Dr Fauci needs to go

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City

He is a doctor. Not an economist. Not a business. Not a fortune teller. Not a stock broker. Not a carpenter. Not a preacher. Not a bus driver.
His PERSONAL feelings are irrelevant. In fact what is "normal" for him may have no impact on another person.

Why is Trump allowing him to spew his doom and gloom, woe is me and general negative outlook on this situation.

What the American people need to hear is that we are going to get through this via TEMPORARY hard choices and sacrifices.
What they don't need is the asinine guess work about how we are screwed and can't recover.
We are and have always been a nation of achievers. We've overcome MANY devastating obstacles throughout our history and ALWAYS come out ahead in the long run.

This kind of pessimistic bullshit needs to be nipped in the bud. Americans need hope not fear.
Get serious.....if Trump sidelined the little prick he'd be sitting in the editor's office at the NYTimes within 15 minutes making shit up about Trump. He knows this and is showing no fear of the President. The President knows this and won't lift a finger in Fauci's direction before November. This is what happens when New Yawkers butt heads......it escalates before anybody can get it stopped.
He's a doctor, and has looked at this virus and seen what it is and can do. He also knows that it will probably be around every year now, and without a vaccine, you could possibly have a pandemic every year. But, even with a vaccine, we will never be able to return to the days before COVID, because now everyone is going to be looking for it. If we get a vaccine, we might get back to some semblance of normalcy. One thing about this virus, if they get a yearly vaccine for it, I'm gonna go get shots.

He is a doctor. Not an economist. Not a business. Not a fortune teller. Not a stock broker. Not a carpenter. Not a preacher. Not a bus driver.
His PERSONAL feelings are irrelevant. In fact what is "normal" for him may have no impact on another person.

Why is Trump allowing him to spew his doom and gloom, woe is me and general negative outlook on this situation.

What the American people need to hear is that we are going to get through this via TEMPORARY hard choices and sacrifices.
What they don't need is the asinine guess work about how we are screwed and can't recover.
We are and have always been a nation of achievers. We've overcome MANY devastating obstacles throughout our history and ALWAYS come out ahead in the long run.

This kind of pessimistic bullshit needs to be nipped in the bud. Americans need hope not fear.

Exactly. He is a doctor. A health professional. He deals in facts. Not fanciful back to normal by Easter predictions and hydroxychloriquine shouted and touted as a wonder drug. Reality is exactly what I want from my health professionals. Because if they open this back up too soon and the virus blooms again, you're actually going to wish Pence was President. The article you linked was actually pretty positive. Dr Fauci's remarks were grounded in reality but he does speak to some hope here. Not sure why you are getting all worked up about it. All he's saying is that we'll probably never be able to go back to what we considered normal (before the virus outbreak). I'm not a health professional but I could have told you that on the night of March 11th.
He's a doctor, and has looked at this virus and seen what it is and can do. He also knows that it will probably be around every year now, and without a vaccine, you could possibly have a pandemic every year. But, even with a vaccine, we will never be able to return to the days before COVID, because now everyone is going to be looking for it. If we get a vaccine, we might get back to some semblance of normalcy. One thing about this virus, if they get a yearly vaccine for it, I'm gonna go get shots.

No, he's a researcher who is badmouthing actual ER doctors who know better than to wait for a 2 year study on Hydroxy when they are watching it work miracles in real time. I gave up on his opinions a month ago since he has no real data to work from and is rigid in his testing standards, flying in the face of anecdotal evidence. He seems quite upset a layman like Trump has been correct about the CURE and he's been wrong.
He's a doctor, and has looked at this virus and seen what it is and can do. He also knows that it will probably be around every year now, and without a vaccine, you could possibly have a pandemic every year. But, even with a vaccine, we will never be able to return to the days before COVID, because now everyone is going to be looking for it. If we get a vaccine, we might get back to some semblance of normalcy. One thing about this virus, if they get a yearly vaccine for it, I'm gonna go get shots.

No, he's a researcher who is badmouthing actual ER doctors who know better than to wait for a 2 year study on Hydroxy when they are watching it work miracles in real time. I gave up on his opinions a month ago since he has no real data to work from and is rigid in his testing standards, flying in the face of anecdotal evidence. He seems quite upset a layman like Trump has been correct about the CURE and he's been wrong.

You'll have to point me to the article that has him badmouthing ER doctors. I've remembered him cautioning the public about placing too much faith in treatments that haven't been fully researched or had much of a clinical trial performed. That's just being cautious. The FDA has lowered the rails for access to treat people with these drugs. Doctors can prescribe the drugs for their patients if they deem it necessary. There is nothing stopping that from happening. The drug is not a cure and that's what Dr Fauci was cautioning against. It's shown promise in treating people already infected with the virus.
He's a doctor, and has looked at this virus and seen what it is and can do. He also knows that it will probably be around every year now, and without a vaccine, you could possibly have a pandemic every year. But, even with a vaccine, we will never be able to return to the days before COVID, because now everyone is going to be looking for it. If we get a vaccine, we might get back to some semblance of normalcy. One thing about this virus, if they get a yearly vaccine for it, I'm gonna go get shots.

True, but he is blatantly contradicting himself, and creating hyperbole for nothing but partisan political purposes. . .

"This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.2"

Yeah, we need to hear from the other people too at this point. He/They are only focused on the medical side of the equation and are making no attempt to balance considerations. It isn't their job, after all, so it's no surprise.

I don't hate or even dislike Fauci, in fact I think he's done a great job up to this point in a very tough situation. He's telling the truth, IMO, as he sees it and offering the best medical solution as he sees it, without factoring in economic consequences at all, so it is only one consideration among many that is being taken into account right now and that needs to change.

We were told that this was to bend the curve and not overwhelm our medical system- Fine, we've done that, we are peaking and will start to fall off. When we start talking lunacy like locking down for a year or more the other voices need to be heard too so that everyone knows WTF that means in real terms.
You can't dump the runt now.... bad optics... a better question would be "why in the wide world of fuck was that diminutive little shit EVER working in the Trump administration???"

Trump should have swept thru the deep state and dismissed everything over a GS-5. Three years ago. The msm politburo would have faux outraged for a few days and then moved on to the next shiny object... like shit-eating monkeys.
You'll have to point me to the article that has him badmouthing ER doctors. I've remembered him cautioning the public about placing too much faith in treatments that haven't been fully researched or had much of a clinical trial performed. That's just being cautious. The FDA has lowered the rails for access to treat people with these drugs. Doctors can prescribe the drugs for their patients if they deem it necessary. There is nothing stopping that from happening. The drug is not a cure and that's what Dr Fauci was cautioning against. It's shown promise in treating people already infected with the virus.

No, all I will do is point out what I've seen with my own eyes....don't need some dipshit reporter to validate it. Who say's it's not a cure....you? what's your bonafides? It obviously is a cure when administered in time and with a Z-pack and load of Zinc. HCQ has been around for decades....I took it over 50 years ago in the RVN....have you? No. You haven't and are talking out your ass same as the little doctor with a chip on his shoulder.
Watching leftist trash bad mouth HCQ and giggle about Trump's trashed economy makes me want to head into the mountains and start a militia. I thought they'd hit bottom with the failed russia hoax and the impeachment but I see there is no bottom to their treachery and treason. There's only one cure for what they are doing to our America and we all know what it is.
Watching leftist trash bad mouth HCQ and giggle about Trump's trashed economy makes me want to head into the mountains and start a militia. I thought they'd hit bottom with the failed russia hoax and the impeachment but I see there is no bottom to their treachery and treason. There's only one cure for what they are doing to our America and we all know what it is.
Trump has failed over and over. You must love failure. That’s an impressive level of stupid.

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