Economists or Chavez Lovers, Explain How This Is Anything But Bad


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003

to my understanding, look for US companies to cut or end all investments in Venezula. How will that help?

Venezuela to seize foreign oil projects

By NATALIE OBIKO PEARSON, AP Business Writer 12 minutes ago

President Hugo Chavez ordered by decree on Monday the takeover of oil projects run by foreign oil companies in Venezuela's Orinoco River region.

Chavez had previously announced the government's intention to take a majority stake by May 1 in four heavy oil-upgrading projects run by British Petroleum PLC, Exxon Mobil Corp., Chevron Corp., ConocoPhillips Co., Total SA and Statoil ASA.

He said Monday that has decreed a law to proceed with the nationalizations that will see state oil company Petroleos de Venezuela SA, or PDVSA, taking at least a 60 percent stake in the projects.

"The privatization of oil in Venezuela has come to an end," he said on his weekday radio show, "Hello, President." "This marks the true nationalization of oil in Venezuela."

By May 1, "we will occupy these fields" and have the national flag flying on them, he said.

when are people going to wake up and realize the threat these people pose if we cant drill and refine our own freaking oil?
when are people going to wake up and realize the threat these people pose if we cant drill and refine our own freaking oil?

Avatar, while we do have more non-drilled/refined oil, from what I understand, we are #3 in the world of oil producing nations. We just use, so much more.
I think it will be good for Venezuela. More power over their own resources shouldn't hurt. Maybe Canada should follow suit.
I think it will be good for Venezuela. More power over their own resources shouldn't hurt. Maybe Canada should follow suit.

I hope Canada does, they deserve it.
I think it will be good for Venezuela. More power over their own resources shouldn't hurt. Maybe Canada should follow suit.

they wont have more power over their own resources though. Chavez will. Have you ever known a communist dictator to do whats in the best interests of the people?
they wont have more power over their own resources though. Chavez will. Have you ever known a communist dictator to do whats in the best interests of the people?

Not sure if he fits 'dictator' but I can't tell the future. There has never been a good communist example, and perhaps we'll see one. Democratic socialism could be the next standard political model...
I personally would like to see all countries take control of all their oil and tell the United States to take a hike and get their own oil and stop shipping it here. Maybe then we could tell all the tree hugging animal loving idiots to "GET OUT OF THE WAY, WE HAVE OIL TO DRILL FOR".
I personally would like to see all countries take control of all their oil and tell the United States to take a hike and get their own oil and stop shipping it here. Maybe then we could tell all the tree hugging animal loving idiots to "GET OUT OF THE WAY, WE HAVE OIL TO DRILL FOR".

Why wouldn't these 'animal loving idiots' just tell you to 'GET OUT OF THE WAY, WE ACTUALLY GIVE A SHIT ABOUT EARTH YOU NARROW-MINDED LUDDITES!"

I guess the more violent and well armed side would win out...
I think it is absolutely hideous that Venezuela wants to retain control of its own resources. It's almost as bad as wanting a citizen of Venezuela to run the country.
I think it is absolutely hideous that Venezuela wants to retain control of its own resources. It's almost as bad as wanting a citizen of Venezuela to run the country.

Right, so they do take control. They don't need all those 'investors' to get the stuff out or distributed, because those people are not going to be around.
I think it will be good for Venezuela. More power over their own resources shouldn't hurt. Maybe Canada should follow suit.

You know everyone should have power over their own resources. What you and others are failing to understand so I will type very slow for you.....
The investors in the Venezuela oil industry do all the hard work. Exploration, developement, and extraction af the oil and along comes big boy Hugo and says "Ohh by the way your no longer needed and I will be taking 60% interest in everything you do for now on."

Gee that sounds like a great business partner. Let you (the investor) do all the hard work put all your money upfront, pay royalties, and pay exploration taxes and numerous other unspecified fees to the government in the hopes that you might make some money and put a lot of people to work. Ohh wait after you do all of this I the Great and Powerful Hugo Chaves will take all of your equipment and exploration knowledge and, heres the tough part for some of you STEAL IT

In turn I will higher all my own people which by the way the vast majority of which were going to be hired by the oil companies and pay them less because I am the ruler and what I say goes.

Chaves is nothing more than a 2 bit thug with beaddy little pig eyes and a cheap looking suit. He is nothing more than a thief and dictator-in-training.

He is not doing this for the betterment of his people he is doing it for the Hugo Chaves rainy day fund.

If he was to really care about the poor in his country he could have by now pulled everyone up out of poverty with the money he has stolen from others.

A vast number of people in his own country would like nothing better than to see him go away. There are more than you might think.

Ohh I will bet anyone on this board that as soon as he has depleted his current sights of known oil he will be looking again for new investors. I say let the fat bastard sink in his sweat and shit..
If you live in Venezuela and someone is going to steal your money, who do you choose to do it -- someone who lives in your country, or the representative of another country?
The United States has been meddling in Central and South American affairs for more than a hundred years. Perhaps Chavez should kick us out of the country. And perhaps others should follow suit.
You know everyone should have power over their own resources. What you and others are failing to understand so I will type very slow for you.....
The investors in the Venezuela oil industry do all the hard work. Exploration, developement, and extraction af the oil and along comes big boy Hugo and says "Ohh by the way your no longer needed and I will be taking 60% interest in everything you do for now on."

Gee that sounds like a great business partner. Let you (the investor) do all the hard work put all your money upfront, pay royalties, and pay exploration taxes and numerous other unspecified fees to the government in the hopes that you might make some money and put a lot of people to work. Ohh wait after you do all of this I the Great and Powerful Hugo Chaves will take all of your equipment and exploration knowledge and, heres the tough part for some of you STEAL IT

You said it all right there. If the tree huggers would shut the hell up and let us use our own resources, the investors wouldn't have to go out of the United States to invest. I wish every country would take 100% of everything we owned in their countrys and wouldn't send us as much as a drop of sweat.
If you live in Venezuela and someone is going to steal your money, who do you choose to do it -- someone who lives in your country, or the representative of another country?
The United States has been meddling in Central and South American affairs for more than a hundred years. Perhaps Chavez should kick us out of the country. And perhaps others should follow suit.
Again you dont UNDERSTAND. No one is stealing anything from Venezuela. It is being purchased.

they have a commodity and have placed it for sale and development. You make it sound like the US or any other country is going in there and taking the oil without paying for it.

How stupid on world economics can you be. This is not 1400 with the Spanish conquering and stealing everything insight.

Get a freaking life and realize the only stealing going on is that of Hugo Chavez. The worhless piece of shit....

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