Dow is up OVER 500 points and over 3% since Trump won...when is the crash going to happen?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Have all the libs have shorted the market? They all SWORE it would crash if Trump won.

I believe them....I am just wondering when it will happen, specifically?

Have all the libs have shorted the market? They all SWORE it would crash if Trump won.

I believe them....I am just wondering when it will happen, specifically?

How about that! Only two days after the elections and America is already becoming more prosperous.

The market bounce is a good thing, right?

The media isn't making much of it. I wonder what they would be reporting on if the market was tanking.

For those predicting the economic apocalypse and stock market crash....when is it going to happen? If people pulled their money out, expecting a crash, they have already lost 3% of appreciation.
i'm surprised too. I though trump opposed war and bailouts and illegals - all the things corporate america ( and dems) loves.
As usual, I was right in foretelling that the there would be irrational exuberance if Trump won and irrational depression if Hillary won (as evidenced by DJ futures dropping -800 when it looked like Hillary was winning). Look for reality to set in after about six months when we realize that intractable problems are still with us.

The Trump/GOP government will undoubtedly be benficial to business, but it will take a few years to see the results (e.g., 1980 Reagan election).

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