Ecuador sold out Julian Assange to get US approval for lavish IMF loan

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Ecuador traded Julian Assange for a loan from the International Monetary Fund, which can only be handed out with the approval of Washington, John Shipton, the WikiLeaks co-founder’s father, has said.

“Ecuador doesn’t have its own currency. It uses the US dollar,” Shipton told 60 Minutes Australia.

You can’t get an IMF loan unless the United States approves it – upon agreement to remove Julian from the Embassy.

In late February, Ecuador has reached a $4.2 billion staff-level financing deal with the IMF to keep its struggling economy afloat. Such staff-level agreements can only happen if they are greenlighted by the Washington-based lender’s executive board.

Less than two months later, Ecuador’s president Lenin Moreno revoked Assange’s political asylum. The publisher and journalist was detained by the UK police, which dragged him out of the Ecuadorian embassy in London. He had been holed up there for almost seven years fearing extradition to the US for publishing evidence of its war crimes and shady policies on his whistleblowing project WikiLeaks.

RT’s Ruptly video agency was the only outlet present to capture the arrest on video. Shipton commented on the footage describing the “terrible” effect that the pressure has had on his son. “I’m 74, he looks as old as me. He’s 47.”

Ecuador sold out Julian Assange to get US approval for lavish IMF loan – father

More on the story;

If half of what is reported is true.... then Assange intentionally bit the hand the fed him. He was a terrible house guest, when he should have been treating the Ecuadorians like kings and queens. He released information about Ecuador, while being under their care.

If you are guest in my house, and you spit at my wife, and then release my private documents to my neighbors..... yeah, I'm going to kick you out, and I might even let the people looking for you, know when you'll be leaving.

As best I understand it, this is exactly what happened. Could be wrong... I haven't done detailed research on Assange, because honestly..... the guy was dirt. He possibly got some of our people killed, and some of our informants in Iraq killed. Dude deserves what he gets.... so... don't care much why he's facing the music. Just glad he's getting his reward.
The biggest cowards in this are Reuters along with the shameful western media, so-called journalists and politicians . One of the war crimes Wikileaks exposed was the murder of a group of reporters in Baghdad, one of whom worked for Reuters. The rape charge in Sweden was probably a set-up, we know Australia and UK are owned, and Mike Pence was just in Equador last summer-- the highest ranking US official to ever visit there.
I haven't done detailed research on Assange, .
Could be wrong... .
Trust me .
You're wrong.

I don't. And your video doesn't mean anything. War is war. There is going to be collateral damage. What does this have to do with Assange releasing the names of Iraqi supporters who ended up being slaughtered?

Don't you even see the irony in your post? You are implying that getting non-combatants killed is bad...... right? Assange got non-combatants killed. You are defending someone, who did exactly what you implied you were against.

Do you not even see that hypocrisy in your own post?
. What does this have to do with Assange releasing the names of Iraqi supporters who ended up being slaughtered?
Show a credible source for your bullshit or we're done here. I'm not wasting my time with punks who think they know something they obviously don't.

What? Are you serious? When this happened, it was published ALL OVER THE PLACE. Many staffers at Wikileaks quit in protest over this event. It was the whole reason they quit!

And this widely publicized event, you are ignorant about? It required no more than 5 seconds of my time, to locate DOZENS of articles about wikileaks releasing the names of people in Iraq, whose lives were put in danger!

Unpublished Iraq War Logs Trigger Internal WikiLeaks Revolt

There's one. You can find dozens of others. You are telling me that you are discussing this topic, without knowing the primary event that made Assange a cuss word around the world? I'm not wasting my time with punks who think they know something they obviously don't. Moving on.

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