Each party had a KKK Grand Pooh Bah - Duke (R) vs Byrd (D) - which party embraced, promoted, and cherished?


Gold Member
May 9, 2019

David Duke actually was a Democrat until the late 1980s. But for convenience, we will assume "Republican." Byrd was Dem his entire life.

David Duke ran for President in 1992. He got ZERO delegates and was DENIED ENTRY into the GOP convention. The GOP totally rejected him, thanks in part to HW, the first Bush President who wasn't a traitor like his kid....

Ku Klux Klan Grand Cyclops Robert Byrd ran for Senate, was endorsed by the DNC, and won over and over. In the Senate, Byrd was elected Democrat Senate Majority Leader with the strong support of Low IQ Joe Biden. Byrd was always welcomed and frequently spoke at Dem conventions. The Democrats totally embraced Byrd....

So there you have it. The Democrat Party loved and cherished Ku Klux Klan Grand Cyclops Robert Byrd. The GOP rejected Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke, who never won anything except one seat in the LA state legislature...

See the source image

See the source image

See the source image

On Dredd Scott decision-
In his inauguration address, Democrat President James Buchanan hinted that he had been tipped off that the Supreme Court would soon render a decision that he believed would settle the question of slavery in the territories. Two days later, on this day in 1857, the Supreme Court did indeed announce its infamous Dred Scott v. Sanford decision. The slave, Dred Scott, having travelled in northern states, where he was free, was suing for his freedom after returning to Missouri. The Justices had been wrestling with how a person could be a slave, then free, then a slave again depending where he was.
The solution for the seven Democrats on the Supreme Court (the two Republicans dissented) was that blacks could not be citizens anywhere, North or South, so they had no standing to sue in court for anything. This was despite the fact that free blacks had fought in the Revolution and the War of 1812, voted for five of the state conventions that ratified the Constitution, and could vote in several northern states. Chief Justice Roger Taney, who had been Andrew Jackson's Attorney General, wrote: "A black man has no rights a white man is bound to respect."
Atrocious as that was, the really explosive part of the Dred Scott decision was striking down of a federal law for the first time since Marbury v. Madison in 1803. The majority opinion declared unconstitutional the Missouri Compromise of 1820, which banned slavery in the territories north of Arkansas. Congress, Taney decreed, did not have the authority to ban slavery anywhere because to do so would violate the Bill of Rights, specifically the 5th Amendment's safeguard against being deprived of one's property without due process.
Byrd was not a Grand Cyclops. He led a local chapter for a short time.

He renounced his KKK background and had a strong Civil Rights background as a Senator.

His voting record was endorsed by the NAACP
Byrd was not a Grand Cyclops. He led a local chapter for a short time.

He renounced his KKK background and had a strong Civil Rights background as a Senator.

His voting record was endorsed by the NAACP
Bull! He lead the longest filibuster in history against the 1964 Civil Rights Act! He also voted against the Voting Rights Act of 1965!
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Byrd was not a Grand Cyclops. He led a local chapter for a short time.

He renounced his KKK background and had a strong Civil Rights background as a Senator.

His voting record was endorsed by the NAACP

The simple truth is that the Democrat Party is chock full of whores who do not care about anything except stealing from the American taxpayer, and the way the Democrats embraced KKK Grand Cyclops Robert Byrd is typical of that. Byrd was the KKKing of PORK. He spent like a drunk sailor. Duke was a fiscal conservative.

Byrd was "Exalted Cyclops" according to this one... Byrd and Duke were both GRAND POOH BAHs of the Ku Klux Klan. The GOP rejected Duke. The Democrats bent over backwards and forwards sticking their noses up Byrd's butt....

Biden making the white power sign while holding hands with the KKK grand wizard is a classic for certain. The white nationalists took it into consideration when deciding to endorse him.
Byrd was not a Grand Cyclops. He led a local chapter for a short time.

He renounced his KKK background and had a strong Civil Rights background as a Senator.

His voting record was endorsed by the NAACP

The NAACP will endorse anyone with a D next to their name.

Byrd got in trouble in 2001 when he used the N word during a live broadcast and the NAACP were less than impressed with his apology
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NAACP is 100% about MORE SPENDING to the point they will crawl under a white sheet and poke their sold out noses up Byrd's rear too....
Today there is a much more significant hate group called BLM... and Antifa, too.

All in the pocket of Biden, just like in the old days.
BLM is all about HATE HOAXES and HOMOS, just like the person most responsible for its existence....

the cowardly closeted compromised communist Kenyan Cocksucker in Chief.... and former community HATE HOAX organizer....

See the source image

See the source image

and Smollett, of course, is Kamala's #1 supporter....

See the source image

See the source image

I'm sure those Democrats Christian terrorists of the olden days would be in favor of ObamaCare, giving more negroes free college. And I'm sure they would have liked to see illegal Mexicans to be given US citizenship, a ban on assault weapons, and more taxes and bigger government.

What's that you say? They wouldn't go for all that because they were, and still are, extreme RIGHT WING?

Yes, that's right. Very good.

Only a seriously stupid dumbshit would try to connect the old Southern Democrats to the liberal Democrats of today.
Obama's white ancestors were Confederate slave owners

Obama's ancestors on his white mother's side appear to have been slave owners. William Reitwiesner, an amateur genealogical researcher, has published a history of Obama's mother's family and discovered that her ancestors have a distinctly shadowy past.

Reitwiesner traced Obama's great-great-great-great-grandfather, George Washington Overall, and found that he owned two slaves in Kentucky: a 15-year-old girl and a 25-year-old man. He also found out that Obama's great-great-great-great-great-grandmother, Mary Duvall, also owned a pair of slaves listed in an 1850 census record. They were a 60-year-old man and a 58-year-old woman. In fact, the Duvalls were a wealthy family whose members were descended from a major landowner, Maureen Duvall, whose estate owned at least 18 slaves in the 17th century.

Obama's black ancestors could have been involved in rounding up enemies and selling them to Jewish owned slave ships... and at least one document, a slave "sales receipt," has the Obama name on it...

So, yeah, the cowardly Cocksucker and KKK Byrd have A LOT in common....

no patriotism to the US
no regard for anything except their own ambition....
Obama's white ancestors have JEWISH last names too...

Is Obama really Jewish.

Smollett is....


Great media coverage = covering up 911 = Jewish = cocksucker Obama
'Each party had a KKK Grand Pooh Bah - Duke (R) vs Byrd (D) - which party embraced, promoted, and cherished?'

Considering Democrats Are the Party who created the KKK, the Party of Jim Crowe, the Party of Segregation, the Party of the policies of 'economic slavery' that have kept blacks poor and dependent on Democrat's handouts in exchange for votes just to survive for nearly 100 years, and the Liberal Progressive Socialist Party is running a self-enriching elitist racist old white man who wants to re-instate those same ol' Obama-Biden-Democrat policies to drive blacks back onto the 'plantation' that many blacks finally escaped under President Trump......

Gee...wow...it's just too close to call...

:p Bwuhahahaha
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Byrd was not a Grand Cyclops. He led a local chapter for a short time.

He renounced his KKK background and had a strong Civil Rights background as a Senator.

His voting record was endorsed by the NAACP

There is only forgiveness ... for Democrats ... Until there is forgiveness both directions, there is none.

BTW, Byrd was "Exalted Cyclops." I don't find that better than "Grand Cyclops"

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