Erdogan loses Ankara and (probably) Istanbul in local elections


Nov 14, 2012
After decades, Erdogan´s AKP does no longer provide Ankara´s major. Mansur Yavas (CHP, social democrats) is the new major. In Istanbul, the votes are not yet all counted but the opposition is leading.
Six elected Kurdish mayors were dismissed by the electoral commission and they were replaced by Erdogan mayors. The commission said they are not eligible to be mayors because all of them were banned form the civil service under the state of emergency. However, they were registered for the elections in the first place and the commission had time enough to raise an objection.
Ekrem İmamoğlu (CHP) is Istanbul´s new mayor. The decision was made by the electoral commission. However, Erdogan´s application for new election is still pending. İmamoğlu promised 200.000 jobs.
Istanbul is seen as the most important vote. "Who controls Istanbul, controls Turkey". Erdogan is very angry and even got a soccer fan arrested at night for 12 hours. 2. Bölüm
After decades, Erdogan´s AKP does no longer provide Ankara´s major. Mansur Yavas (CHP, social democrats) is the new major. In Istanbul, the votes are not yet all counted but the opposition is leading.

Voters in Istanbul do their job on Erdogan as the Pentagon begins to “unwind” the Ego-Sultan’s participation in the F-35 program.

Sultan Recep Erdogan threatens the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter's technological edge, which means he aids and abets America's military enemies.

NATO members are sovereign states. They owe their citizens honest debate on budgets and troop commitments. Despite policy and budget disagreements, NATO won the Cold War and set a record: It's the world's longest-lived military collective defense alliance -- an alliance where the sovereign members pledge to defend one another against external military threats.

Turkey's problem-strewn participation in NATO's F-35 fighter program exemplifies Erdogan's increasingly authoritarian contempt for the type of fundamental military cooperation genuine mutual defense requires.

Turkey eagerly joined the F-35 consortium. The jet gives collective defense an edge.

Then obstreperous Erdogan ignored consequential pleas from his allies, Erdogan decided to buy the Russian-made S-400 air defense missile system.

Sultan Recep's decision makes him a strategic enemy. If integrated into NATO's air defense network, the S-400 could disrupt NATO's collective air defense and serve as a digital Russian spy tapping other networks. In real time, Moscow could locate every NATO warplane.

The technical risk is real; the trust issue is fundamental. In early June, the Pentagon began "unwinding" Turkish participation in the F-35 program.

An election that sends Sultan Recep into retirement would ensure Turkish membership in NATO. As a bonus, the Turkish Air Force would get to fly the F- 35 with pride. The Turkish pilots who've flown it like it.

Turkey brings a lot to NATO. Full Turkish partnership damages several international bad actors, first and foremost Vladimir Putin's crooked Russian regime. The overt record shows that since 2008, Czar Vlad has made disrupting and damaging NATO a Kremlin priority. Robust Turkish NATO membership also stymies Iran's robed Islamist dictators.

Turkish voters in Istanbul are unwinding the source of the F-35/S-400 controversy, Sultan Recep.

The Turkish Republic that Mustafa Kemal Ataturk created in 1923 from the ruins of the post-World War I Ottoman empire was decidedly secular. Ataturk sought relationships with Western European democracies and pursued technical modernization. Turkey's democracy is Ataturk's legacy. To use a grander lens, Ataturk is the only man to successfully create a political system to modernize a culturally Islamic nation.

In the 2002 elections, Erdogan's "moderate" Islamist AKP defeated the Republican Peoples Party (CHP, founded by Ataturk). In 2003, Erdogan became prime minister. Year by year Turkey's government became less secular and more authoritarian as Erdogan forged a powerful executive. Since July 2016's curious coup, he has systematically jailed journalists, repressed political opponents and purged government workers.

June's election was an authoritarian mulligan forced by Erdogan. The CHP won the March 31 vote in Turkey's three pre-eminent cities, Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir. Erdogan managed to annul the Istanbul narrow tally.

March's Istanbul victor, Ekrem Imamoglu, won the just held June tally by an overwhelming margin.

Local elections in Istanbul are national bellwethers. Sultan Recep needs to go.

But ... if he attempts to undermine the CHP's victory, if he becomes increasingly oppressive, if another curious coup occurs ...

Make it easy, Sultan. Resign.
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After decades, Erdogan´s AKP does no longer provide Ankara´s major. Mansur Yavas (CHP, social democrats) is the new major. In Istanbul, the votes are not yet all counted but the opposition is leading.

Voters in Istanbul do their job on Erdogan as the Pentagon begins to “unwind” the Ego-Sultan’s participation in the F-35 program.

Sultan Recep Erdogan threatens the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter's technological edge, which means he aids and abets America's military enemies.

NATO members are sovereign states. They owe their citizens honest debate on budgets and troop commitments. Despite policy and budget disagreements, NATO won the Cold War and set a record: It's the world's longest-lived military collective defense alliance -- an alliance where the sovereign members pledge to defend one another against external military threats.

Turkey's problem-strewn participation in NATO's F-35 fighter program exemplifies Erdogan's increasingly authoritarian contempt for the type of fundamental military cooperation genuine mutual defense requires.

Turkey eagerly joined the F-35 consortium. The jet gives collective defense an edge.

Then obstreperous Erdogan ignored consequential pleas from his allies, Erdogan decided to buy the Russian-made S-400 air defense missile system.

Sultan Recep's decision makes him a strategic enemy. If integrated into NATO's air defense network, the S-400 could disrupt NATO's collective air defense and serve as a digital Russian spy tapping other networks. In real time, Moscow could locate every NATO warplane.

The technical risk is real; the trust issue is fundamental. In early June, the Pentagon began "unwinding" Turkish participation in the F-35 program.

An election that sends Sultan Recep into retirement would ensure Turkish membership in NATO. As a bonus, the Turkish Air Force would get to fly the F- 35 with pride. The Turkish pilots who've flown it like it.

Turkey brings a lot to NATO. Full Turkish partnership damages several international bad actors, first and foremost Vladimir Putin's crooked Russian regime. The overt record shows that since 2008, Czar Vlad has made disrupting and damaging NATO a Kremlin priority. Robust Turkish NATO membership also stymies Iran's robed Islamist dictators.

Turkish voters in Istanbul are unwinding the source of the F-35/S-400 controversy, Sultan Recep.

The Turkish Republic that Mustafa Kemal Ataturk created in 1923 from the ruins of the post-World War I Ottoman empire was decidedly secular. Ataturk sought relationships with Western European democracies and pursued technical modernization. Turkey's democracy is Ataturk's legacy. To use a grander lens, Ataturk is the only man to successfully create a political system to modernize a culturally Islamic nation.

In the 2002 elections, Erdogan's "moderate" Islamist AKP defeated the Republican Peoples Party (CHP, founded by Ataturk). In 2003, Erdogan became prime minister. Year by year Turkey's government became less secular and more authoritarian as Erdogan forged a powerful executive. Since July 2016's curious coup, he has systematically jailed journalists, repressed political opponents and purged government workers.

June's election was an authoritarian mulligan forced by Erdogan. The CHP won the March 31 vote in Turkey's three pre-eminent cities, Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir. Erdogan managed to annul the Istanbul narrow tally.

March's Istanbul victor, Ekrem Imamoglu, won the just held June tally by an overwhelming margin.

Local elections in Istanbul are national bellwethers. Sultan Recep needs to go.

But ... if he attempts to undermine the CHP's victory, if he becomes increasingly oppressive, if another curious coup occurs ...

Make it easy, Sultan. Resign.
As secondary supplier of some fuselage parts with an overall contribution of about 6 or 7 % to the program, the Caliph holds no trumps in his hands. And the S-400 does the job at lower cost. Also, the current foreign policy requires less military engagement. After Erdogan blamed the US for the economic problems, another uturn is not likely. The benefits the Nato membership mean for Turkey are not worth the price.

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