Eric Zorn of the Chicago Tribune is gleeful that real journalist, Julian Assange, is facing extradition to the US

Street Juice

Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2018
Eric Zorn of the Chicago Tribune is gleeful that real journalist, Julian Assange, is facing extradition to the US (we're pissed that he exposed the war crimes we commit against Israel's neighbors).

Julian Assange's journalism had the power to make a difference. If we didn't have him locked in a cage, maybe Americans might have started to wonder what the hell we are doing over there in the first place. And why are we acting like that? And is Israel really our bestest friends?

Eric Zorn's journalism will never change anything. He cites Israel toady Marco Rubio approvingly for refusing to discuss anything revealed by Wikileaks. Hahaha, on principle, right Marco?

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