany. Police states in effect.

So, was I right?

My former friend said that he had other things to do and signed off.....and a week later I discovered he had unfriended me on Facebook.

Libs are so touchy.
Even your friends don't want to be associated with you. Get over it.
Yes, he just admitted he doesn’t leave his politics here on Usmb. Real idiot.

Thank god for usmb. I can rant anonymously
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I had a long discussion with a H.S. classmate last year before the election. I made several predictions that have since turned out to be absolutely true. Unfortunately...after that discussion...he unfriended me. (I guess he couldn't face the truth) Now I wonder if he's even willing to admit that I was right. Like most liberals....they tend to ignore anything that doesn't fit into their ideology or their comfort zone.

He called Biden 'A Golden Candidate'.
He said that Biden was a very nice guy who cares about everyone....much more than Trump.
We didn't really discuss Trump much....because I didn't want to get into a pissing-contest with my childhood friend over the series of false media reports on Trump.(Many of which have been exposed to be false narratives by CNN)

Mostly what we discussed was Biden's suitability as POTUS and about the riots that took place last year.

He told me that the riots were a 'One-off'. He said that once Biden was in office the riots would end and never repeat. I told him that not only would they repeat...but would become more and more violent and that the rioters would use any event as an excuse to riot. The purpose of the riots aren't to cause change....but to steal and cause destruction, nothing more. Once these hoodrats got the idea that they could steal whatever the Hell they wanted, when they wanted...riots would become an everyday occurrence. He told me I was crazy. He said the riots were a result of George Floyd....nothing more. I told him the riots were an attempt by Democrats to pull back their base.

I asked him why is it okay to peacefully protest...but not to gather in a church...or even gather in the parking-lot of a church. He had no answer.

We also discussed Biden's suitability as president. He claimed that Biden was in perfect health and there was nothing wrong with him. I told him that the reason he's in hiding is because he was proving to be a nasty human-being and a horrible campaigner. They pulled the plug on him and got him under wraps right when the COVID pandemic miraculously became a big thing in the media. This gave them an excuse not to hold large events, because his lack of popularity would be exposed. His largest events only had maybe a few hundred people show up. I said that this move was intended to cover up his weaknesses and cover up his real personality. And they also wanted to make mail-in ballots a primary means to steal the election. All of this has arguably come to fruition.

Finally....I told him that masks and COVID restrictions were being used to control us....not keep us safe. He said that by February 2021, or soon after, we would be moving out of these restrictions. I said that yes we would be moving out of them but only in Red States. Democrats were going to try to make them permanent....a fact that has become a reality in states like Virginia and Oregon. Michigan is leaning toward it. I expect New York to attempt the same. This issue is still developing and I expect some Blue State to try to move toward it. Washington, California, New Jersey, Minnesota, essentially turning Democrat controlled states into East Germany. Police states in effect.

So, was I right?

My former friend said that he had other things to do and signed off.....and a week later I discovered he had unfriended me on Facebook.

Libs are so touchy.
Even your friends don't want to be associated with you. Get over it.
Sorry....but this was one guy. Almost everyone else doesn't have a problem with it.
Matter of fact.....most of them agree with me.
I did have to cut one of them off tho.....she kept screaming at me about politics......she admitted that her husband is a communist. Communists are good people she said.

This is someone I went to grade school and high school with.

It got to the point that I had to remove her from my friends list because he was constantly cussing me out when I share a post she didn't agree with. People like that are like a Pitbull...once they latch onto you they won't let go. They won't accept anything you do or say. I just want to get along with everyone....but she's not one of them.

I really don't like discussing politics on Facebook.
What I do there is just share what others post.
That's about it.
This case was an exception.
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Like most liberals....they tend to ignore anything that doesn't fit into their ideology or their comfort zone.
It has been my experience that everyone does that. It is very difficult to maintain production when ideological principles are not shared.

I know it sounds like a really cool thing that we should all get together and deliberate issues, but nobody has figured out how to do that, yet. You will notice that it is not happening here just like it does not happen on Facebook, just like it does not happen on Twitter, just like it does not happen in Congress. Nobody has figured out how to do it!!!

So, was I right?
Prove that you are not lying.

My former friend said that he had other things to do and signed off.....and a week later I discovered he had unfriended me on Facebook.

Libs are so touchy.
If you explore this forum you will probably notice that I have a different ideology - are you going to be able to handle it? Are you going to friend me and help me in my endeavor to make this a better world, or are you going to classify me as a whacko, and not worthy of your expertise??

I am offering you the opportunity to be on the leading edge.
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Like most liberals....they tend to ignore anything that doesn't fit into their ideology or their comfort zone.
It has been my experience that everyone does that. It is very difficult to maintain production when ideological principles are not shared.
So, was I right?
Prove that you are not lying.

My former friend said that he had other things to do and signed off.....and a week later I discovered he had unfriended me on Facebook.

Libs are so touchy.
If you explore this forum you will probably notice that I have a different ideology - are you going to be able to handle it? Are you going to friend me and help me in my endeavor to make this a better world, or are you going to classify me as a whacko, and not worthy of your expertise??
I don't understand your post....because it seems to be meandering all over the place.
Current events have proved that I wasn't lying.
Like most liberals....they tend to ignore anything that doesn't fit into their ideology or their comfort zone.
It has been my experience that everyone does that. It is very difficult to maintain production when ideological principles are not shared.
So, was I right?
Prove that you are not lying.

My former friend said that he had other things to do and signed off.....and a week later I discovered he had unfriended me on Facebook.

Libs are so touchy.
If you explore this forum you will probably notice that I have a different ideology - are you going to be able to handle it? Are you going to friend me and help me in my endeavor to make this a better world, or are you going to classify me as a whacko, and not worthy of your expertise??
I don't understand your post....because it seems to be meandering all over the place.
Current events have proved that I wasn't lying.
How are we supposed to know that you had this conversation with a classmate???
Sorry....but this was one guy. Almost everyone else doesn't have a problem with it.
Matter of fact.....most of them agree with me.
You made it read like you knew how all liberals interact - remember how they all cannot handle ideological differences???

I did have to cut one of them off tho.....she kept screaming at me about politics......she admits that her husband is a communist. It got to the point that I had to remove her from my friends list because he was constantly cussing me out.
Somebody couldn't handle the ideological differences???
You were unable to bridge the gap, again.

I really don't like discussing politics on Facebook.
What I do there is just share what others post.
That's about it.
This case was an exception.
And now you are here, and you are going to enlighten us to the truth - right?
My former friend said that he had other things to do and signed off.....and a week later I discovered he had unfriended me on Facebook.

Libs are so touchy.
People on both sides can be pretty snowflaky....
in 2015 - 2016 I was a fairly outspoken Jill Stein supporter,
so you know I was catching shit from all angles mostly the left-- had to wear
a haz-mat suit for awhile there.
I felt like John Goodman in Arachnophobia
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Sorry....but this was one guy. Almost everyone else doesn't have a problem with it.
Matter of fact.....most of them agree with me.
You made it read like you knew how all liberals interact - remember how they all cannot handle ideological differences???

I did have to cut one of them off tho.....she kept screaming at me about politics......she admits that her husband is a communist. It got to the point that I had to remove her from my friends list because he was constantly cussing me out.
Somebody couldn't handle the ideological differences???
You were unable to bridge the gap, again.

I really don't like discussing politics on Facebook.
What I do there is just share what others post.
That's about it.
This case was an exception.
And now you are here, and you are going to enlighten us to the truth - right?
well...screw you if you don't understand the English language.


Do you understand the difference?
I provided an example of why Facebook shouldn't be a political forum.
It tends to divide us.
However, politics tends to bleed into everything in our society....and when it causes hatred and division...which is why we shouldn't discuss the issue all of the time where it is unwelcome.

I hope you understand this point, or need I explain it further?
Like most liberals....they tend to ignore anything that doesn't fit into their ideology or their comfort zone.
It has been my experience that everyone does that. It is very difficult to maintain production when ideological principles are not shared.
So, was I right?
Prove that you are not lying.

My former friend said that he had other things to do and signed off.....and a week later I discovered he had unfriended me on Facebook.

Libs are so touchy.
If you explore this forum you will probably notice that I have a different ideology - are you going to be able to handle it? Are you going to friend me and help me in my endeavor to make this a better world, or are you going to classify me as a whacko, and not worthy of your expertise??
I don't understand your post....because it seems to be meandering all over the place.
Current events have proved that I wasn't lying.
How are we supposed to know that you had this conversation with a classmate???
Uh......WTF are you talking about??
View attachment 481699

I had a long discussion with a H.S. classmate last year before the election. I made several predictions that have since turned out to be absolutely true. Unfortunately...after that discussion...he unfriended me. (I guess he couldn't face the truth) Now I wonder if he's even willing to admit that I was right. Like most liberals....they tend to ignore anything that doesn't fit into their ideology or their comfort zone.

He called Biden 'A Golden Candidate'.
He said that Biden was a very nice guy who cares about everyone....much more than Trump.
We didn't really discuss Trump much....because I didn't want to get into a pissing-contest with my childhood friend over the series of false media reports on Trump.(Many of which have been exposed to be false narratives by CNN)

Mostly what we discussed was Biden's suitability as POTUS and about the riots that took place last year.

He told me that the riots were a 'One-off'. He said that once Biden was in office the riots would end and never repeat. I told him that not only would they repeat...but would become more and more violent and that the rioters would use any event as an excuse to riot. The purpose of the riots aren't to cause change....but to steal and cause destruction, nothing more. Once these hoodrats got the idea that they could steal whatever the Hell they wanted, when they wanted...riots would become an everyday occurrence. He told me I was crazy. He said the riots were a result of George Floyd....nothing more. I told him the riots were an attempt by Democrats to pull back their base.

I asked him why is it okay to peacefully protest...but not to gather in a church...or even gather in the parking-lot of a church. He had no answer.

We also discussed Biden's suitability as president. He claimed that Biden was in perfect health and there was nothing wrong with him. I told him that the reason he's in hiding is because he was proving to be a nasty human-being and a horrible campaigner. They pulled the plug on him and got him under wraps right when the COVID pandemic miraculously became a big thing in the media. This gave them an excuse not to hold large events, because his lack of popularity would be exposed. His largest events only had maybe a few hundred people show up. I said that this move was intended to cover up his weaknesses and cover up his real personality. And they also wanted to make mail-in ballots a primary means to steal the election. All of this has arguably come to fruition.

Finally....I told him that masks and COVID restrictions were being used to control us....not keep us safe. He said that by February 2021, or soon after, we would be moving out of these restrictions. I said that yes we would be moving out of them but only in Red States. Democrats were going to try to make them permanent....a fact that has become a reality in states like Virginia and Oregon. Michigan is leaning toward it. I expect New York to attempt the same. This issue is still developing and I expect several Blue States to try to move toward it. Washington, California, New Jersey, Minnesota, essentially turning Democrat controlled states into East Germany. Police states in effect.

So, was I right?

My former friend said that he had other things to do and signed off.....and a week later I discovered he had unfriended me on Facebook.

Libs are so touchy.
Maybe he just realized that you are an asshole. His words, not mine.
Like most liberals....they tend to ignore anything that doesn't fit into their ideology or their comfort zone.
It has been my experience that everyone does that. It is very difficult to maintain production when ideological principles are not shared.
So, was I right?
Prove that you are not lying.

My former friend said that he had other things to do and signed off.....and a week later I discovered he had unfriended me on Facebook.

Libs are so touchy.
If you explore this forum you will probably notice that I have a different ideology - are you going to be able to handle it? Are you going to friend me and help me in my endeavor to make this a better world, or are you going to classify me as a whacko, and not worthy of your expertise??
I don't understand your post....because it seems to be meandering all over the place.
Current events have proved that I wasn't lying.
How are we supposed to know that you had this conversation with a classmate???
Uh......WTF are you talking about??
I'm a member of several groups on Facebook. For example a Chargers Fan group. I post a honest opinion....and somebody always has an issue with it. Sometimes I ignore it....sometimes I respond....sometimes I just ban them if they start acting like a jerk. I'm not going to argue with some dickwad looking for a fight on Facebook. I get enough of that crap here.
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View attachment 481699

I had a long discussion with a H.S. classmate last year before the election. I made several predictions that have since turned out to be absolutely true. Unfortunately...after that discussion...he unfriended me. (I guess he couldn't face the truth) Now I wonder if he's even willing to admit that I was right. Like most liberals....they tend to ignore anything that doesn't fit into their ideology or their comfort zone.

He called Biden 'A Golden Candidate'.
He said that Biden was a very nice guy who cares about everyone....much more than Trump.
We didn't really discuss Trump much....because I didn't want to get into a pissing-contest with my childhood friend over the series of false media reports on Trump.(Many of which have been exposed to be false narratives by CNN)

Mostly what we discussed was Biden's suitability as POTUS and about the riots that took place last year.

He told me that the riots were a 'One-off'. He said that once Biden was in office the riots would end and never repeat. I told him that not only would they repeat...but would become more and more violent and that the rioters would use any event as an excuse to riot. The purpose of the riots aren't to cause change....but to steal and cause destruction, nothing more. Once these hoodrats got the idea that they could steal whatever the Hell they wanted, when they wanted...riots would become an everyday occurrence. He told me I was crazy. He said the riots were a result of George Floyd....nothing more. I told him the riots were an attempt by Democrats to pull back their base.

I asked him why is it okay to peacefully protest...but not to gather in a church...or even gather in the parking-lot of a church. He had no answer.

We also discussed Biden's suitability as president. He claimed that Biden was in perfect health and there was nothing wrong with him. I told him that the reason he's in hiding is because he was proving to be a nasty human-being and a horrible campaigner. They pulled the plug on him and got him under wraps right when the COVID pandemic miraculously became a big thing in the media. This gave them an excuse not to hold large events, because his lack of popularity would be exposed. His largest events only had maybe a few hundred people show up. I said that this move was intended to cover up his weaknesses and cover up his real personality. And they also wanted to make mail-in ballots a primary means to steal the election. All of this has arguably come to fruition.

Finally....I told him that masks and COVID restrictions were being used to control us....not keep us safe. He said that by February 2021, or soon after, we would be moving out of these restrictions. I said that yes we would be moving out of them but only in Red States. Democrats were going to try to make them permanent....a fact that has become a reality in states like Virginia and Oregon. Michigan is leaning toward it. I expect New York to attempt the same. This issue is still developing and I expect some Blue State to try to move toward it. Washington, California, New Jersey, Minnesota, essentially turning Democrat controlled states into East Germany. Police states in effect.

So, was I right?

My former friend said that he had other things to do and signed off.....and a week later I discovered he had unfriended me on Facebook.

Libs are so touchy.
Even your friends don't want to be associated with you. Get over it.
Fake news, as always.
Like most liberals....they tend to ignore anything that doesn't fit into their ideology or their comfort zone.
It has been my experience that everyone does that. It is very difficult to maintain production when ideological principles are not shared.
So, was I right?
Prove that you are not lying.

My former friend said that he had other things to do and signed off.....and a week later I discovered he had unfriended me on Facebook.

Libs are so touchy.
If you explore this forum you will probably notice that I have a different ideology - are you going to be able to handle it? Are you going to friend me and help me in my endeavor to make this a better world, or are you going to classify me as a whacko, and not worthy of your expertise??
I don't understand your post....because it seems to be meandering all over the place.
Current events have proved that I wasn't lying.
How are we supposed to know that you had this conversation with a classmate???
He's not a liar like you leftists are.
View attachment 481699

I had a long discussion with a H.S. classmate last year before the election. I made several predictions that have since turned out to be absolutely true. Unfortunately...after that discussion...he unfriended me. (I guess he couldn't face the truth) Now I wonder if he's even willing to admit that I was right. Like most liberals....they tend to ignore anything that doesn't fit into their ideology or their comfort zone.

He called Biden 'A Golden Candidate'.
He said that Biden was a very nice guy who cares about everyone....much more than Trump.
We didn't really discuss Trump much....because I didn't want to get into a pissing-contest with my childhood friend over the series of false media reports on Trump.(Many of which have been exposed to be false narratives by CNN)

Mostly what we discussed was Biden's suitability as POTUS and about the riots that took place last year.

He told me that the riots were a 'One-off'. He said that once Biden was in office the riots would end and never repeat. I told him that not only would they repeat...but would become more and more violent and that the rioters would use any event as an excuse to riot. The purpose of the riots aren't to cause change....but to steal and cause destruction, nothing more. Once these hoodrats got the idea that they could steal whatever the Hell they wanted, when they wanted...riots would become an everyday occurrence. He told me I was crazy. He said the riots were a result of George Floyd....nothing more. I told him the riots were an attempt by Democrats to pull back their base.

I asked him why is it okay to peacefully protest...but not to gather in a church...or even gather in the parking-lot of a church. He had no answer.

We also discussed Biden's suitability as president. He claimed that Biden was in perfect health and there was nothing wrong with him. I told him that the reason he's in hiding is because he was proving to be a nasty human-being and a horrible campaigner. They pulled the plug on him and got him under wraps right when the COVID pandemic miraculously became a big thing in the media. This gave them an excuse not to hold large events, because his lack of popularity would be exposed. His largest events only had maybe a few hundred people show up. I said that this move was intended to cover up his weaknesses and cover up his real personality. And they also wanted to make mail-in ballots a primary means to steal the election. All of this has arguably come to fruition.

Finally....I told him that masks and COVID restrictions were being used to control us....not keep us safe. He said that by February 2021, or soon after, we would be moving out of these restrictions. I said that yes we would be moving out of them but only in Red States. Democrats were going to try to make them permanent....a fact that has become a reality in states like Virginia and Oregon. Michigan is leaning toward it. I expect New York to attempt the same. This issue is still developing and I expect several Blue States to try to move toward it. Washington, California, New Jersey, Minnesota, essentially turning Democrat controlled states into East Germany. Police states in effect.

So, was I right?

My former friend said that he had other things to do and signed off.....and a week later I discovered he had unfriended me on Facebook.

Libs are so touchy.

No, liberals are not touchy.

They are insecure.

They harbor doubts about many of their beliefs but cannot bring themselves to admit that they may be wrong.
View attachment 481699

I had a long discussion with a H.S. classmate last year before the election. I made several predictions that have since turned out to be absolutely true. Unfortunately...after that discussion...he unfriended me. (I guess he couldn't face the truth) Now I wonder if he's even willing to admit that I was right. Like most liberals....they tend to ignore anything that doesn't fit into their ideology or their comfort zone.

He called Biden 'A Golden Candidate'.
He said that Biden was a very nice guy who cares about everyone....much more than Trump.
We didn't really discuss Trump much....because I didn't want to get into a pissing-contest with my childhood friend over the series of false media reports on Trump.(Many of which have been exposed to be false narratives by CNN)

Mostly what we discussed was Biden's suitability as POTUS and about the riots that took place last year.

He told me that the riots were a 'One-off'. He said that once Biden was in office the riots would end and never repeat. I told him that not only would they repeat...but would become more and more violent and that the rioters would use any event as an excuse to riot. The purpose of the riots aren't to cause change....but to steal and cause destruction, nothing more. Once these hoodrats got the idea that they could steal whatever the Hell they wanted, when they wanted...riots would become an everyday occurrence. He told me I was crazy. He said the riots were a result of George Floyd....nothing more. I told him the riots were an attempt by Democrats to pull back their base.

I asked him why is it okay to peacefully protest...but not to gather in a church...or even gather in the parking-lot of a church. He had no answer.

We also discussed Biden's suitability as president. He claimed that Biden was in perfect health and there was nothing wrong with him. I told him that the reason he's in hiding is because he was proving to be a nasty human-being and a horrible campaigner. They pulled the plug on him and got him under wraps right when the COVID pandemic miraculously became a big thing in the media. This gave them an excuse not to hold large events, because his lack of popularity would be exposed. His largest events only had maybe a few hundred people show up. I said that this move was intended to cover up his weaknesses and cover up his real personality. And they also wanted to make mail-in ballots a primary means to steal the election. All of this has arguably come to fruition.

Finally....I told him that masks and COVID restrictions were being used to control us....not keep us safe. He said that by February 2021, or soon after, we would be moving out of these restrictions. I said that yes we would be moving out of them but only in Red States. Democrats were going to try to make them permanent....a fact that has become a reality in states like Virginia and Oregon. Michigan is leaning toward it. I expect New York to attempt the same. This issue is still developing and I expect several Blue States to try to move toward it. Washington, California, New Jersey, Minnesota, essentially turning Democrat controlled states into East Germany. Police states in effect.

So, was I right?

My former friend said that he had other things to do and signed off.....and a week later I discovered he had unfriended me on Facebook.

Libs are so touchy.

No, liberals are not touchy.

They are insecure.

They harbor doubts about many of their beliefs but cannot bring themselves to admit that they may be wrong.
Now they have a massive corporate media to support their they never have to admit they're wrong.

Phil Maher said the left's greatest weakness is common-sense or the lack thereof.
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I had a long discussion with a H.S. classmate last year before the election. I made several predictions that have since turned out to be absolutely true. Unfortunately...after that discussion...he unfriended me. (I guess he couldn't face the truth) Now I wonder if he's even willing to admit that I was right. Like most liberals....they tend to ignore anything that doesn't fit into their ideology or their comfort zone.

He called Biden 'A Golden Candidate'.
He said that Biden was a very nice guy who cares about everyone....much more than Trump.
We didn't really discuss Trump much....because I didn't want to get into a pissing-contest with my childhood friend over the series of false media reports on Trump.(Many of which have been exposed to be false narratives by CNN)

Mostly what we discussed was Biden's suitability as POTUS and about the riots that took place last year.

He told me that the riots were a 'One-off'. He said that once Biden was in office the riots would end and never repeat. I told him that not only would they repeat...but would become more and more violent and that the rioters would use any event as an excuse to riot. The purpose of the riots aren't to cause change....but to steal and cause destruction, nothing more. Once these hoodrats got the idea that they could steal whatever the Hell they wanted, when they wanted...riots would become an everyday occurrence. He told me I was crazy. He said the riots were a result of George Floyd....nothing more. I told him the riots were an attempt by Democrats to pull back their base.

I asked him why is it okay to peacefully protest...but not to gather in a church...or even gather in the parking-lot of a church. He had no answer.

We also discussed Biden's suitability as president. He claimed that Biden was in perfect health and there was nothing wrong with him. I told him that the reason he's in hiding is because he was proving to be a nasty human-being and a horrible campaigner. They pulled the plug on him and got him under wraps right when the COVID pandemic miraculously became a big thing in the media. This gave them an excuse not to hold large events, because his lack of popularity would be exposed. His largest events only had maybe a few hundred people show up. I said that this move was intended to cover up his weaknesses and cover up his real personality. And they also wanted to make mail-in ballots a primary means to steal the election. All of this has arguably come to fruition.

Finally....I told him that masks and COVID restrictions were being used to control us....not keep us safe. He said that by February 2021, or soon after, we would be moving out of these restrictions. I said that yes we would be moving out of them but only in Red States. Democrats were going to try to make them permanent....a fact that has become a reality in states like Virginia and Oregon. Michigan is leaning toward it. I expect New York to attempt the same. This issue is still developing and I expect several Blue States to try to move toward it. Washington, California, New Jersey, Minnesota, essentially turning Democrat controlled states into East Germany. Police states in effect.

So, was I right?

My former friend said that he had other things to do and signed off.....and a week later I discovered he had unfriended me on Facebook.

Libs are so touchy.

He put up with you on FaceBook a WHOLE lot longer than I would have.

Why aren't liberals on social media bragging on all the wonderful things he's doing? Biden is doing what he was elected to do: cleaning up the mess Trump left behind. It's going to take YEARS, if not a decade to until the damage to the economy, the environment, the governmental structures, immigration, and the political discourse in your country.

There's nothing to brag about, despite the massive gains in reducing the rate of infection, illness and death in the nation, efforts are being undermined in red states, and one has to wonder if the Republican governors are pushing policies to increase the spread of the disease in their home states, to under Biden's all out effort to get everyone vaccinated and end the spread.

It wouldn't be the first time that Republican politicians have undermined the efforts of Democrats to solve a crisis, in the hopes of making political gains off the Democratic failures. Party over country if the Republican way of life. If you can inflict some death on brown and black people along the way - BONUS!!
Like most liberals....they tend to ignore anything that doesn't fit into their ideology or their comfort zone.
It has been my experience that everyone does that. It is very difficult to maintain production when ideological principles are not shared.
So, was I right?
Prove that you are not lying.

My former friend said that he had other things to do and signed off.....and a week later I discovered he had unfriended me on Facebook.

Libs are so touchy.
If you explore this forum you will probably notice that I have a different ideology - are you going to be able to handle it? Are you going to friend me and help me in my endeavor to make this a better world, or are you going to classify me as a whacko, and not worthy of your expertise??
I don't understand your post....because it seems to be meandering all over the place.
Current events have proved that I wasn't lying.
How are we supposed to know that you had this conversation with a classmate???
He's not a liar like you leftists are.
This woman is not sane.



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