Don't Start No shit, Won't Be No Shit

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
LMAO, Trump supporter in Phoenix sporting a sign making it perfectly clear to the snowflakes.

The snowflakes won't be able to help themselves though. Their butthurt will overcome them. antifa will be waiting for rally goers after it's out.

Petition to label antifa a terrorist organization now has 250,000 signatures. Trump should hold a rally every couple weeks so these thugs come out and we can arrest them. And we need to find out who is financing them and charge them with inciting violence.

Lieberals better start getting the message. Phoenix mayor says Trump is not welcome there. Hey, dipshit, there's 30,000 rally goers telling you to STFU.
Picture of awesome sign...

Oh stop worrying.

The fat cheeto said he would pay the legal bills for any of his obedient little assholes who killed in his name. Sure, it was lie. Everything the fat cheeto says is a lie. But still -- He DID say it.
Soros is funding them
LMAO, Trump supporter in Phoenix sporting a sign making it perfectly clear to the snowflakes.

The snowflakes won't be able to help themselves though. Their butthurt will overcome them. antifa will be waiting for rally goers after it's out.

Petition to label antifa a terrorist organization now has 250,000 signatures. Trump should hold a rally every couple weeks so these thugs come out and we can arrest them. And we need to find out who is financing them and charge them with inciting violence.

Lieberals better start getting the message. Phoenix mayor says Trump is not welcome there. Hey, dipshit, there's 30,000 rally goers telling you to STFU.
Oh stop worrying.

The fat cheeto said he would pay the legal bills for any of his obedient little assholes who killed in his name. Sure, it was lie. Everything the fat cheeto says is a lie. But still -- He DID say it.
A bald faced lie.
Oh stop worrying.

The fat cheeto said he would pay the legal bills for any of his obedient little assholes who killed in his name. Sure, it was lie. Everything the fat cheeto says is a lie. But still -- He DID say it.
A bald faced lie.
he didn't say to kill but he did say something pretty bad.
Lib scum were throwing are threatening to throw tomatoes. Trump said that if any crowd member saw someone about to throw one, to punch them and he would pay their legal bills. Contrary to the SCUM liberal self defense in NOT against the law.
Oh stop worrying.

The fat cheeto said he would pay the legal bills for any of his obedient little assholes who killed in his name. Sure, it was lie. Everything the fat cheeto says is a lie. But still -- He DID say it.

When? Or did he really say he would do it if he kicked their ass? Nothing wrong with a decent beating now and again. Beats getting run down or blown up.
Oh stop worrying.

The fat cheeto said he would pay the legal bills for any of his obedient little assholes who killed in his name. Sure, it was lie. Everything the fat cheeto says is a lie. But still -- He DID say it.
A bald faced lie.
he didn't say to kill but he did say something pretty bad.
Lib scum were throwing are threatening to throw tomatoes. Trump said that if any crowd member saw someone about to throw one, to punch them and he would pay their legal bills. Contrary to the SCUM liberal self defense in NOT against the law.
the no self defense idea is so nonsense but at the same time I don't think he should have advocated violence, perhaps there was a better choice of words. Prehaps I'm wrong I haven't thought much about if the pres should use different lingo.
Oh stop worrying.

The fat cheeto said he would pay the legal bills for any of his obedient little assholes who killed in his name. Sure, it was lie. Everything the fat cheeto says is a lie. But still -- He DID say it.
A bald faced lie.
he didn't say to kill but he did say something pretty bad.
Lib scum were throwing are threatening to throw tomatoes. Trump said that if any crowd member saw someone about to throw one, to punch them and he would pay their legal bills. Contrary to the SCUM liberal self defense in NOT against the law.
the no self defense idea is so nonsense but at the same time I don't think he should have advocated violence, perhaps there was a better choice of words. Prehaps I'm wrong I haven't thought much about if the pres should use different lingo.
Sounds like the Obama doctrine. Heavens to Betsy don't offend anyone.
Oh stop worrying.

The fat cheeto said he would pay the legal bills for any of his obedient little assholes who killed in his name. Sure, it was lie. Everything the fat cheeto says is a lie. But still -- He DID say it.
A bald faced lie.
he didn't say to kill but he did say something pretty bad.
Lib scum were throwing are threatening to throw tomatoes. Trump said that if any crowd member saw someone about to throw one, to punch them and he would pay their legal bills. Contrary to the SCUM liberal self defense in NOT against the law.
the no self defense idea is so nonsense but at the same time I don't think he should have advocated violence, perhaps there was a better choice of words. Prehaps I'm wrong I haven't thought much about if the pres should use different lingo.
Sounds like the Obama doctrine. Heavens to Betsy don't offend anyone.
sorry didn't articulate my thoughts correctly. If someone if going to cause you or someone you love harm by all means fuck them up so they are not a threat but the point I failed to make was a question regarding what a president should and should not do since the implications of his words are so much more than me or you.
A bald faced lie.
he didn't say to kill but he did say something pretty bad.
Lib scum were throwing are threatening to throw tomatoes. Trump said that if any crowd member saw someone about to throw one, to punch them and he would pay their legal bills. Contrary to the SCUM liberal self defense in NOT against the law.
the no self defense idea is so nonsense but at the same time I don't think he should have advocated violence, perhaps there was a better choice of words. Prehaps I'm wrong I haven't thought much about if the pres should use different lingo.
Sounds like the Obama doctrine. Heavens to Betsy don't offend anyone.
sorry didn't articulate my thoughts correctly. If someone if going to cause you or someone you love harm by all means fuck them up so they are not a threat but the point I failed to make was a question regarding what a president should and should not do since the implications of his words are so much more than me or you.
I think Trump was just trying to hold down the violence, but perhaps you are right.
he didn't say to kill but he did say something pretty bad.
Lib scum were throwing are threatening to throw tomatoes. Trump said that if any crowd member saw someone about to throw one, to punch them and he would pay their legal bills. Contrary to the SCUM liberal self defense in NOT against the law.
the no self defense idea is so nonsense but at the same time I don't think he should have advocated violence, perhaps there was a better choice of words. Prehaps I'm wrong I haven't thought much about if the pres should use different lingo.
Sounds like the Obama doctrine. Heavens to Betsy don't offend anyone.
sorry didn't articulate my thoughts correctly. If someone if going to cause you or someone you love harm by all means fuck them up so they are not a threat but the point I failed to make was a question regarding what a president should and should not do since the implications of his words are so much more than me or you.
I think Trump was just trying to hold down the violence, but perhaps you are right.
But perhaps I'm wrong IDK! a debate worth having.
Poor Ricky.

Trump thugs only assault when they have at least a 5:1 advantage, and when they're wielding weapons against unarmed little old women and church groups.

That worked in Charlottesville, because it was the entire nation's contingent of armed Trump Nazis, up against a few unarmed locals.

It's not working anywhere else. Trump thugs aren't being allowed to bring in weapons, and they're getting outnumbered 100:1 by decent people. That's why the Trump-Nazis have cancelled almost all of their rallies. They though the nation would rally with them, but the exact opposite happened.

Also, cameras. The Trump Nazis are being photographed, identified and publicly shamed. And charged with crimes. That's another reason they're not showing up to assault people.

Hence, Ricky is crying.

You've been whupped, Ricky, and your crying is delightful to behold.
Pro-Trump rallies that were originally being planned for roughly 37 locations across the US have been canceled. The rallies, scheduled for September 9th, were being coordinated by ACT For America, a pro-Trump and anti-Muslim hate group best known for its “March Against Sharia” back in June. The group said it will instead hold online demonstrations.

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