Elie Wiesel

It will be interesting to see the MSM, Obama, Crooked Hillary, et al, exploit this news like Elie exploited suffering of his relatives during WWII.
His book 'Night' should be required reading by every fascist-corporatist democrat alive today.........which basically means, all Democraps should read it, who haven't!

Rest in peace, Elie Wiesel
Last edited:
"APRIL 21, 2010
"Israel’s Enabler in the U. S.

  • "Wiesel is simply 'a terrible fraud.'

— Noam Chomsky"

"Every now and then Israel’s enablers in the US embark on a public campaign to apply as much political pressure on US policymakers as they can possibly get away with. Elie Wiesel , a Holocaust survivor and 1986 Nobel laureate, is one of those apologists that Israel employs when it is in trouble."

Wiesel's support for the Zionist colonization of Palestine makes him a hypocrite, at least, when it comes to standing up for universal human rights.

Israel’s Enabler in the U. S.
He made the best of a really bad situation by surviving it and then writing about it.

Anne Frank is the other great author of the Holocaust and tells us about the other end of the affair -- pre-confinement.
Hillary will use it to her political advantage in some way. She has no class.
His book 'Night' should be required reading by every fascist-corporatist democrat alive today.........which basically means, all Democraps should read it, who haven't!
Wonder why so many Jews are Democrats.

probably because we know what rightwingnuts do..... and we know fascism when we see it and we don't want anyone to ever be treated like that again. :thup:
I wonder if Elie thought about how radical Islam and Nazism compare.

IMO there is little difference. Leftists hate Nazism but don't seem concerned about radical Islam. Yet another nonsensical position.

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