Eric Clapton is now targeted by the Left


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Ever since Eric Clapton had a horrible reaction to the Covid vaccine, which made him unable to move for weeks, made him voice his negative opinions about the experience and the vaccine.

This has prompted the Left to attack Clapton which now accuses him of racism due to comments he made in the 1970's.

So I reckon it's time to cancel Eric.

Ever since Eric Clapton had a horrible reaction to the Covid vaccine, which made him unable to move for weeks, made him voice his negative opinions about the experience and the vaccine.

This has prompted the Left to attack Clapton which now accuses him of racism due to comments he made in the 1970's.

So I reckon it's time to cancel Eric.

Says who? You?
If you speak negatively about the demafascist cults policies, you will be attacked by their brownshirts and propagandist
All you have to do is speak out against the vaccine and you are immediately a racist and a right wing extremist even if what you post is 100% true regarding your experience.

Eric Clapton a right wing extremist?

All you have to do is speak out against the vaccine and you are immediately a racist and a right wing extremist even if what you post is 100% true regarding your experience.

Eric Clapton a right wing extremist?

John Lennon was a Lt. Colonel in the National Guard. Kidding.
If you speak negatively about the demafascist cults policies, you will be attacked by their brownshirts and propagandist

democrats at work, then and now

Eric needs to come out with some songs about Covid and the DNC.
The only good democrats are dead democrats, and we will with a little bit of luck not need wait to long for that to happen for us as literally every democratic fascist street walker, is mRNA jabbed to the hilt, come on you little spike proteins, do your thing!

Ever since Eric Clapton had a horrible reaction to the Covid vaccine, which made him unable to move for weeks, made him voice his negative opinions about the experience and the vaccine.

This has prompted the Left to attack Clapton which now accuses him of racism due to comments he made in the 1970's.

So I reckon it's time to cancel Eric.

Joy Reid said words.

Fking sissies
If you can manage to take a position that makes you a target of the left, you're definitely doing something right.

Ever since Eric Clapton had a horrible reaction to the Covid vaccine, which made him unable to move for weeks, made him voice his negative opinions about the experience and the vaccine.

This has prompted the Left to attack Clapton which now accuses him of racism due to comments he made in the 1970's.

So I reckon it's time to cancel Eric.
To me, maybe it should be flattering and heart warming that those who don't like what's been said and done are nice enough to keep the subject of him alive and kicking by combing through his history no matter what it may consist of. After all its the only thing concerning him that can be under the microscope at all. Sadly whatever may be in front of a person could be labeled as unknown.

God bless you and Mr. Clapton always!!!


P.S. To me, Mr. C. should tell the diggers "Thank you." for helping the public get to know him better. People will check to see if what's been discovered is really true and along the way, they may learn whatever else may be out there concerning whoever it is that they are checking on. :) :) :)

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