Espionage/Adultery: Life of Democracy(*)


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Sep 22, 2013
Does modern intelligence feel like a doctored pageant?

What do you think? What would President Trump say?


"Working for the CIA has been a real blast, and my science-associate (and wife!) have been 'rearing' a new generation team of valiant field-operatives known as Democracy-3 [D3]. This team is comprised of two men (Peter Parker and Bobby Drake) and one woman (Angelica Jones). My wife (Felicia Hardy!) and I (Mac Gargan!) have been training D3 to mingle into the political upper-echelon of ISIS cells operating within the governmental 'arms' of Syria and Iran. We do most of our assignment-communique works with D3 with the CIA's new computer-terminal center in Virginia."


"I'm an Algerian-American and studied computer science a Dartmouth. I met Felicia during a CIA mission/assignment in New Zealand. Felicia was working with a new liquid-nitrogen gun being developed at the Salk Institute in California and was the CIA's respected scientist operating in New Zealand for a new weapons-enhancement project involving the area west of Japan in the Pacific. Felicia and I married and are excited to be working with D3 now. Felicia explained to me that two members of D3, Peter Parker and Angelica Jones, are dating. Felicia keeps me 'at-pace' with worldly psychology, since I'm basically a 'typical' sunglass-wearing American patriot/male with very little shrewdness about 'human etiquette'."


"To train and work with D3, Felicia and I (Mac Gargan) use two Marvel Comics avatars to designate ourselves --- Black Cat (an agile super-woman) and Scorpion (a wall-crawling super-man). As Black Cat and Scorpion, Felicia and I (Mac Gargan) can effectively communicate with D3 as 'buddies' without sounding like we're transmitting political legalese. The Black Cat and Scorpion avatars enable Felicia and I to imagine infiltration-scenarios requiring much mission strategy, human sensitivity, and of course networking patriotism."


"Felicia and I sometimes go to colleges and universities to give special academic lectures about the qualities and contours of new age political intelligence and espionage (e.g., CIA). Felicia handles all the scientific confetti while I address all the labyrinth/algorithm flowery. Basically, Felicia and I are like 'Mr. & Mrs. Smith' (in terms of our work with the 'social psychology' of new age political sensibilities). At these college/university lectures, Felicia and I talk about matters such as the vital development of bases/stations in the Middle East."


"When Felicia told me that two of the agents of D3 (Angelica Jones and Peter Parker) were dating, I feared that such 'youthful romance' may not be wise for CIA field-work. However, Felicia reminded me that she and I met while working for the U.S. government ourselves(!). Therefore, we're investigating if the romantic relationship between D3 agents Jones and Parker might create undesirable distraction or perhaps even desirable espionage strategy (since we can post Jones and Parker as a husband-wife tourist-duo!). Felicia and I decided to designate D3 agents Angelica Jones and Peter Parker as the romantic Marvel Comics superhero-duo Firestar and Spider-Man. As Firestar and Spider-Man, Jones and Parker can best represent America's interests in espionage-psychology (and anti-terrorism patriotism!)."


"Felicia (aka, 'Black Cat') is a very devoted scientist/operative for the CIA and believes in the Firestar/Spider-Man operations she and I (Mac Gargan, aka, 'Scorpion') are developing/coordinating for America's efforts to rid the world of modern fundamentalist-terrorists. As Black Cat and Scorpion, Felicia and I (Mac Gargan) work to ensure that the right information gets to the D3 agents Angelica Jones ('Firestar') and Peter Parker ('Spider-Man'). Our long term hope is to understand/appreciate why and how modern intelligence involves a fair deal of species-encompassing scientific/rational thinking!"


"Felicia discovered that D3 agent Jones was cheating on her boyfriend (agent Parker) with the other D3 agent (Bobby Drake). Apparently, Jones suspected that Parker courted and romanced a female terrorist in Syria and became very jealous and basically ran into the arms of her other D3 compatriot Bobby Drake. I was told by Felicia to talk privately with D3 agent Drake and compel him not to create an undesirable and distracting love-triangle with agents Jones and Parker. I fitted Drake with a Marvel Comics field-operations 'avatar' of his own --- the cool Iceman. As 'Iceman,' D3 agent Drake can focus on methods to create smooth and tactical maneuvers for agents Jones ('Firestar') and Parker ('Spider-Man'). I explained to agent Drake (Iceman) that corrupting modern political-intelligence work with human bias would lead to dangerous hellfire(!)."


"Therefore, Felicia (Black Cat) and I (Scorpion) work with D3 agents Jones (Firestar), Drake (Iceman), and Parker (Spider-Man) to coordinate vital infiltration missions in the Middle East to destabilize terrorist cells seeking to 'integrate' into pedestrian life. We don't want terrorists thwarting modern pro-globalization peace-promotional commerce pacts between OPEC and Western petroleum companies such as BP and creating undesirable problems between Israel and Palestine(!). America and the West are, after all, viewed as 'brothers/allies' to Israel(!). That's why Felicia and I want to see Firestar, Iceman, and Spider-Man become the CIA's ultimate 'pro-diplomacy Mod Squad'."


"Felicia and I spend vacation-time in Switzerland, playing with our two kids (Jimmy and Jessica!). I make color-pencil doodles of various fun folkloric avatars such as Soundwave, Kingpin, and Satan the Clown for my kids who love comic books as much as I do(!). In this modern age of great socialization-intrigue (e.g., Wall Street, World Bank, European Union, Facebook, MTV, etc., etc.), human etiquette/customs become quite important. We want to see our kids embrace the best qualities of pro-democracy folklore and anti-terrorism pulp-fiction!"


FELICIA: I hope Jones doesn't betray Parker!
MAC: Yes, I believe Drake will not cause interference.
FELICIA: We don't want 'immature adultery' in D3.
MAC: Modern political intelligence is all about righteous psychology!
FELICIA: We want Firestar and Spider-Man to be the new 'Mr. & Mrs. Smith.'
MAC: There's no need for Iceman to become an 'undesirable distraction.'
FELICIA: Right; if Firestar betrays Spider-Man with Iceman, there'll be trouble.
MAC: It's in the realm of human psychology that political insight is wrought, no?
FELICIA: Yes, to solve conflicts between nations, the CIA needs to harness virtue!
MAC: Things were simpler/finer in the days of Camelot (Guinevere/Arthur/Lancelot).
FELICIA: Yes, Lancelot did not destabilize the entire overhead of the kingdom.
MAC: Today, the CIA wrestles with matters much more 'tenable.'
FELICIA: That's why Iceman must resist from courting/tempting Firestar!
MAC: The lifeblood of modern democracy-defense seems to be values-centric.
FELICIA: Without attention to values, there's little room for intelligence-idealization.
MAC: It's no wonder modern scholars/writers compare new age espionage to 'jargon-adultery.'
FELICIA: We must maintain networking integrity!
MAC: Now, let's go enjoy the movie The Fifth Estate on Netflix(!), my dear...



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