Drill baby Drill


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
McCain said it. Palin seconded it. That was the difference between them and the other side.
George Bush being a former oil man, said let the oil companies self-regulate the off shore drilling.
Dick Cheney, former Haliburton president. Is it not a surprise that Haliburton is in the middle of the current mess?
Obama authorizes Off shore drilling. He did try to find common ground with the conservatives.

Drill baby drill, self-regulate, let private corporations make the rules. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Drill yes. But not with the reckless abandon of drill baby drill. Not without GOVERNMENT regulation. Not too much regulation but we see the result of not enough regulation.

Once again the far right has shown to be wrong with real world results.
McCain said it. Palin seconded it. That was the difference between them and the other side.
George Bush being a former oil man, said let the oil companies self-regulate the off shore drilling.
Dick Cheney, former Haliburton president. Is it not a surprise that Haliburton is in the middle of the current mess?
Obama authorizes Off shore drilling. He did try to find common ground with the conservatives.

Drill baby drill, self-regulate, let private corporations make the rules. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Drill yes. But not with the reckless abandon of drill baby drill. Not without GOVERNMENT regulation. Not too much regulation but we see the result of not enough regulation.

Once again the far right has shown to be wrong with real world results.

The far Left was in-charge of the country for the worst environmental disaster in US history. Please stop blaming the "fer right" when the "far left" was driving the bus. If you saw the list of violations that created the spill, failure of the Obama regulators to do their jobs, then you'd know. The "far left" caused the spill, not the "far right".

Drill baby drill, but do your homework, do the spill protection, and be sure the fucking batterys and shut-off valves work!!
McCain said it. Palin seconded it. That was the difference between them and the other side.
George Bush being a former oil man, said let the oil companies self-regulate the off shore drilling.
Dick Cheney, former Haliburton president. Is it not a surprise that Haliburton is in the middle of the current mess?
Obama authorizes Off shore drilling. He did try to find common ground with the conservatives.

Drill baby drill, self-regulate, let private corporations make the rules. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Drill yes. But not with the reckless abandon of drill baby drill. Not without GOVERNMENT regulation. Not too much regulation but we see the result of not enough regulation.

Once again the far right has shown to be wrong with real world results.

The far Left was in-charge of the country for the worst environmental disaster in US history. Please stop blaming the "fer right" when the "far left" was driving the bus. If you saw the list of violations that created the spill, failure of the Obama regulators to do their jobs, then you'd know. The "far left" caused the spill, not the "far right".

Drill baby drill, but do your homework, do the spill protection, and be sure the fucking batterys and shut-off valves work!!

You are throwing out senseless BS.
I do not agree with the far left but they do not feel therte should be any drilling for oil off the US shores.
Apparently, this oil spill is the first experience many leftists have had with the concept of "shit happens". Now, I guess, we're never allowed to do ANYTHING where there's the slightest possibility of anything going wrong. If it's not perfect, it can't be done.
Yes, the left is correct on this. Because we've seen over the last 60 years that government regulations, mandates, bans and initiatives fix and prevent all problems and result in nothing but utopian efficiency. Just see:

Gov't schools
Gov't roads
Gov't DMV
Gov't healthcare
Gov't housing
Gov't food stamps
Gun bans
Saggy pants bans
Probation and parole laws

Yep. All of the above are run efficiently and with high quality results. Government regulation will fix and prevent all problems.
McCain said it. Palin seconded it. That was the difference between them and the other side.
George Bush being a former oil man, said let the oil companies self-regulate the off shore drilling.
Dick Cheney, former Haliburton president. Is it not a surprise that Haliburton is in the middle of the current mess?
Obama authorizes Off shore drilling. He did try to find common ground with the conservatives.

Drill baby drill, self-regulate, let private corporations make the rules. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Drill yes. But not with the reckless abandon of drill baby drill. Not without GOVERNMENT regulation. Not too much regulation but we see the result of not enough regulation.

Once again the far right has shown to be wrong with real world results.

They aren't saying it anymore.
Yes, the left is correct on this. Because we've seen over the last 60 years that government regulations, mandates, bans and initiatives fix and prevent all problems and result in nothing but utopian efficiency. Just see:

Gov't schools
Gov't roads
Gov't DMV
Gov't healthcare
Gov't housing
Gov't food stamps
Gun bans
Saggy pants bans
Probation and parole laws

Yep. All of the above are run efficiently and with high quality results. Government regulation will fix and prevent all problems.

You don't want highway traffic regulated? lol, you're loonier than I originally thought - and you weren't doing that well then.
Nice try. Your own Hopey Changey said it too. He was the one who just ended the 20yr ban on offshore oil drilling in some areas. It wasn't BOOOOOOOOOSH or Palin who did that. In fact many Floridians are pissed at your Hopey Changey for screwing them on his offshore drilling decision. He has also handled this awful oil spill calamity very badly. Hey nice try at some Hopey Changey spin though. I'm sure the usual suspects will buy it,but i wont.
McCain said it. Palin seconded it. That was the difference between them and the other side.
George Bush being a former oil man, said let the oil companies self-regulate the off shore drilling.
Dick Cheney, former Haliburton president. Is it not a surprise that Haliburton is in the middle of the current mess?
Obama authorizes Off shore drilling. He did try to find common ground with the conservatives.

Drill baby drill, self-regulate, let private corporations make the rules. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Drill yes. But not with the reckless abandon of drill baby drill. Not without GOVERNMENT regulation. Not too much regulation but we see the result of not enough regulation.

Once again the far right has shown to be wrong with real world results.

The far Left was in-charge of the country for the worst environmental disaster in US history. Please stop blaming the "fer right" when the "far left" was driving the bus. If you saw the list of violations that created the spill, failure of the Obama regulators to do their jobs, then you'd know. The "far left" caused the spill, not the "far right".

Drill baby drill, but do your homework, do the spill protection, and be sure the fucking batterys and shut-off valves work!!

You are throwing out senseless BS.
I do not agree with the far left but they do not feel therte should be any drilling for oil off the US shores.

Tell me one thing that is "senseless"....
1. do you deny that the dems are in-charge of the federal government since 1/20/2009?
2. do you deny that the worst environmental disaster in US history happened on their watch?
3. So don't blame the "far right" when the "far left" was in-charge. If they don't know how to drive the bus, go back to community organizing and/or working for ACORN.
4. If we don't drill in north America we need to import more oil. Thats a bad idea. I like Obama's new MPG limits, that is a good idea. He needs a lot more good ideas to get us out of the ditch.

Take responsibility when you're in-charge. Its "senseless" to allow whiny leftists to run the gopvernment. The EU found that out, and middle-America is finding that out now. There is no free lunch.
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The far Left was in-charge of the country for the worst environmental disaster in US history. Please stop blaming the "fer right" when the "far left" was driving the bus. If you saw the list of violations that created the spill, failure of the Obama regulators to do their jobs, then you'd know. The "far left" caused the spill, not the "far right".

Drill baby drill, but do your homework, do the spill protection, and be sure the fucking batterys and shut-off valves work!!

You are throwing out senseless BS.
I do not agree with the far left but they do not feel therte should be any drilling for oil off the US shores.

Tell me one thing that is "senseless"....
1. do you deny that the dems are in-charge of the federal government since 1/20/2009?
2. do you deny that the worst environmental disaster in US history happened on their watch?
3. So don't blame the "far right" when the "far left" was in-charge. If they don't know how to drive the bus, go back to community organizing and/or working for ACORN.
4. If we don't drill in north America we need to import more oil. Thats a bad idea. I like Obama's new MPG limits, that is a good idea. He needs a lot more good ideas to get us out of the ditch.

Take responsibility when you're in-charge. Its "senseless" to allow whiny leftists to run the gopvernment. The EU found that out, and middle-America is finding that out now. There is no free lunch.

Careful--If you keep making this arguement, The Far left will start demanding that government be in charge of off coast drilling because they are being blamed for off coast oil spills!

Now do you really want that?:doubt:
Yes, the left is correct on this. Because we've seen over the last 60 years that government regulations, mandates, bans and initiatives fix and prevent all problems and result in nothing but utopian efficiency. Just see:

Gov't schools
Gov't roads
Gov't DMV
Gov't healthcare
Gov't housing
Gov't food stamps
Gun bans
Saggy pants bans
Probation and parole laws

Yep. All of the above are run efficiently and with high quality results. Government regulation will fix and prevent all problems.

You don't want highway traffic regulated? lol, you're loonier than I originally thought - and you weren't doing that well then.

Who needs drivers liscences and silly rules on our roads?
Insurance is for wussies.
And we definately do not need ambulances and such.
Nice try. Your own Hopey Changey said it too. He was the one who just ended the 20yr ban on offshore oil drilling in some areas. It wasn't BOOOOOOOOOSH or Palin who did that. In fact many Floridians are pissed at your Hopey Changey for screwing them on his offshore drilling decision. He has also handled this awful oil spill calamity very badly. Hey nice try at some Hopey Changey spin though. I'm sure the usual suspects will buy it,but i wont.

You are so full of shit. The decision to drill at the site of the spill was made months ago well before Obamas announcement. Bush and Cheney installed moles all thorough government in critical positions...especially in the ares of regulation. If Obama failed in judgement it was not yanking these vermin out of their jobs and prosecuting them for fraud.

When this all comes out in the wash I'll bet dollars to donuts that one of Cheneys ex energy henchmen had their fingers in the mix when this well was authorized.

If I was Obama I would have a purge of all critical agencies. There will never be a better time to thoroughly clean house.
The far Left was in-charge of the country for the worst environmental disaster in US history. Please stop blaming the "fer right" when the "far left" was driving the bus. If you saw the list of violations that created the spill, failure of the Obama regulators to do their jobs, then you'd know. The "far left" caused the spill, not the "far right".

Drill baby drill, but do your homework, do the spill protection, and be sure the fucking batterys and shut-off valves work!!

You are throwing out senseless BS.
I do not agree with the far left but they do not feel therte should be any drilling for oil off the US shores.

Tell me one thing that is "senseless"....
1. do you deny that the dems are in-charge of the federal government since 1/20/2009?
2. do you deny that the worst environmental disaster in US history happened on their watch?
3. So don't blame the "far right" when the "far left" was in-charge. If they don't know how to drive the bus, go back to community organizing and/or working for ACORN.
4. If we don't drill in north America we need to import more oil. Thats a bad idea. I like Obama's new MPG limits, that is a good idea. He needs a lot more good ideas to get us out of the ditch.

Take responsibility when you're in-charge. Its "senseless" to allow whiny leftists to run the gopvernment. The EU found that out, and middle-America is finding that out now. There is no free lunch.

Using your logic, Bush was at fault for 9/11. He was driving the bus. You are full of senseless BS.

There is no doubt that the current administration has culpability in the disaster. But the apparent root causes go back the regulation (lack of regulation) that was set up under the less government interventiopn into private business conservatives. do I need to explain Bush's relationship to the oil industry. Do I need to explain Cheney's relationship to Haliburton and their relationship to the oil industry.

The current law set up by the conservatives says the oil industry is responsible to take care of their own spills but it also has a 75 million cap. Do you think the oil companies helped write that one?

Get your facts straight. You are full of senseless BS. Or should we go with your logic and just say 9/11 was all Bush's fault, he was driving the bus.
Using your logic, Bush was at fault for 9/11. He was driving the bus. You are full of senseless BS.

There is no doubt that the current administration has culpability in the disaster. But the apparent root causes go back the regulation (lack of regulation) that was set up under the less government interventiopn into private business conservatives. do I need to explain Bush's relationship to the oil industry. Do I need to explain Cheney's relationship to Haliburton and their relationship to the oil industry.

The current law set up by the conservatives says the oil industry is responsible to take care of their own spills but it also has a 75 million cap. Do you think the oil companies helped write that one?

Get your facts straight. You are full of senseless BS. Or should we go with your logic and just say 9/11 was all Bush's fault, he was driving the bus.

This debate started because you attempted to affix the blame for the Gulf disaster to "conservatives" because they support drilling off-shore and "drill baby drill" approach to energy. Its similar to stopping illegals at the southern border. Someone in the Federal government needs to get serious about ENFORCING Laws and regulations. the Obama admin is in-charge, so they need to accept some responsibility. BP (British Petroleum), Haliburton, and Transocean need to accept some blame as well. Investors will be the ones punished the most.

As for 9/11, Bush took some blame, I recall the Left keeps hounding Condi for ignoring the "AQ determined to attack the US" memo. So even though Bush was only in office 8-months and did not have his admin in-place, he took some blame since he was driving the bus. If you read the 9/11 Commission report, the Clinton admin's over-concern for privacy kept critical info from being shared by agencies, allowing the 9/11 plot to succeed. The dems took some blame too, there was more than enough to go around.
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McCain said it. Palin seconded it. That was the difference between them and the other side.
George Bush being a former oil man, said let the oil companies self-regulate the off shore drilling.
Dick Cheney, former Haliburton president. Is it not a surprise that Haliburton is in the middle of the current mess?
Obama authorizes Off shore drilling. He did try to find common ground with the conservatives.

Drill baby drill, self-regulate, let private corporations make the rules. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Drill yes. But not with the reckless abandon of drill baby drill. Not without GOVERNMENT regulation. Not too much regulation but we see the result of not enough regulation.

Once again the far right has shown to be wrong with real world results.

They aren't saying it anymore.

Actually, Palin was.
Well by God I'll say it.

Drill baby Drill.

And keep on drilling while our scientists find the next best energy source. Preferably without input from politicians who know squat about it.
Apparently, this oil spill is the first experience many leftists have had with the concept of "shit happens". Now, I guess, we're never allowed to do ANYTHING where there's the slightest possibility of anything going wrong. If it's not perfect, it can't be done.

There's something like 4000 rigs that have been drilling the U.S. outer continental shelf for years, and prior to this the last major spill accident was when?

So the lefty response is to now turn the whole industry upside down and inside out. That's a great way to lessen our dependence on oil that comes from half way around the world. Bunch of morons.
Apparently, this oil spill is the first experience many leftists have had with the concept of "shit happens". Now, I guess, we're never allowed to do ANYTHING where there's the slightest possibility of anything going wrong. If it's not perfect, it can't be done.

There's something like 4000 rigs that have been drilling the U.S. outer continental shelf for years, and prior to this the last major spill accident was when?

So the lefty response is to now turn the whole industry upside down and inside out. That's a great way to lessen our dependence on oil that comes from half way around the world. Bunch of morons.

After studying the circustance of the operation of the Deep Horizon I am convinced that they acted recklessly. I doubt you have looked very closely at the spill. If you have and are willing to overlook the mistakes then you are a fool.
They dont care about facts and the truth.
They just want to blame the democrats for all their own mistakes

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