Emanuel’s Choice


Sep 23, 2010
Here comes the affirmative action program I predicted years before HillaryCare II became the law:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=CHIfKnDjLxQ]ObamaCare Architect Zeke Emanuel: If You Like Your Doctor, You Can Pay More - YouTube[/ame]​

"The president guaranteed me I could keep my doctor," said Wallace.

"And if you want to, you can pay for it," said Emanuel.

Obamacare Architect: If You Like Your Doctor, You Can Pay More
10:01 AM, Dec 8, 2013 • By DANIEL HALPER

Obamacare Architect: If You Like Your Doctor, You Can Pay More | The Weekly Standard

1. Ezekiel Emanuel does not say how much EXTRA you have to pay to keep, or choose, your own doctor.

2. You can be sure the cost of choosing your own doctor will be so high 90 percent of Americans won’t be able to access “Emanuel’s Choice.”

3. Insurance companies get it both ways. The wealthy pay more, while those who cannot afford to pay more get inferior doctors, reduced service, and cruel treatment.

4. Reduced patient care as a result of affirmative action means the healthcare system will soon be flooded with the same kind of bums that care for patients under socialized medicine in every country that has socialized medicine.

5. Patients will have no Rights at all. Tort reform will see to that.

6. Every cruel and brutal act done to patients will be ignored in order to protect the system.

7. Parasites on government payrolls will get to keep, and choose, their own doctors and hospitals no matter the cost because their salaries and pensions will be increased to cover the higher costs.

Last but not least the philosophy driving the culture of death is designed to bring on a feeling of hopelessness so deep that suicide becomes an option. The choice is: Continue to suffer the pain and indignities that come with a marriage between affirmative action and socialized medicine or end your life.

Let me make my case by paraphrasing Emanuel. “If you want to you can pay for better care, or you can commit suicide.”

Ezekiel Emanuel is a bioethicist. He supposedly opposes legalized euthanasia. I wonder how he feels about suicide.

NOTE: As near as I can determine Bioethicism is a new sect in the Socialist religion.

Bioethicist Founding Father Daniel Callahan has long supported death panel health care rationing based on age. He has now weighed in against spending a lot on research to delay the aging process.

Bioethicist Wants to Prevent Elderly People From Living Too Long
by Wesley J. Smith | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 12/2/13 4:49 PM

Bioethicist Wants to Prevent Elderly People From Living Too Long | LifeNews.com

Finally, organized religion has owned the hereafter for centuries, while Socialism, a relatively new religion that denies there is a hereafter, recently claimed ownership over all life. If you look closely at the issue of who lives and who dies you will see that long life is for the wealthy only. HillaryCare II codifies the price structure.

The hereafter crowd offered a better deal because the poor could get to heaven with modest donations to the church of their choice. The poor are screwed under Socialism because modest donations buy less life.
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Does anyone remember if Ezekiel Emanuel made the talk shows selling the ACA before it became law? That’s an important question because the law’s architect can hardly say he did not read the bill before it was passed. Logically, he would be the one that told Barack Taqiyya what was in the bill. If so, he is the link to the lies “You can keep your Plan” and “You can keep your doctor.”

A more troubling question is where so many Democrats “who did not read the bill” got the lie? Was it from Taqiyya? or from Emanuel?

It all ties into this:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=hV-05TLiiLU]Pelosi: "We Have to Pass the Bill So That You Can Find Out What Is In It" - YouTube[/ame]​

Democrats still catch hell for passing a bill they said they did not read. The lies now being exposed convinces me they did read it, and they knew exactly what was in it.

Before HillaryCare II became law Democrats could not admit they knew what was in the bill. The only way to get around discussing the bill was to lie about it. Hence, the prime mover lie was invented “I did not read the bill before I voted for it.” Rather than ask the liars if they read the bill, ask them if they knew what was in it.

Now fast forward to today. Nobody is challenging the “I didn’t read the bill.” lie. So the original lie is paying off big time because it’s easier to defend not reading the bill than it is to defend voting for it knowing what was in it. The prime mover lie also gives credence to the lies about giving it a chance to work as though they all learned what’s in the bill along with the rest of us.

The $64 question

Who thought up the prime mover lie so far in advance? Whoever it was must have planned for the day the lies about keeping plans and doctors ran into a buzz saw.
yeah I liked that little switch also.
isn't it great when people can change the entire context of their statement later...and then call you on it when you challenge them.

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