Et Tu....NYTimes?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
It used to be a newspaper....but for over a decade it has been nothing more than the press arm of the Democrat Party.

Sooooo.....when this is a NYTimes headline.......uh, oh.

"Another Failed Presidency at Hand

Our civilization was born optimistic and enlightened, at least by the standards of the day. Now it feels as if it’s fading into paranoid senility.

Joe Biden was supposed to be the man of the hour: a calming presence exuding decency, moderation and trust. As a candidate, he sold himself as a transitional president, a fatherly figure in the mold of George H.W. Bush who would restore dignity and prudence to the Oval Office after the mendacity and chaos that came before. It’s why I voted for him, as did so many others who once tipped red.
Instead, Biden has become the emblem of the hour: headstrong but shaky, ambitious but inept. He seems to be the last person in America to realize that, whatever the theoretical merits of the decision to withdraw our remaining troops from Afghanistan, the military and intelligence assumptions on which it was built were deeply flawed, the manner in which it was executed was a national humiliation and a moral betrayal, and the timing was catastrophic.

We find ourselves commemorating the first great jihadist victory over America, in 2001, right after delivering the second great jihadist victory over America, in 2021. The 9/11 memorial at the World Trade Center — water cascading into one void, and then trickling, out of sight, into another — has never felt more fitting.

I always try to make these threads educational for our Democrat brethren....God knows they need a some context for the NYTimes article.

1. The Times has long been less than patriotic.
Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Jr. was Publisher of The New York Times, was asked y his father: “If an American soldier runs into a North Vietnamese soldier, which would you like to see get shot?”

“I would want to see the American get shot,” replied the young man. “It's the other guy's country.” (This statement ignores the fact that most of those fighting against Americans in then-South Vietnam were soldiers invading from another country, Communist North Vietnam.) Discover the Networks | Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Jr.

2. Bret Stephens was formerly a writer for the Wall Street Journal.
When comparing his earlier writing to this, wherein he does cast aspersions at Trump, one can only conclude a pecuniary motive.

The title of his piece suggests that Trump was less than successful as President.

I'd like to see evidence of that claim.

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