Environmental nut job mass public shooters.....go green, go crazy...shooters who are not Right wingers.......


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
A look at recent mass public shooters who are called Right Wingers, but, in fact, are environmental nuts who hate people because they damage the environment......

The entire column over at Real Clear Politics...

You wouldn’t know it from reading the Times, but the Buffalo killer was yet another mass murderer motivated by environmentalism.

In his manifesto, the Buffalo mass murderer self-identifies as an “eco-fascist national socialist” and a member of the “mild-moderate authoritarian left.” He expresses concern that minority immigrants have too many children and will damage the environment. “The invaders are the ones overpopulating the world,” he writes. “Kill the invaders, kill the overpopulation and by doing so save the environment.”

The murderer argues that capitalists are destroying the environment, and are at the root of much of the problem. “The trade of goods is to be discouraged at all costs,” he insists.

Overpopulation and the environment are hardly signature conservative issues. It’s certainly not something you’ll hear Donald Trump talk about at his rallies. And while some Republicans believe in limiting international trade, it’s certainly not for environmental reasons.

The Buffalo murderer’s manifesto has word-for-word similarities to those of the mass shooters in 2019 at a New Zealand mosque and at an El Paso Walmart.

But the New York Times has consistently referred to the New Zealand mosque attacker as “far-right,” and tried to link the murderer to President Donald Trump’s supposedly racist language. The Times describes the El Paso murderer as having “echoed the incendiary words of conservative media stars” who have spoken out against illegal immigration.

But conservatives don’t usually declare that “conservatism is dead” and that “global capitalist markets are the enemy of racial autonomists.” Nor do they call themselves “eco-fascist” and profess that, “The nation with the closest political and social values to my own is the People’s Republic of China.”

The El Paso murderer had the same sentiments. “The decimation of the environment is creating a massive burden for future generations … The next logical step is to decrease the number of people in America using resources. If we can get rid of enough people, then our way of life can become more sustainable.”

All three of these deranged killers made minorities their principal target. But they’ve done so out of a crazy environmentalist determination to reduce the human population by whatever means necessary.

A look at recent mass public shooters who are called Right Wingers, but, in fact, are environmental nuts who hate people because they damage the environment......

I assume these were environmentalists with a criminal history to be a mass shooter because law abiding citizens don't undertake mass shootings.
Lefty/proggy ideology is the root cause of 99% of the mass shootings.
Indoctrinating & scaring kids with AGW BS from birth, encouraging the whole LGBFJB spectrum of mental disorders, open borders, villainizing police while excusing lawlessness in the name of equity, encouraging the destruction of the nuclear family, fantasizing about violence on others, war on Christians, etc.
These are all the major causes of mass shootings & the Dems are balls deep in all of them
Who said that..........I know you Brits are a bit slow because of the inbreeding on your isle....but please try to use whatever brain cells you have.
You claim law abiding citizens are safe with guns and any proposed laws only effects law abiding citizens, yet criminals will always run riot with guns. So that means, law abiding citizens don't commit an activity that's criminal in nature, for example, mass shootings. So all mass shooters must have had a criminal record before committing the mass shooting. This might be a strange word to your world, but it's called 'Logic'.

Can you see how retarded your argument has been over the years, because as I've said a thousand times, any normal person with an IQ greater than their shoe size knows that the only way to try and stop gun common sense is to say, "2nd Amendment". And every gun conversation will go full circle to this point because we all know a safe gun environment is a regulated one like the UK, Australia etc.. But as I said, gun nuts know this, but they don't want this, so they mouth froth, "2nd Amendment".
You claim law abiding citizens are safe with guns and any proposed laws only effects law abiding citizens, yet criminals will always run riot with guns. So that means, law abiding citizens don't commit an activity that's criminal in nature, for example, mass shootings. So all mass shooters must have had a criminal record before committing the mass shooting. This might be a strange word to your world, but it's called 'Logic'.

Can you see how retarded your argument has been over the years, because as I've said a thousand times, any normal person with an IQ greater than their shoe size knows that the only way to try and stop gun common sense is to say, "2nd Amendment". And every gun conversation will go full circle to this point because we all know a safe gun environment is a regulated one like the UK, Australia etc.. But as I said, gun nuts know this, but they don't want this, so they mouth froth, "2nd Amendment".

Does insanity run in your family? That you actually took time to post that shows you really, really, need help.

The governments of Europe banned and confiscated guns in the 1920s......by 1939 the socialists were deep in the process of murdering 15 million innocent men, women and children.

15 million people in 6 years.

Number of gun murders in the entire 246 year history of the United States with our Right to own guns?


Your gun free countries murdered more people in 6 years than in our entire 246 year history.........

And those murdered with guns in the U.S. a majority criminals murdered by other criminals....

You guys murdered innocent men, women and children...

You are the monsters, not us......

And it took Americans with guns to make you stop mirdering those people.......
Look at them rationally. Every mass shooter in modern history is left wing or totally insane.

As if they aren't both.........? To be left wing you have to be on some scale of insanity.....you don't choose a side that has murdered close to over 200 million innocent men, women and children around the world without some insanity going on....
Does insanity run in your family? That you actually took time to post that shows you really, really, need help.

The governments of Europe banned and confiscated guns in the 1920s......by 1939 the socialists were deep in the process of murdering 15 million innocent men, women and children.

15 million people in 6 years.

Number of gun murders in the entire 246 year history of the United States with our Right to own guns?


Your gun free countries murdered more people in 6 years than in our entire 246 year history.........

And those murdered with guns in the U.S. a majority criminals murdered by other criminals....

You guys murdered innocent men, women and children...

You are the monsters, not us......

And it took Americans with guns to make you stop mirdering those people.......
Each time your family breed, IQ dips. You are just utter thick, hence why you think a gun is your God.
Guns are your religion because your ideology of giving any bellend a gun to prance about in public is fucking screwed up

Since I support keepimg guns out of the hands of violent criminals and the dangerously mentally ill.....you are just pulling that out of your ass....
Since I support keepimg guns out of the hands of violent criminals and the dangerously mentally ill.....you are just pulling that out of your ass....
Then, you would advocate thorough background checks, guns locked in a secure safe when not in use with ammo locked in a separate safe, and guns not in public areas.

You would want every sale logged, serial numbers etc.. and harsh punishments for those who get it wrong.

So stop talking FUCKING BOLLOCKS
Then, you would advocate thorough background checks, guns locked in a secure safe when not in use with ammo locked in a separate safe, and guns not in public areas.

You would want every sale logged, serial numbers etc.. and harsh punishments for those who get it wrong.

So stop talking FUCKING BOLLOCKS

Nope….when we catch a criminal with a gun we arrest them.

Why would I want to mandate locking up guns? If you have kids, sure, but not a mandate…. that would simply be the fisrt step to inspections of your home by the police like they have in your country.

Considering people are raped, robbed, murdered, baten and stabbed in public areas, why would I want normal people disarmed in public areas, you doofus?

Nope….gun registration is a stupid f*****g idea and gun registration was the precursor to you idiots in Europe murdering 15 million n innocent men, women and children.

You guys murdered 15 million pepple in 6 years after taking their guns.

With all of our guns, in our entire 246 year history we have had around 2,460,000 gun murders and the majority of those victims are criminals murdered by criminals….you idiots murdered 15 million innocent people.

what is it about those numbers and what they actually mean is so hard for you to understand?
Nope….when we catch a criminal with a gun we arrest them.

Why would I want to mandate locking up guns? If you have kids, sure, but not a mandate…. that would simply be the fisrt step to inspections of your home by the police like they have in your country.

Considering people are raped, robbed, murdered, baten and stabbed in public areas, why would I want normal people disarmed in public areas, you doofus?

Nope….gun registration is a stupid f*****g idea and gun registration was the precursor to you idiots in Europe murdering 15 million n innocent men, women and children.

You guys murdered 15 million pepple in 6 years after taking their guns.

With all of our guns, in our entire 246 year history we have had around 2,460,000 gun murders and the majority of those victims are criminals murdered by criminals….you idiots murdered 15 million innocent people.

what is it about those numbers and what they actually mean is so hard for you to understand?
Then that's why you enjoy high gun incidents.

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