End Time Bible Prophesy Coming True


Gold Member
Aug 18, 2009
[ame=http://youtu.be/-1xgioLQ4zE]End Time Bible Prophesy Coming True - YouTube[/ame]
LMAO. Ok. Better go crawl in a hole. Hurry up, the end in near. Or at least close at hand. Or just around the corner. Or somewhere we just can't see it. But it's coming. Been coming for how many hundreds of years now?

I just can't wait much longer though.
End Time Bible Prophesy Coming True
Put your money where your mouth is... please distribute all your life savings and world possessions to charity, since you won't be needing it.

Report back to thread when accomplished.
People have been saying that since I was a kid.

It was even more the end of the world in 1973, than it is now.

not so old man.

Old? lol I was born in 1960, and the "End Times" have been coming soon for as long as I can remember.

In fact, if you do a little research, you will find predictions of the impending "End Times" happening for 2000 years.

Isn't there a passage in the bible about "No man shall know the hour..."? But this guy claims to know?

This is just fear mongering to get people to go to church. If it takes fear to get someone to pretend to believe, do you really think that will help?
the Rapture is a heresy that began about 1830

the concept was certainly unknown to the people of the New Testament
The Military Channel recently had a bunch of Christian documentaries (for reasons passing understanding) which referred to Yeshua as an apocalyptic prophet. In other words, not as Messiah or son-of-G-d but a fringe type preaching about ther end-times. So that some modern Christians do that isn't surprising. Thankfully, thre majority of Christians preach the good stuff which is of course defacto Judaism (and why it's good.) Christianity didn't yet exist during Yeshua's ministry period or lfie, and wouldn't until several centuries after his death and the NT texts had been written and then compiled into the NT.

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