Bull Ring Double Challenge to Debra K and JakeStarkey to back up their claims


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
1. First JakeStarkey insisted I am opposed to Constitutional Republican Govt
assuming that whatever I was proposing about resolving political beliefs by consensus
was derailing, overriding or disobeying the given system instead of working with it.

2. Then Debra K said I have not proposed any govt reforms, and then
said she has spent enough time replying to my msgs.

Well, if she didn't read or reply to any of my msgs proposing reforms or solutions, to the point she didn't think I HAVE been, then isn't this "willful ignorance" coming from her not me.

So I challenge both JakeStarkey to prove how any of the proposed reforms I have offered can't be done using the given system, of Constitutional separation of branches and checks and balances, and the current political process, including legislative and legal processes all citizens can use, and the Media and Political Parties and even Corporate structures that are OUTSIDE govt and can still be used to support not thwart the Constitutional process of representation and redressing grievances. To build public policy based on consensus when it comes to political beliefs that differ by party.

And challenge Debra K to prove I have not proposed any govt reforms or solutions. When these are posted all over online:
Earned Amnesty
Before I was at USMB, my summaries of political reforms and solutions were also posted
on backpage and yahoo answers, as I have been working on editing these for years and years.

I have posted over and over the plans for sustainable campus systems to REPLACE WELFARE
and to restore historic communities such as the one I live in that first developed and passed this
plan through Congress, through federal legislation to reform public housing:
http://www.campusplans.org and I even expanded on it to show it could be applied to
a comprehensive immigration reform to develop the border as sustainable military prisons,
teaching hospitals and educational and production sites to replace trafficking and sweatshops:
Earned Amnesty

I don't claim credit for AUTHORING these idea, but promoting them, as authored by neighbors Lenwood Johnson and the local Resident Council, and signed by Sheila Jackson Lee. See Freedmen s Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing under APV Guiding Principles. What I did beyond that was to propose to expand on this campus model to solve problems on the border with trafficking and security.

So none of this counts because Debra K doesn't care to read it. So that means I didn't propose any solutions?

Unlike Debra K assumption of me without knowing anything about what I have been doing for 20 years, I have met with community leaders and local bank leaders at meetings at the Federal Reserve, presenting plans for FUNDING these plans by issuing currency, credits or reimbursements to represent the DEBTS and damages owed to taxpayers
for destruction of sites such as Freedmen's Town I propose to use as a national model. So the money to invest in restoration would be backed against the value of the property and proposed campus program based on the debts that taxpayers already incurred from millions of public money spent destroying national history there.

I had hope that since Debra K posted about the importance of Constitutional education,
she might see the VALUE of setting up a campus where community members and future leaders
can be trained in government and managing public resources and services, so that all members
of society have access to education and experience BEFORE running for public office.

But, according to Debra K, I have not proposed any solutions.

So what have I been spending over 60,000 funding and working two jobs to promote
with nonprofits in communities destroyed by govt abuses?

Is it not insulting I can spend 15-20 years working on solutions to govt problems, starting with my own district, and applying the same model to other areas, and I can work two jobs since 2008 to pay for the nonprofit groups struggling to realize these educational plans to reform govt, and someone like Debra K, who actually AGREES on Constitutional education, can assume I am doing or offering nothing worth reading?

Would you be insulted if someone ASSUMED that about you, if you spent the last 20 years
working on plans, presenting them to federal state and city officials, and even funding the nonprofit volunteers who put these plans together as a team.

Only to be told I have not offered anything, and don't deserve to be heard.

Debra K and JakeStarkey can you please explain your statements which I don't think apply to me. I work two jobs to pay costs of the nonprofit volunteers who have developed these campus proposals to reform govt, and yes it uses the given system.

Can you please explain why you insist on insulting my efforts and intentions this way.

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Debra K
This is posted on Bull Ring - Anonymous1977 emilynghiem is Asian I support Freedmen s Town plan for Constitutional equality Page 8 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Does this not count as a solution for govt reform and corrections of political abuses
that violated Equal Constitutional rights.

If you are "ignorant" of solutions I have proposed and you refuse to read any msgs where I DID
propose reforms, why are you judging me for your own ignorance, either unintended or willful?

You seemed very specific and knowledgeable about laws and you cited the need for Constitutional education.

Well, Debra K what happened to "due process" and allowing someone like me to defend
my reputation before you malign and misrepresent me based on YOUR presumption of guilt?

What kind of Constitutional education do you believe in if you practice "assuming guilt"
without listening or considering any proof that your assumptions were faulty?

TO: Office of Ted Cruz, U.S. Senator

RE: Development plans for Restoring the National Historic District of Freedmenā€™s Town as a

model campus for business training, Constitutional corrections, and educational outreach

(and pilot program for political leaders, candidates and interns to gain experience in economic and government reform by implementing sustainable solutions to be replicated nationwide)

CC: Gladys House, CDC of Freedmenā€™s Town

Author of Vet Housing and Health Care Business Plan

Catherine Roberts, Yates Museum

Archaeology and technological methods for preserving landmark Brick Streets

Lenwood Johnson, Free Manā€™s Neighborhood Association

Co-Author, APV Community Campus Concepts under HOPE VI Federal Legislation

Darrell Patterson, Fourth Ward Health and Educational Center for Youth

Fourth Ward Youth Plans for Economic Development, Youth Bank, and Preservation

Sally Wickers, M.Ed, Coalition of Pastoral Leaders and educational development

FROM: Emily Nghiem, National Freedmenā€™s Town District, LLC, Fund for microloans toward restitution

To the Office of Senator Ted Cruz:

Thank you for taking the time to meet in the National Historic District of Freedmenā€™s Town, regarding the political history and future of this district, and the cost-effective solutions developed by the local residents and business leaders here which can impact the entire nation and economy.

Given the long record of destruction of the national history in Freedmenā€™s Town, largely by abuse of public authority and resources, this historic church community is asking for teamwork among government and citizens nationwide to support business plans to generate sustainable jobs and revenue, for education and training in restoration as restitution to taxpayers for past damages.

Community leaders of local programs serving the residents, as listed above, have suffered and witnessed an ongoing pattern of unlawful exclusion from equal representation, due process and protection of interests by political bullying and collusion, where the acts of malfeasance border on racketeering between corporate interests and government and party leaders under their influence.

Some of these wrongs, which cost the loss of national history at taxpayer expense, include:

A. The misappropriation of $3.4 million given to a defunct nonprofit, found to have a conflict of interest with the City Mayor, that destroyed historic houses instead of providing affordable homes; where refunding half this amount to taxpayers would save the last historic block of housing for VALID nonprofits to preserve for Vet Housing and training in financial independence.

B. The contested sale and demolition of the historic County Hospital, where the land was first sold to a private developer, at a loss to taxpayers, and later flipped to the Federal Reserve at a profit.

An estimated $8-10 million profit was made by a private developer, demolishing a historic building by bypassing federal restrictions on government, while there are ā€œno fundsā€ to pay for parks and land the community groups asked to save instead of selling to outside developers.

C. $15 million paid by the Federal Reserve in advance taxes, which the previous Mayor had originally planned to use for historic preservation of a land trust, was spent on infrastructure preparing the sale of land to private developers, that will destroy preservation plans for a community campus, sustainable jobs and revenue for restoring the remaining historic churches.

Congresswomen Sheila Jackson Lee co-signed the attached agreement with HUD and community leader Lenwood Johnson, endorsing the Community Campus plans, passed under HOPE VI legislation to restore the loss of equal democratic representation of residents and tenants in public housing and the surrounding historic district (both nationally registered sites).

APV public housing, and resident plans to convert to a sustainable campus, represent a historic fight for political equality, which began over 100 years ago when Freedmenā€™s Town was founded by Emancipated Slaves who built their own churches, businesses and streets before they were citizens. Later, government authority was abused to seize land by eminent domain to build a segregated public housing using, intended for Military families but used politically to exclude Blacks until the Civil Rights Act was passed that ended segregation. Though the Campus Plans were passed under federal legislation to restore democratic representation to residents, these efforts were censored again by evicting residents and demolishing most of the buildings, which blocked the plans from being implemented. After it took 15 more years for the community to recover from those damages, and unite around saving the last historic shotgun rowhouses on Victor Street, the City of Houston started moving the houses off site, destroying the history and community plans for housing Vets while teaching them financial management.

In order to address these Civil Wrongs, which have denied equal Constitutional rights of assembly, petition, due process, representation and protection of interests to law-abiding citizens, the community residents and nonprofit volunteers, once again seek help to enforce and fulfill contractual agreements with government by implementing the Community Campus plans to restore the entire Freedmenā€™s Town district. Freedmenā€™s Town can serve as a national model for investing resources into restitution to taxpayers for corporate abuse of government, by building a campus for sustainable jobs and education under President Obamaā€™s Executive Order for Excellence in African American Education, the White House initiatives for housing and jobs for Veterans, and a possible alternative to ACA by creating programs for funding and managing medical education and services directly instead of going through insurance companies.

For each incident of abuse of government authority and resources to destroy national history, instead of investing in sustainable economic development, and to deny due process and democratic inclusion of community residents and interests in preserving Freedmenā€™s Town, we ask for restitution to be assessed and re-invested in the various sites and programs that each community group is focused on as part of the campus plan for restoring the historic district.

Where the government may not have capacity to repair damages incurred at taxpayer expense, we invite citizens and investors to exercise the option of lending to government by investing microloans, through a system similar to the Federal Reserve, holding the property and programs developed as collateral against the loans. Should the government and/or wrongdoers responsible for illicit profits, at the cost of taxpayers and national history, fail to pay back the loans against debts and damages incurred, we ask that community investors who finance the restitution share ownership in the proposed campus plans for Freedmenā€™s Town to end further political enslavement. To prevent political division over past wrongdoing and neglect from further destroying national history, we ask Senator Ted Cruz and all parties, including major and third-party, to unite all leaders and candidates in teams to develop and implement sustainable business plans for restoring Freedmenā€™s Town as a national model, and to finance this project as a campaign to demonstrate leadership skills and proposed solutions for government reforms.
JakeStarkey and @Debra_K
This statement on Civil Obedience is also posted publicly online
at http://www.ethics-commission.net as cited in my signature line.

Can you please point out what about my proposal is
* derailing or opposing Constitutional Republican Govt
* does not constitute a solution to political deadlocks that otherwise obstruct due process, right to petition by free speech and press, and ability to redress grievances, and to secure equal protection of the laws

I will be happy to re-edit or clarify my proposals where you agree they are worth reading
and presenting to public officials. Instead of misrepresenting my intent and/or insulting my efforts with false assumptions that don't apply to me, please CORRECT me if you find areas of improvement.

Not reading posts and then assuming I have not been presenting solutions doesn't count,
but seems to demonstrate the very "willful ignorance" that I was accused of by Debra K.

Call for Civil Obedience

Traditionally, the Bill of Rights and other laws are interpreted to separate the powers and responsibility of government from taxpaying citizens while seeking to maintain proper checks and balances. Since the just powers of government, and all laws as social contracts, must reflect the consent of the governed, it is clear that all citizens should be treated with equal respect, regardless of position or standing. Unfortunately, out of greed and unwillingness or inability to resolve conflicts of interest, corruption has backlogged the system of representation and due process, disrupting normal checks and balances, and making justice inaccessible or impossible for many.

To promote equal respect and responsibility for the law, mass education is required in both knowledge of the written laws and in conflict resolution to correct and prevent injustice and wrongdoing. Otherwise, the bureaucratic legal and judicial system obstructs the average citizen's equal right and access to petition for redress of grievances. Government courts that favor corporate interests, over individuals with unequal resources or defense, violate Constitutional rights to due process, redress of grievances, and equal protections of the law.

Having witnessed numerous victims of corporate corruption and judicial failure to redress grievances to protect citizens equally, I hereby call a movement for "Civil Obedience" whereby all citizens, government agents, and corporations equally agree to abide by, enforce, and uphold the same Constitutional principles and ethics as listed in the Bill of Rights, Amendment 14, and the Code of Ethics for Government Service.

I believe such a mutual commitment to common laws and civic responsibilities will create a positive and much needed reform. Instead of a punitive system of retributive justice, which causes people to hide wrongdoing, I believe in more effective alternatives in restorative justice which better use public resources to correct problems and resolve conflicts to restore equity in relations and in society, as well as healing from past injuries where restitution is possible.

I envision a transformation similar to the historical Reformation of the Catholic Church, rooted in a parental tradition of clergy holding authority for interpreting laws for the illiterate followers, but which fell to corruption for economic control, and led to a liberating movement of teaching individuals to embrace and enforce the laws for themselves in order to reclaim direct responsibility in life.

However, unlike previous revolutions to protest injustice and to seek liberation, which resulted in great wars and bloodshed, such political conflict and violence is not necessary. We are all aware there are problems of corruption and oppressed being denied, and need only to set up a more localized civil process for directly resolving and restoring relations that have been blocked by excess bureaucracy. The public has greater access today to education and resources to resolve conflicts through mediation, there is no need for political contention or punishment, or ā€œcivil disobedienceā€ to challenge injustice by invoking arrest. Instead of criminalizing the protestors, I ask to turn the tables on government and call for ā€œcivil obedienceā€ to respect all parties and laws, and to encourage voluntary restitution for wrongdoing. Instead of opposition or competition, the focus should be on cooperation in recognizing equal responsibility for managing decisions and resources between government and community leaders, citizens and organizations with structured programs already working successfully to serve the public.
I told you I would not debate you here, because I made quit clear what are our differences elsewhere.

You want to pervert the Constitutional process. Start an amendment petition.

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