Double-jabbed people carry same levels of Covid as unvaccinated


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Double-jabbed people carry same levels of Covid as unvaccinated​

Sarah Knapton
Wed, August 18, 2021, 10:01 AM

Previous studies showed that vaccinated people who contracted the alpha variant had far lower viral loads than the unvaccinated, while Boris Johnson backed vaccine passports in the hope they would lower transmission in hotspot venues such as nightclubs.

The NHS Covid app was also changed so double-jabbed people no longer need to self-isolate if pinged.

However, the new study by the University of Oxford shows that the delta variant wipes out the viral load reduction.

Instead, even the fully jabbed carry high levels of the virus if they become infected and are also more likely to be symptomatic than vaccinated people who pick up an alpha infection.

The results suggest those who are fully jabbed could be as capable of passing on Covid as the unvaccinated, although they are less likely to pick up the virus in the first place.

We are lab rats folks. That is the best case scenario. It could be far worse than that and I suspect it is.
The science behind Covid-19

If you have been vaccinated, or previously had Covid-19, or neither, the Delta virus will rapidly replicate in your body if you are sufficiently exposed. No matter what your experience is you are infected and can infect others.

If you have not been vaccinated and get exposed the Delta virus will, as always, rapidly proliferate. It will take up to a few weeks for your body to recognize and start to make T-cells specific to that virus so that they can stop your body cells that make the virus . In those weeks you may get very sick or die.

If you have been vaccinated, or had Covid previously, your body already knows how to rapidly make T-cells and can get to work immediately rather than take a few weeks to learn how. The results are a much faster response time which reduces the symptoms which will likely be mild or nonexistent.

The point is that everyone can spread the Delta virus at the onset, but the vaccinated people will recover sooner because their body is much faster at getting rid of the virus.

Those who rationalize that you don't need the vaccine because you can still be infected don't know the whole biological picture.
The unvaccinated are the ones dying in ICU's across the country, not the vaccinated. I suspect you know as little about what masks do as you do about vaccines.
Yeah? What percentage? Give us an accurate number. Is it more or less than 2 percent?

I will be waiting for you to tell me. Oh and since it is truly impossible to actually know based on THE FACT that a LAAAARGE number of people around the world have had it and didn't know it.

So, go ahead. Take a guess as how many you think died from covid. You think it is more or less than 2 percent?

I was unvaccinated and diabetic and had covid for a month. Had a soar throat. That was it for me.

Now, for some straaaange reason the blood lab, which use to give antibody tests, all of sudden WON'T.

Interesting right?
Yeah? What percentage? Give us an accurate number. Is it more or less than 2 percent?

I will be waiting for you to tell me. Oh and since it is truly impossible to actually know based on THE FACT that a LAAAARGE number of people around the world have had it and didn't know it.

So, go ahead. Take a guess as how many you think died from covid. You think it is more or less than 2 percent?

I was unvaccinated and diabetic and had covid for a month. Had a soar throat. That was it for me.

Now, for some straaaange reason the blood lab, which use to give antibody tests, all of sudden WON'T.

Interesting right?
Diabetic, huh? So you have a lifelong history of making bad choices, then.
And the cause of this?

People not getting the vax and delta going out of control

Stupid fucks
The unvaccinated are the ones dying in ICU's across the country, not the vaccinated. I suspect you know as little about what masks do as you do about vaccines.

First it was "if you get vaccinated you wont have to wear a mask".
Thats now out the window and the fully vaccinated are filling our hospitals.
So how far off are we from being vaccinated and still dying from covide?
Fauci and friends have lied throughout this whole mess,why you would believe anything they say is beyond me.
Where this is a highly sensational does go against several previously conducted studies.

Perhaps a select small group of participants used for their numbers?
It's called "cooking the books" and is done a lot by researcher wannabes.
First it was "if you get vaccinated you wont have to wear a mask".
Thats now out the window and the fully vaccinated are filling our hospitals.
So how far off are we from being vaccinated and still dying from covide?
Fauci and friends have lied throughout this whole mess,why you would believe anything they say is beyond me.
When we were dealing with only alpha that was true.

But in not vaccinating, People resistant to getting vaxxed allowed Delta to become the dominant strain and that shifted the situation
Just read the article....
It's a "sour grapes" story about how the AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine (denied FDA approval) is just as good as Pfizer's vaccine after 6 months.
Meanwhile Moderna was not mentioned for a reason....

There's more going on than meets the eye always....
When we were dealing with only alpha that was true.

But in not vaccinating, People resistant to getting vaxxed allowed Delta to become the dominant strain and that shifted the situation

Oh really?
I'd think it was the virus adapting to those who got vaccinated.
Do you have any proof of this?
And dont quote Fauci or the CDC we all know they're full of shit.

Double-jabbed people carry same levels of Covid as unvaccinated​

Sarah Knapton
Wed, August 18, 2021, 10:01 AM

Previous studies showed that vaccinated people who contracted the alpha variant had far lower viral loads than the unvaccinated, while Boris Johnson backed vaccine passports in the hope they would lower transmission in hotspot venues such as nightclubs.

The NHS Covid app was also changed so double-jabbed people no longer need to self-isolate if pinged.

However, the new study by the University of Oxford shows that the delta variant wipes out the viral load reduction.

Instead, even the fully jabbed carry high levels of the virus if they become infected and are also more likely to be symptomatic than vaccinated people who pick up an alpha infection.

The results suggest those who are fully jabbed could be as capable of passing on Covid as the unvaccinated, although they are less likely to pick up the virus in the first place.

We are lab rats folks. That is the best case scenario. It could be far worse than that and I suspect it is.
I recommend da jabb once a month. You can get it for the centers for hair hats in the cities
Then maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea for them to take a few strolls through unvaccinated Trump country
Trump country is developing more long term stronger immunity by being exposed to the 1st strain of the simply living. This winter is going to be very very fucking bad---not for trump country but for the libs where vaccinations ran wild. The variants and the waning weak innoculation are going to create the perfect conditions for the new strains to have a field day up north during the winter. The virus even in the South now, are hitting lib controlled areas harder......this winter the north east is completely fucked.
Trump country is developing more long term stronger immunity by being exposed to the 1st strain of the simply living. This winter is going to be very very fucking bad---not for trump country but for the libs where vaccinations ran wild. The variants and the waning weak innoculation are going to create the perfect conditions for the new strains to have a field day up north during the winter. The virus even in the South now, are hitting lib controlled areas harder......this winter the north east is completely fucked.
^ that stupid ass motherfucker has no idea how the immune system works
I was just checking on the local hospital occupancy rates...

Out of roughly 300 admitted this past week for Covid only 30 had been vaccinated... none of the vaccinated were on ventilators.

Obviously it's enough to see the trend.
But this latest piece of news is not good...

Best advice I can give is to self isolate and quarantine yourself... vaccines and masks and antibody cocktail treatments don't work for Mu variant...


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