Ending UNRWA and Advancing Peace

abu afak

Mar 3, 2006
Recent strings by Munnerlyn (they're ALL "Baby Killer" INCITEMENT against JEWS), mentioning UNRWA brought this to mind.

The insanity must stop.
The UNRWA is 4x Larger than the rest of the UN's refugee apparatus Combined.
It has Hogged the the planet's ability to take care of other Real refugees such as World by eating 80% of refugee resources.
And of course, it's just another tool/political football used against Israel and inhibits peace.
It has made a mole hill into a mountain by not dissolving early on.
And of course WE, USA/EU, are the biggest contributors.

Ending UNRWA and Advancing Peace
by Elliott Abrams
December 19, 2011
Since the end of the Second World War, millions of refugees have left refugee camps, and refugee status, and moved to countries that accepted them–quickly or slowly–as citizens. Post-World War II Europe was an archipelago of displaced persons and refugee camps, housing 850,000 people in 1947–Czechs, Poles, Lithuanians, Germans, Latvians, Greeks, and many more nationalities. By 1952, all but one of the camps had closed. Hundred of thousands of Jewish refugees from Europe went to Israel after 1948, and then hundreds of thousands more arrived from Arab lands when they were forced to flee after 1956 and 1967. The children and grandchildren of these refugees, born after their arrival, were never refugees themselves; they were from birth citizens of the new land, as their parents had become immediately upon their own arrival. In this process many nations and agencies have played wonderful roles, not least the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

The exception to this refugee story is the Palestinians. In most of the Arab lands to which they fled or travelled after 1948 they were often treated badly, and refused citizenship (with Jordan the major exception) or even the right to work legally. And instead of coming under the protection of UNHCR, they had a special agency of their own, UNRWA, the UN Relief and Works Agency. In the decades of its existence, it has not solved or even diminished the Palesinian refugee problem; instead it has presided over a massive increase in its size, for all the descendants of Palestinian refugees are considered to be refugees as well.
Once there were 750,000; now there are Five Million people considered by UNRWA to be “Palestinian refugees.”
And UNRWA is now the largest UN agency, with a staff of 30,000.
UNHCR cares for the rest of the world with about 7,500 personnel.

The political background to this story is simple: only in the case of Israel was there a determined refusal to accept what had happened during and after World War II".."


Similar but not as egregious anti-Israel Warping exist in the UN Human Rights apparatus where Palestinians alone have their own department (1 of just 7) that is on a par with say, ALL of 'East Asia' (China, NK, Mynamar, etc, etc) in size.
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Recent strings by Munnerlyn (they're ALL "Baby Killer" INCITEMENT against JEWS), mentioning UNRWA brought this to mind.

The insanity must stop.
The UNRWA is 4x Larger than the rest of the UN's refugee apparatus that Should serve the whole world.
It has Hogged the the planet's ability to take care of other Real refugees such as World by eating 80% of refugee resources.
And of course, it's just another tool/political football used against Israel and inhibits peace.
It has made a mole hill into a mountain by not dissolving early on.
And of course WE, USA/EU, are the biggest contributors.

Ending UNRWA and Advancing Peace
by Elliott Abrams
December 19, 2011
Since the end of the Second World War, millions of refugees have left refugee camps, and refugee status, and moved to countries that accepted them–quickly or slowly–as citizens. Post-World War II Europe was an archipelago of displaced persons and refugee camps, housing 850,000 people in 1947–Czechs, Poles, Lithuanians, Germans, Latvians, Greeks, and many more nationalities. By 1952, all but one of the camps had closed. Hundred of thousands of Jewish refugees from Europe went to Israel after 1948, and then hundreds of thousands more arrived from Arab lands when they were forced to flee after 1956 and 1967. The children and grandchildren of these refugees, born after their arrival, were never refugees themselves; they were from birth citizens of the new land, as their parents had become immediately upon their own arrival. In this process many nations and agencies have played wonderful roles, not least the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

The exception to this refugee story is the Palestinians. In most of the Arab lands to which they fled or travelled after 1948 they were often treated badly, and refused citizenship (with Jordan the major exception) or even the right to work legally. And instead of coming under the protection of UNHCR, they had a special agency of their own, UNRWA, the UN Relief and Works Agency. In the decades of its existence, it has not solved or even diminished the Palesinian refugee problem; instead it has presided over a massive increase in its size, for all the descendants of Palestinian refugees are considered to be refugees as well.
Once there were 750,000; now there are Five Million people considered by UNRWA to be “Palestinian refugees.”
And UNRWA is now the largest UN agency, with a staff of 30,000.
UNHCR cares for the rest of the world with about 7,500 personnel.

The political background to this story is simple: only in the case of Israel was there a determined refusal to accept what had happened during and after World War II".."


Similar but not as egregious anti-Israel Warping exist in the UN Human Rights apparatus where Palestinians alone have their own department (1 of just 7) that is on a par with say, ALL of 'East Asia' (China, NK, Mynamar, etc, etc) in size.

As regards the Arab-Israeli conflict and specifically Israel, the UN is, in large part, a captive of the 56 member Organization of the Islamic Conference and the anti-First World/ anti-Semitic cabal. That the UN felt compelled to change the name of their so-called human rights organization in 2006 was a direct result of its besmirched reputation and its anti-Semitic nature.
The cynically named UN Human Rights Council has proven itself to be just an extension of its predecessor.

"The United Nations hasn't really improved much in the years since I was there, and it hasn't really improved much at all with respect to Israel," said Kirkpatrick. She said that when she first began attending Security Council and General Assembly sessions as America's ambassador, "I was very deeply shocked by the simple anti-Semitism that pervaded the place." The anti-Semitism and anti-Israel sentiment she was exposed to at the world body was "mysterious," and "very, very strange," she said. - Jeane Kirkpatrick
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It’s long past time to defund the black hole that is UNRWA.

The UNRWA is the world's hugest welfare program. It exists purely to perpetuate the invented "refugee" status of Palestinian Arabs who fled their homes when Arab armies told them to get out of the way so the Jew-genocide could commence. It's the only such agency for a terror quasi-state, and it gets $100 million annually from U.S. taxpayers. Does that money go to help impoverished Palestinian Arabs who need to eat and receive medical care or does it buy new Kalashnikovs and plastic explosives for Hamas?

Cutting off UNRWA’s budget would be the appropriate anti-islamic terrorism measure aimed at Hamas in Gaza. It would force them to either provide services to “Palestinian” arabs or admit they have no intention of doing so. It would also send an important message to the UN, which perpetuates the ”Palestinian” arab welfare fraud and lends legitimacy to groups like Hamas through UNRWA’s continued existence.
Let those people go back home.

Problem solved.

There is no chance that Syria, Jordan, Egypt, etc., are going to accept the financial burden of repatriation for the Arabs falsely labeled as "Palestinians".

The problem of Arab beggars and squatters occupying Palestine is an Arab problem but of course, they understand the dangers presented by "Palestinian' Arabs.

Do a search with "Black September" as the criteria.
Let those people go back home.

Problem solved.

There is no chance that Syria, Jordan, Egypt, etc., are going to accept the financial burden of repatriation for the Arabs falsely labeled as "Palestinians".

The problem of Arab beggars and squatters occupying Palestine is an Arab problem but of course, they understand the dangers presented by "Palestinian' Arabs.

Do a search with "Black September" as the criteria.

I believe that most Palestinians can trace their ancestry back hundreds even thousands of years.

Do you have some statistics to back up your claim?
Jordan's Black September resulted in the one & only lasting peace from Palestinians. When will Israel ever learn from Jordan? LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

Let those people go back home.

Problem solved.

There is no chance that Syria, Jordan, Egypt, etc., are going to accept the financial burden of repatriation for the Arabs falsely labeled as "Palestinians".

The problem of Arab beggars and squatters occupying Palestine is an Arab problem but of course, they understand the dangers presented by "Palestinian' Arabs.

Do a search with "Black September" as the criteria.
Let those people go back home.

Problem solved.

There is no chance that Syria, Jordan, Egypt, etc., are going to accept the financial burden of repatriation for the Arabs falsely labeled as "Palestinians".

The problem of Arab beggars and squatters occupying Palestine is an Arab problem but of course, they understand the dangers presented by "Palestinian' Arabs.

Do a search with "Black September" as the criteria.

I believe that most Palestinians can trace their ancestry back hundreds even thousands of years.

There is no chance that Syria, Jordan, Egypt, etc., are going to accept the financial burden of repatriation for the Arabs falsely labeled as "Palestinians".

The problem of Arab beggars and squatters occupying Palestine is an Arab problem but of course, they understand the dangers presented by "Palestinian' Arabs.

Do a search with "Black September" as the criteria.

I believe that most Palestinians can trace their ancestry back hundreds even thousands of years.


You are the one claiming that they came from somewhere else. Prove it.

Not that it matters. they were there when the country was defined in 1922. So they go back to the beginning.

You are the one claiming that they came from somewhere else. Prove it.

Not that it matters. they were there when the country was defined in 1922. So they go back to the beginning.

No link for your blustering claim, eh? I didn't there would be.

It is your claim.

Post war treaties state that anyone who normally reside in a newly created state, become citizens of that state.

Are you thinking that people living in a defined area became citizens of someplace else?:cuckoo:

I was anticipating that you would be unable to support your specific claim. And you were unable.

In international law, when a state is dissolved and new states are established, “the population follows the change of sovereignty in matters of nationality.”5 As a rule, therefore, citizens of the former state should automatically acquire the nationality of the successor state in which they had already been residing.

Nationality constitutes a legal bond that connects individuals with a specific territory, making them citizens of that territory. It is therefore imperative to examine the boundaries of Palestine in order to define the piece of land on which Palestinian nationality was established.

Genesis of Citizenship in Palestine and Israel
Are you thinking that people living in a defined area became citizens of someplace else?:cuckoo:

I was anticipating that you would be unable to support your specific claim. And you were unable.

In international law, when a state is dissolved and new states are established, “the population follows the change of sovereignty in matters of nationality.”5 As a rule, therefore, citizens of the former state should automatically acquire the nationality of the successor state in which they had already been residing.

Nationality constitutes a legal bond that connects individuals with a specific territory, making them citizens of that territory. It is therefore imperative to examine the boundaries of Palestine in order to define the piece of land on which Palestinian nationality was established.

Genesis of Citizenship in Palestine and Israel

There was never a legal entity of Palestine with established borders.

And please, tinny, spare us your usual inundation of cut and paste images of "Palestine", which, as you should know, never defined statehood.
It seems you never read what you cut and pasted, tinny.

"In international law, when a state is dissolved and new states are established,"

Are you not seeing how your claim is not applicable?

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