eligibility versus birth certificate

do you care if natural born is defined or not

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Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
two separate issues. Question Ted Cruz should ask Can a foreign-born American be president - LA Times

I don't agree with Cruz on most issues. He wants to repeal Obamacare, abolish the Internal Revenue Service and pass a constitutional amendment allowing states to outlaw gay marriage, just to take the top of his list. But I still hope he runs — because it's high time we established the right of Canadian-born Americans to serve as president.

now i know..... the left coast is three hours behind in perpetuity.
but the la times is pretty quick on this...
some say they may even be liberal... heh

i think eligibility will be a topic of discussion enjoyed by everyone before we adorn and identify the next monarch.

the big question is where the question will live.... in American politics... or conspiracy theory,
and if so doesn't that indict our founding fathers and mothers in the very conspiracy we have been talking about, since senator obama declared ?

apparently colonialism is alive and well,

well well well. looky at all the chickens coming home to roost.
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No conspiracy theory exists except via the conspiracists who do not accept the clear wordage of the Constitution. If the conspiracists want to redefine eligibility, then they must amend the Constitution.
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people are sick of your shit...
No conspiracy theory exists except via the conspiracists who do not accept the clear wordage of the Constitution. If the conspiracists want to redefine eligibility, then they must amend the Constitution.
man you guys are quick, you must have obot software...

but... whom in your organisation has those type of technical internet skills

i'll bet skylar and the historian dude post next, where's surranis ?

don't fuck up my thread...:bye1:
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people are sick of your shit...
No conspiracy theory exists except via the conspiracists who do not accept the clear wordage of the Constitution. If the conspiracists want to redefine eligibility, then they must amend the Constitution.
man you guys are quick, you must have obot software...

but... whom in your organisation has those type of technical internet skills

i'll bet skylar and the historian dude post next, where's surranis ?

don't fuck up my thread...:bye1:

I'll take that as a compliment...
The rational people of America are sick of birfer and eligibility conspiracies and theories.
example (andrew jackson 1767) was "natural born" is/was therefore eligible to be president irrespective of the grandfather clause....

is that the argument ??

there seems to be no precedent here.

if you are born on US soil, you are a US natural born citizen.... and there are only two types of US citizenship.. Natural born and naturalized.. then (before 1789) and now...

so any couple from any country can birth there baby here, and they can be president... if they meet the other qualifications...

is that the proof ?
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ted cruz thinks he's eligible..

now... do we do what's politically convenient, or do we do what's right..

this is hannity, so yes people are talking about it.
that's not what the obots have been saying.

to think this would never come up is pretty dim... it's like the obama birther controversy just fading away... not going to happen.

notice the way they get into it, with a sense of urgency and special consideration.. "we'll just get this out of the way."

maybe hillary and obama can sponsor another bill to allow ted to run (sr 511)...:)

Family Security Matters

The initial McCaskill legislation was eventually superseded by Senate Resolution 511.

SR 511 was introduced April 10, 2008 by McCaskill and co-sponsored by Senators Leahy (D-VT), Obama (D-IL), Coburn (R-OK), Clinton (D-NY) and Webb (D-VA) and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. It was reported out of committee without amendment by Senator Leahy on April 24, 2008.

On April 30, 2008, the non-binding (no force of law) SR 511 was passed by unanimous consent (no recorded vote) stating:

"That John Sidney McCain, III, is a ‘‘natural born Citizen'' under Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution of the United States."

Read more: Family Security Matters Family Security Matters
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
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Cruz is eligible, yes.
why so quick to sign off in that....
show me one "parent" in the definition/law/precedent

will they have to pass another non binding senate resolution ?? heh

is rubio eligible too ??

also texas could pass a bill for him like they do in hawaii.

This evening, the House passed a resolution sponsored by Rep. Neil Abercrombie (D-HI) that commemorates Hawaii’s 50th anniversary as a U.S. state by a vote of 378-0. The resolution also contains this provision: “Whereas the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, was born in Hawaii,” a measure that some GOP members may have had trouble supporting. However, many of the Republican representatives who at expressedat least subtle doubt that Obama was not born in the U.S. voted for the resolution. Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), who had earlier in the day prevented the resolution from coming to a voice vote on the House floor, and Rep. Bill Posey (R-FL), who sponsored a bill requiring presidential candidates to prove natural-born citizenship, both voted for the resolution. Rep. John Campbell (R-CA), a co-sponsor of Posey’s bill who expressed doubt about Obama’s citizenship last week on MSNBC, did not vote.

pretty outrageous political kabuki theatre
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The onus is on the conspiracists to prove their premise, and so far it has been competently rebuked. Come up with valid reasoning or you don't get "just once more." This is over except for your whining.

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