Dubbyuh's most recent crimes...


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2004
Columbus, OH
<center><a href=http://www.pnionline.com/dnblog/attytood/archives/002409.html>The President's day: One high crime and two misdemeanors</a></center>

For those who insist on adhering to the "Original Intent" of the Constitution's framers.
Bullypulpit said:
<center><a href=http://www.pnionline.com/dnblog/attytood/archives/002409.html>The President's day: One high crime and two misdemeanors</a></center>

For those who insist on adhering to the "Original Intent" of the Constitution's framers.

Still making those giant reaches, I see. I don't think I'll make any plans to watch the "impeachment hearings" any time soon.
I've been hearing about this for two days now.

It's not a religious test to consider someone's religion as part of who the person is.

It is a religious test to say, "Oh, you're an adherent of religion X? You can't hold office."
Gee, with such compelling arguments as that, how come he hasn't been impeached already??? oh, maybe because there is no substance to it?
Bullypulpit said:
<center><a href=http://www.pnionline.com/dnblog/attytood/archives/002409.html>The President's day: One high crime and two misdemeanors</a></center>

For those who insist on <STRIKE>adhering to</STRIKE> bastardizing the "Original Intent" of the Constitution's framers.

That's better...
CSM said:
Gee, with such compelling arguments as that, how come he hasn't been impeached already??? oh, maybe because there is no substance to it?
I can't find it in any transcript, only a USA today story.
She is not even mentioned in the Q&A after the polish prez. meeting.
Where did this quote come from anyway?
Not saying he didn't say it, I sure can't find it though.
Maybe someone has a link to it..
excellent point bully ..... unfortunately, the entire democrat congress and senate are using the symmetrical argument to Bush's to prevent her from obtaining a seat on the court ..... Thus the entire democratic house and senate are then guilty of discrimination and implementing a religious test .....

this is an ethics violation and as soon as a grand jury can be seated and intimidated the entire democrat house and senate will have to step down
It's the far right that is applying the religious test here. The only concern of Democratic senators is whether or not a candidates religion will affect their ability to be impartial and decide cases based upon the rule of law and the Constitution. The reason Bush is bringing up Harriet Meier's religion is because of all the squawking from the religious right.

acludem said:
It's the far right that is applying the religious test here. The only concern of Democratic senators is whether or not a candidates religion will affect their ability to be impartial and decide cases based upon the rule of law and the Constitution. The reason Bush is bringing up Harriet Meier's religion is because of all the squawking from the religious right.


I agree, however I doubt that was the test that got her the job. If it was religion that got her the job there are far more qualified religious figures to hire.

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