'Duck Dynasty' Under Fire Following Star's Incendiary Anti-Gay Remarks


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
They tell me have have to say something at the beginning of a post, well there it is<<<---------

'Duck Dynasty' stars attending White House Correspondents' Dinner ... as Pat Robertson's guests

April 24, 2013, 7:37 PM EST
By Tim Kenneally


The White House Correspondents' Dinner has just gotten a lot hairier.

"Duck Dynasty" stars Willie and Korie Robertson are attending the event as guests of CBN News, the news arm of the Christian Broadcasting Network, founded by televangelist Pat Robertson, CBN said Wednesday.


'Duck Dynasty' stars attending White House Correspondents' Dinner ... as Pat Robertson's guests - MSN TV News

Duck Commander ...:D

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I hear it quite often in this day and age, "freedom of opinion." It is a staple of American freedom. But I've been thinking about that this morning, and well, come to think of it, there is no freedom of opinion anymore. It's impossible for one to have a personal opinion these days. If a person happens to belong to any political party, in reality they have ceded the essences of their opinions to the ideals and directions of the party they belong to. I know, I was a brash young Republican not long ago, my opinions and responses hinged on every ideal the party represented.

But then I had an epiphany: are my opinions really my own? Am I really thinking for myself? The answer to those questions were clearly obvious. Not at all. The disingenuous political stances my 'party' stood for had been dictating my opinions. I was no longer thinking for myself. I had turned into a parrot; a mouthpiece, repeating anything and everything my party was telling me to. Enough was enough. This is what facilitated my transformation into a libertarian. The pattern isn't hard to recognize, really. Politics has a bad way of robbing a person the ability to think for himself. The freedom to have an opinion suddenly hinges on whether someone agrees with them or not. They feel compelled to change the opinions of others and react hostilely to anyone who refuses. Examples of this exist on both ends of the political spectrum.

Firstly, black men, black women, white women and Hispanics have all been co-opted by the Democrats. Their opinions must match the party's platform, or else they're racist, misogynistic, anti immigrant or an Uncle Tom. Examples include Herman Cain, Mia Love, Sarah Palin and Marco Rubio. On the Republican side it is equally as unnerving. Just a few hours ago, I was reading a thread where conservatives were being urged to 'let the gay shit go.' The author dubbed anyone who didn't see eye to eye as a 'hater.' In some ways this could be worse than what Democrats are doing; asking a person to simply sacrifice his or her own ideals and opinions for a little capitulation to the mainstream way of thought. Our Founding Fathers strove for the freedom of thought, not to ascribe to the 'joiners vs. thinkers' mentality. Its as if either party believes they have a monopoly on free thought. Oh, how wrong they are.

The monotony of the two party system is this: Opinion is fact, fact is opinion. One or the other can be summarily dismissed if it doesn't conform to the established way of thinking and doing things. Many intelligent people are victimized by this mentality, and as a result are using such a gift for deleterious means. There is no freedom of opinion in Politics anymore. People are eager to trumpet the causes of their own side; all the meanwhile completely unaware they are being used as tools, and not for the causes of the nation as a whole. The most prominent people in history chose to think for themselves, to not be dictated to by a fixed set of ideals. Politics has a way of stealing away the most precious gem in dwelling in each of us. Our souls.
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Well as the far left has demonstrated that they believe that their programmed opinions/propaganda is "fact".

Once the far left learns that their programming is DNC propaganda then we all can move forward.
Well as the far left has demonstrated that they believe that their programmed opinions/propaganda is "fact".

Once the far left learns that their programming is DNC propaganda then we all can move forward.

Hey now, both sides are guilty of this. People on both sides are being programmed by their parties to think one way or another.
Well as the far left has demonstrated that they believe that their programmed opinions/propaganda is "fact".

Once the far left learns that their programming is DNC propaganda then we all can move forward.

Hey now, both sides are guilty of this. People on both sides are being programmed by their parties to think one way or another.

True, but the far left seems to be the worst of the lot and far more dangerous and damaging.
Well as the far left has demonstrated that they believe that their programmed opinions/propaganda is "fact".

Once the far left learns that their programming is DNC propaganda then we all can move forward.

Hey now, both sides are guilty of this. People on both sides are being programmed by their parties to think one way or another.

True, but the far left seems to be the worst of the lot and far more dangerous and damaging.

As is the case with the far right, too. To say that one side is worse than the other is just the party talking. That's exactly why I wrote this OP. Political party influence has taken away the freedom to think, to choose, and to express without reprisal.
Hey now, both sides are guilty of this. People on both sides are being programmed by their parties to think one way or another.

True, but the far left seems to be the worst of the lot and far more dangerous and damaging.

As is the case with the far right, too. To say that one side is worse than the other is just the party talking. That's exactly why I wrote this OP. Political party influence has taken away the freedom to think, to choose, and to express without reprisal.

However the far right is not in charge of the (R)'s, the far left is in full force in the (D)'s.

That is why the far left is way and above more dangerous.

You may have had a point if the far right was in control of one of the two major parties, they are not.

If the far right was in charge of the (R)'s like the far left is in charge of the (D)'s I would have no problem speaking out against them. Right now in the republican party the fringe far right elements are were they are supposed to be and not in charge.

Although all the far left will tell you is that the Tea Party is far right. But then again if JFK were alive today he would be to far right for the (D)'s today. Even Carter is to far right of todays (D) party.
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True, but the far left seems to be the worst of the lot and far more dangerous and damaging.

As is the case with the far right, too. To say that one side is worse than the other is just the party talking. That's exactly why I wrote this OP. Political party influence has taken away the freedom to think, to choose, and to express without reprisal.

However the far right is not in charge of the (R)'s, the far left is in full force in the (D)'s.

That is why the far left is way and above more dangerous.

You may have had a point if the far right was n control of one of the two major parties, they are not.

If the far right was in charge of the (R)'s like the far left is in charge of the (D)'s I would have no problem speaking out against them. Right in the republican party the fringe far right elements are were they are supposed to be and not in charge.

Although all the far left will tell you is that the Tea Party is far right. But then again if JFK were alive today he would be to far right for the (D)'s today. Even Carter is to far right of todays (D) party.

Then what of the Tea Party?
As is the case with the far right, too. To say that one side is worse than the other is just the party talking. That's exactly why I wrote this OP. Political party influence has taken away the freedom to think, to choose, and to express without reprisal.

However the far right is not in charge of the (R)'s, the far left is in full force in the (D)'s.

That is why the far left is way and above more dangerous.

You may have had a point if the far right was n control of one of the two major parties, they are not.

If the far right was in charge of the (R)'s like the far left is in charge of the (D)'s I would have no problem speaking out against them. Right in the republican party the fringe far right elements are were they are supposed to be and not in charge.

Although all the far left will tell you is that the Tea Party is far right. But then again if JFK were alive today he would be to far right for the (D)'s today. Even Carter is to far right of todays (D) party.

Then what of the Tea Party?

Despite the many far left claims/propaganda the Tea Party is not the far right.

Could they eventually become that? Of course that is the case with any group, however at this point I don't see the Tea Party as wanting to abolish the 13th amendment.
I don't think everyone is co opted by party ideals. I think that is pretty much confined to the hardliners. Just yesterday I was labeled a liberal no less than 4 or 5 times and those are the people im talking about.
Firstly, black men, black women, white women and Hispanics have all been co-opted by the Democrats. Their opinions must match the party's platform, or else they're racist, misogynistic, anti immigrant or an Uncle Tom.

I completely disagree with this statement. Democrats have not "co-opted" these people. But these people are extremely wary of the republican party because there is an open belief amongst republicans that these people's cultures are eroding and damaging this country. That's a big turn off and, in my opinion, the major obstacle facing the GOP in attracting minority votes.

I'm not saying republicans are racist at all. That's a completely separate idea.
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Firstly, black men, black women, white women and Hispanics have all been co-opted by the Democrats. Their opinions must match the party's platform, or else they're racist, misogynistic, anti immigrant or an Uncle Tom.

I completely disagree with this statement. Democrats have not "co-opted" these people. But these people are extremely wary of the republican party because there is an open belief amongst republicans that these people's cultures are eroding and damaging this country. That's a big turn off and, in my opinion, the major obstacle facing the GOP in attracting minority votes.

I'm not saying republicans are racist at all. That's a completely separate idea.

Yes they have, otherwise they would tell the truth on them being the party of NO in the Civil Rights act of 1964.

When is the DNC and their programmed minions going to own up to it?

The DNC media combined with the far left take over of the public school system is not helping matters.
The United States has become much like the old USSR. If you hold an "incorrect" opinion, you will be denounced and your career threatened. See global warming, Obamacare, Racism, Sexism, Homosexuality, Big Government, etc.............................................

Our main steam media is much like the old Pravda. It protects the State first and foremost...truth is inconsequential.
Firstly, black men, black women, white women and Hispanics have all been co-opted by the Democrats. Their opinions must match the party's platform, or else they're racist, misogynistic, anti immigrant or an Uncle Tom.

I completely disagree with this statement. Democrats have not "co-opted" these people. But these people are extremely wary of the republican party because there is an open belief amongst republicans that these people's cultures are eroding and damaging this country. That's a big turn off and, in my opinion, the major obstacle facing the GOP in attracting minority votes.

I'm not saying republicans are racist at all. That's a completely separate idea.

Yes they have, otherwise they would tell the truth on them being the party of NO in the Civil Rights act of 1964.

When is the DNC and their programmed minions going to own up to it?

The DNC media combined with the far left take over of the public school system is not helping matters.

Kosh, you are speaking hardline reactionary opinions that are not justified by the facts.

For instance, Civil Rights voting in Congress divided along geographical lines, North and West Pubs and Dems voting overwhelming for civil rights against Southern Pubs and Dems voting overwhelmingly against civil rights. Those are the facts.
I completely disagree with this statement. Democrats have not "co-opted" these people. But these people are extremely wary of the republican party because there is an open belief amongst republicans that these people's cultures are eroding and damaging this country. That's a big turn off and, in my opinion, the major obstacle facing the GOP in attracting minority votes.

I'm not saying republicans are racist at all. That's a completely separate idea.

Yes they have, otherwise they would tell the truth on them being the party of NO in the Civil Rights act of 1964.

When is the DNC and their programmed minions going to own up to it?

The DNC media combined with the far left take over of the public school system is not helping matters.

Kosh, you are speaking hardline reactionary opinions that are not justified by the facts.

For instance, Civil Rights voting in Congress divided along geographical lines, North and West Pubs and Dems voting overwhelming for civil rights against Southern Pubs and Dems voting overwhelmingly against civil rights. Those are the facts.

Wrong again, but the far left has to make excuses because they know they were the party against the civil rights. Like it or not that is the truth and the facts. It took the Republicans bargaining to make it happen. If the far left wants to believe an alternate history that is fine, but please don't pass it off as a "fact".

Just goes to show that the far left Obama drones will say or do anything to protect their far left religion.
This is a funny thread. President Obama is barely center left. The ACA is basically the health care plan of Romney and the Heritage Foundation. Yet now they label it Communistic. That is how far to the right that the GOP has moved. The GOP lost the minorities because they adapted a 21st Century version of the southern strategy. The racist and often putrid referances to the Hispanic community of the type we have seen on this board and even repeated by some in the official GOP have turned off a community that is normally fairly conservative.

Ignoring the demograpics of the US Citizens is a sure fire way to end up short at the ballot box.
As is the case with the far right, too. To say that one side is worse than the other is just the party talking. That's exactly why I wrote this OP. Political party influence has taken away the freedom to think, to choose, and to express without reprisal.

However the far right is not in charge of the (R)'s, the far left is in full force in the (D)'s.

That is why the far left is way and above more dangerous.

You may have had a point if the far right was n control of one of the two major parties, they are not.

If the far right was in charge of the (R)'s like the far left is in charge of the (D)'s I would have no problem speaking out against them. Right in the republican party the fringe far right elements are were they are supposed to be and not in charge.

Although all the far left will tell you is that the Tea Party is far right. But then again if JFK were alive today he would be to far right for the (D)'s today. Even Carter is to far right of todays (D) party.

Then what of the Tea Party?

and what is the problem with Tea Party?

neither are they FAR RIGHT, nor are they in control
Firstly, black men, black women, white women and Hispanics have all been co-opted by the Democrats. Their opinions must match the party's platform, or else they're racist, misogynistic, anti immigrant or an Uncle Tom.

I completely disagree with this statement. Democrats have not "co-opted" these people. But these people are extremely wary of the republican party because there is an open belief amongst republicans that these people's cultures are eroding and damaging this country. That's a big turn off and, in my opinion, the major obstacle facing the GOP in attracting minority votes.

I'm not saying republicans are racist at all. That's a completely separate idea.

neither statement is true.
especially about white women :D

those are at the very least 50/50 and the majority clearly migrate from the democrat-leaning while being young and single ( and not very bright) to being married and taking care of the family ( when the realities of life school you fast)

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