Europe Laments, "Trump is Right"

This is a false OP, so noted and reported. The OP correctly should be, "
Pegida Laments, "Trump is Right"
You care to point out what you are calling a "reported" feature in this OP?

I hope, I understand precisely the question. In any event, I will give an answer. Perhaps will be it useful.

Pegida not Europe, only a few residents.

"Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West (German: Patriotische Europäer gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes), abbreviated PEGIDA or Pegida, is a far-right movement. Founded in Dresden in October 2014 that promotes anti-Islamic political positions. Pegida was founded by Lutz Bachmann, who runs a public relations agency in Dresden.
The movement has also opposed NATO and EU membership and has supported better relations with Russia.
Bachmann has a criminal record for sixteen burglaries, drunk driving, dealing cocaine and assault. In 1998, after Bachmann had been sentenced to several years in prison, he fled to South Africa but was deported back to Germany. According to Bachmann, during his time as a fugitive, he opened a nightclub in Cape Town. Bachmann is the owner of a public relations and advertising company in Dresden that he founded in 1992, and has been a publicist for nightclubs."

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