East Glacier National Park- Breaking all time snowfall records for September


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
East Glacier National Park- Breaking all time snowfall records for September..


They have received over 6 feet 4 inches this am and it is still snowing... This smashed all known records by over 4 feet.
East Glacier National Park- Breaking all time snowfall records for September..

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They have received over 6 feet 4 inches this am and it is still snowing... This smashed all known records by over 4 feet.

Nothing pleases me more than watching global warming alarmists shoveling snow.
The meteorologist up there is a friend of mine and he is baffled... He is an avid warmer and he just cant fathom why we are seeing a glacial snow storms in September. He tells me this should not be happening with AGW.. But here we are with over 36 regions now covered in new snow that had 2 years of build up already... They can now be called glacial deposits and that has him baffled..

He is absolutely shoveling snow today...
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Wow, heavy snow in a place with "glacier" in the name.

how shocking
This type of storm hasn't happened in over 80 years up there... It has caught hunters by surprise and many are trapped on the mountains.. Its not a good thing for anyone except next years water in snow pack.
My sister WSW of Bozeman in SW MT hasn't gotten any snow at all.
The flow is being split right around her... She is lucky today.. A slight shift in the pattern will put her right in the path..

I'm expecting snow here in Wyoming at 6345 feet tonight into tomorrow. We should get just 2-4 inches...
My sister WSW of Bozeman in SW MT hasn't gotten any snow at all.
The flow is being split right around her... She is lucky today.. A slight shift in the pattern will put her right in the path..

I'm expecting snow here in Wyoming at 6345 feet tonight into tomorrow. We should get just 2-4 inches...
Yep... I see that on the weather map. She's in Sheridan. Was out there visiting two years ago in August and it was drier than a popcorn fart, everything sun burnt brown and severe forest fire smoke everywhere, could barely make out the mountains around town. Woke up one morning and there was fire ash on my truck. Talked to my nephew a few weeks ago and he said this summer was the first summer in years and years that they didn't have smoke.

I lived out there twice before myself. Once way back in '73 after I graduated HS. Worked construction for awhile for my sister's husband, and again back in '87 when I got out of the AF. Never saw smoke either time I lived out there.
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One must consider we are returning to an increasing glacial world...

We are supposed to be cooling based simply on were we are in the 110,000 year long, constant ice age cycle.
But increased snow fall is not a sign of cooling, but of warming, as there is more moisture in the air from increased evaporation.
Do not confuse climate with weather.
Weather can cause additional warming from one area to cause more snow in other areas.
But climate is the sum total of all the weather.
Third year in a row that snow has hit on or before September 1 and a major storm at that... There is now a pattern growing and that sir is Climate...:1peleas::21:

No, the Arctic is about 15 degrees warmer than usual, and had been for many years now.
So what that means is there is more energy to the weather.
The Arctic cold that normally is trapped near the Arctic, now is pushed by additional energy in the weather, to be reaching to the southern US.
It is warmer climate that causes perceived colder weather.
Third year in a row that snow has hit on or before September 1 and a major storm at that... There is now a pattern growing and that sir is Climate...:1peleas::21:

No, the Arctic is about 15 degrees warmer than usual, and had been for many years now.
So what that means is there is more energy to the weather.
The Arctic cold that normally is trapped near the Arctic, now is pushed by additional energy in the weather, to be reaching to the southern US.
It is warmer climate that causes perceived colder weather.


The polar jet is far faster and far larger due to rapid cooling of the atmosphere above the poles. It is this temperature differential that causes the increase of air flow in the polar jet and increases the size of front formations. Cooling of the mid-latitudes has been ongoing now for the better part of 15 years and the ENSO is the only mitigating factor that caused a slow down in the cooling and allowed larger High presures to block movement. This is what caused the record temps in some areas and why record cold was in others.

Simply put it is the temperature differential due to cooling of the upper atmosphere that is creating the movement increase and the evaporation increase as the surface of the oceans cool. It is not due to ongoing warming.

Earth is a paradoxically presenting planet. IMHO, your conclusions are all wrong.

Paradoxical Earth.. Complex responses often misinterpreted...
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One must consider we are returning to an increasing glacial world...

We are supposed to be cooling based simply on were we are in the 110,000 year long, constant ice age cycle.
But increased snow fall is not a sign of cooling, but of warming, as there is more moisture in the air from increased evaporation.
Do not confuse climate with weather.
Weather can cause additional warming from one area to cause more snow in other areas.
But climate is the sum total of all the weather.

A typically tortured rationalization for the increasing cold and snow in the fall and winter in recent years. The IPCC projected DECREASING snow and increasing rain/freezing rain for the winters of the future, they said it in some detail in 2001......., 18 years later snow and cold are increasing in recent years, CO2 popcorn boys isn't stopping it.
Third year in a row that snow has hit on or before September 1 and a major storm at that... There is now a pattern growing and that sir is Climate...:1peleas::21:

No, the Arctic is about 15 degrees warmer than usual, and had been for many years now.
So what that means is there is more energy to the weather.
The Arctic cold that normally is trapped near the Arctic, now is pushed by additional energy in the weather, to be reaching to the southern US.
It is warmer climate that causes perceived colder weather.


The polar jet is far faster and far larger due to rapid cooling of the atmosphere above the poles. It is this temperature differential that causes the increase of air flow in the polar jet and increases the size of front formations. Cooling of the mid-latitudes has been ongoing now for the better part of 15 years and the ENSO is the only mitigating factor that caused a slow down in the cooling and allowed larger High presures to block movement. This is what caused the record temps in some areas and why record cold was in others.

Simply put it is the temperature differential due to cooling of the upper atmosphere that is creating the movement increase and the evaporation increase as the surface of the oceans cool. It is not due to ongoing warming.

Earth is a paradoxically presenting planet. IMHO, your conclusions are all wrong.

Paradoxical Earth.. Complex responses often misinterpreted...

That is entirely wrong.
The reality is that it is only heat that can ever cause wind or air movement essentially,
The image at your link, of the 6 convection zones is accurate, but the reason for the limits of the 6 zones has to do with the rotation speed of the Earth being faster than the speed of the air from convection. For air to escape from one zone to another, requires excessive energy, and that means heat.
Cold can not energize air masses to exceed the boundary of a convection zone.
Only heat can.


The jet stream is always the opposite of the direction of the air currents we experience on the surface.
The poles are not cooling, but greatly increasing, because the hotter and more energetic Ferrel Cell is pushing polar air out of the polar cell.
There is no doubt about the polar warming. You can not argue against NASA.
NASA - What's causing the poles to warm faster than the rest of Earth?
The poles are warming faster than other parts of the Earth – a fact that has been widely accepted for years. But what is causing the accelerated warming?

Research aimed at answering that question has been done before, but a recent study by Patrick Taylor, a scientist at NASA's Langley Research Center in Hampton, Va., suggests a new reason.

Taylor's research shows the Earth's poles are warming faster than the rest of the planet because of energy in the atmosphere that is carried to the poles through large weather systems.

Decades of NASA data show the Earth is warming. According to NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies in Manhattan, the Earth has warmed about 1.44 degrees Fahrenheit during the last 40 years. But the poles are warming even faster; the Arctic has warmed by more than 3.5 degrees Fahrenheit during the same time period.

"It was previously thought that amplified polar warming was caused by melting ice, lowering surface albedo," Taylor said.

Albedo is the amount of sun’s energy that is reflected off the Earth’s surface and back into space, rather than absorbed. The more reflective the surface – such as ice – the more energy is reflected and the cooler the temperature. When ice melts, less energy is reflected and temperature increases.

"Surface albedo at the poles, however, is lowest in the summer, which is when we see the weakest temperature response. More recent research suggests that other atmospheric processes are at work," Taylor said.

For this study, Taylor used Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) satellite data, and a climate model that assumes carbon emissions will be reduced slightly below "business as usual."

His results suggest that summertime changes in clouds reflect a lot of the sun's energy, offsetting the low surface albedo, and that it must be something else that determines the amount of warming.

"The total warming at the poles is due to changes in clouds, water vapor, surface albedo and atmospheric temperature," he said. "But there is greater warming in the winter than in the summer and that is caused by energy transport," he said.

Taylor's research shows that the seasonality of the polar warming is largely a result of energy in the atmosphere that is being transported to the poles through large weather systems.

The importance of energy transport in the warming of the poles suggests more study is needed on the interactions between large weather systems and more local changes, involving clouds, water vapor, surface albedo and atmospheric temperature, in order to better understand climate sensitivity.

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